Conventionally stains can be divided into the following groups:
- soluble in water. From food products containing sugar, wood glue, water-soluble salts, some water-soluble dyes, etc.
- soluble in organic solvents ( Alcohol, gasoline and others). Grease, engine oil, oil paints, varnish, resins, cream, Shoe Polish, wax, parquet and other mastics
- insoluble in water and organic solvents. From liquid paints, oxides, salts and metals, tanning substances, insoluble in water, natural and artificial colors, proteins, blood, pus, urine, mold, etc.
To remove each type of stains need special handling. Some types of stains (coffee, cocoa, oil paints, fruit juice, wine, dust and other) should be removed not only means for water-soluble stains, but also means to remove stains, grease and insoluble stains.
The action of the chemicals is better to try on a spare piece of fabric on the stocks at seams or on the binder. To apply too concentrated solutions is not recommended. It is better to repeat the treatment with a weak solution several times, alternating it with the washing.
Attention! We must remember that Acetone dissolves acetate, triacetate, chlorin, PVC fiber. Acetic acid destroys acetate and triacetate fiber. The Nylon also can not show stains with vinegar.
Before removal of stains you need to thoroughly clean the thing from dust, first dry, then wet brush. Display the recommended spot from the inside, placing a fabric sheet of blotting paper (you can replace the blotting paper with a paper napkin or small plate, covered with a white cloth in several layers. Clean the stain using a swab of cotton wool or a soft white cloth, you and a soft brush. Swab moistened first place about the spot, then gradually moving from the edge to the middle. In this way, the stain will not bleed. Start scrubbing with a weak solution, if necessary, gradually increasing its concentration. Diluted in water, the ammonia and salt is the best means of removing various stains of unknown origin.
The most part of fresh stains can be removed by washing with water, first cold, then hot. When this processing is usually necessary to bear in mind that some materials from water are also formed spots. Therefore, we first need to do the test.
One of the best ways to remove stains - handling bleach. This method, however, does not apply to colored fabrics, as bleach can destroy their colour.
Recognition types of stains
An important condition for successful stain removal is the determination of their origin. You also need to know the material, which formed the spot. If type material unknown, from the hidden places of service (ACC or seam) cut a small piece and examine it. It makes sense to do on this piece of material the same spot and to check the effect of stain remover. This test is especially important when processing finished or colored materials. If the sizing or dye sensitive to the effects of the used reagents, after processing, will remain traces, which are often worse than the original stain.
Fatty stains do not have distinct boundaries in the material. Their contours are blurred or appear in the form common to all sides of the beams. Fresh oil stains are always darker than the fabric on which they are formed. The older fat stain, the more it is lighter and has a matte finish. In addition, old fatty stains penetrate deeply into the material and appear even on the reverse side. Soluble fatty stains obtained from vegetable oils (olive, sunflower oil), butter, lard, wax, etc. to difficultly soluble fat stains are stains from tar, varnish, oil paint, etc.
Spots that do not contain fat (beer, fruit juice, fresh fruit, tea, wine and other), have a sharp delineation of boundaries. Their color from yellow to brown. The outlines darker than the original spot.
Spots containing fat and not fatty substances, one of the most common. Their edges depending on the fat content is more or less defined. These spots usually are trapped on the surface of the fabric and only constituent fats penetrate deeper. This group includes stains from milk, blood, soup, coffee with milk, sauce, street dust, etc.
The so-called oxidized spots have different edges and depending on their age yellow or red, and some brown. They appear on older stains as a result of formation under the action of light, oxygen and other factors of new substances. These spots are some of the most difficult to manage. Stains from berries, fruits, cosmetics, tea, coffee, wine, mold, etc. over time, usually oxidized.
Stains from dirt
Contaminated site should be cleaned with a wet brush. When the fabric dries, wet it with warm, soapy water. If the stain does not depart, put the matter in a strong vinegar solution. If contaminated thing you can not erase, remove the stain should hydrogen peroxide (10-12 %), after checking its effect on the shred of cloth. Spots of dirt on the cloaks removed using a swab moistened with solution of vinegar (to 0, 5 l of water 3 tablespoons of vinegar).
Fatty stains
Old stains from oil paint and tar to remove easier if the contaminated area to soak in turpentine and then treated with the drug. Fresh fat and oil stains with light fabrics can be removed, immediately sprinkle the contaminated area with powder chalk: chalk is left for 2-4 hours, then shake. If necessary, repeat the operation.
If the collar outerwear appeared greasy places, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with salt solution in a 10% ammonia alcohol (5 g salt 25 g of ammonia).
Sprinkle with salt and gently RUB the bread or blotting paper. To replace salt several times until the stain disappears.
Fat spots can be displayed, rubbing a paste of potato flour, pre-dried at the fire, cooled and mixed with gasoline. Fabric should enclose the following poster. If the stain is large, on the following poster you can put potato flour, which will absorb the excess gasoline.
You can sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with absorbent paper and ironed not very hot iron. Talc can be left until the next day.
Fresh fat and oil-resin stains can be removed with solvents such as gasoline. However, with this method of cleaning around the spots are often formed a “halo”, which disappears only after cleaning. Old fat stains wipe white soap, diluted with petrol (1:10), and after an hour wash with gasoline. Fresh oil stains on wool fabrics can be displayed gasoline or ammonia mixed with hot water.
You can do this: take half a Cup of pure alcohol, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline. Then this mixture to saturate the stain and allow to dry fabric.
Fat stains on cotton cloth moistened with turpentine and through blotting paper iron warm iron. Composition with admixture of gasoline cannot be cleaned things out Jersey on the foam.
Stains from vegetable oils, sprat and other canned in oil can be removed with kerosene. Spot wipe with a swab, then the thing vasterival in warm water with soap.
Spread this way. Spot sprinkle with crushed chalk, more tightly pressed against the cloth and leave overnight. Then gently shake off the chalk and finally clean it, caressing brush the stain disappears.
Stains from fish oil can be removed with water mixed with vinegar.
Stains from egg to be printed in a timely manner, as included in the egg whites turn into insoluble compounds and cannot be removed. Fresh stains from eggs can be removed with water with addition of ammonia, old-glycerine or a mixture of glycerol and ammonia. Glycerin is heated to 35-40 degrees, brush wipe them with the stain, leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash cloth.
Fat stains on clothes made of thick synthetic materials sprinkle with potato starch and RUB with a damp towel. After drying, the starch clean off the brush. If the stain is not completely gone, repeat the operation.
Fatty stains on velvet remove. Linen bag fill clean, dry, warm, fine sand. Bag, flick the stain until it disappears. If not, soak the stain with gasoline and treat sack with sand.
Stains from milk, ice cream
Stains from milk and other products containing proteins, you should immediately rinse with warm, not hot water. Otherwise the protein will be sealed, and with the stain more difficult to cope.
If the stain on the light fabric is quite large, the thing is dipped in warm water with soap, then rinse.
If the fabric color, it is better to use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of ammonia. Spot moisten the mixture is placed between two layers of white cotton cloth and iron.
Colored wool fabric impregnated is heated to 35 degrees glycerol for 10 minutes, then wash off with soap and water, rinsed in warm and cold water.
Stains from ice cream and milk can be displayed this way: in spot gasoline rubbed soap, moisten it with water, give pointsa and pound. Then wash off with warm water from the middle to the edges.
Stains from chocolate, coffee, tea
These spots contain fat, protein, dye, tannin.
Spot of chocolate is enough to wipe with a solution of ammonia or rinse heavily salted water. Old stains on the white things you can bring hydrogen peroxide, soaking her cloth and holding for 10-15 minutes. After this thing is rinsed in cold water.
Stains from coffee or strong tea is removed with a brush dipped in warm water. Then the whole thing is thoroughly washed in warm soapy water (half a teaspoon of soda ash or 1 teaspoon of ammonia to 1 l of water). Then twice rinsed in warm and once in cold, slightly acidulated with vinegar water.
The stain from coffee or tea on the costume wipe wet and wring out a towel.
On light fabrics such spot prints heated glycerin. They grease stained place, and after 15-20 minutes, wash out with warm water and dried with a towel. Fresh stains may be removed by a mixture of ammonia and glycerol (1:4). Old on light fabric can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (half a teaspoon per Cup of water) or a solution of hyposulphite (1 teaspoon per glass of water). After the thing cleaned one of these tools, it should be washed in soapy water, adding 1 l of water with two teaspoons of ammonia, and a good rinse in warm water.
Stains from oil paints
Wipe a cotton swab moistened with turpentine or kerosene, then, if the color of the fabric is not changed - liquid ammonia until the stain disappears. The stain from oil paints can also output the petrol soap, mixing it with turpentine in the ratio of 1:1. The mixture is rubbed into the stain. After dissolving stains the paint carefully clean off, then wipe it with a moist cotton swab.
The old spot is better to moisten turpentine, and when the paint is softened, cleaned it with a strong solution of baking soda and rinse with warm water.
Spots of oil paint can be removed this way: a little grease with margarine or butter, and some time later wiped kerosene, turpentine or gasoline, pre-testing on a piece of fabric. Then the product needs to be washed.
Stains from Lac
Remove mixture of denatured alcohol and acetone, taken in the ratio 1:1, or wine alcohol. Stains from oil varnish is removed as well as stains from oil paints.
Stains from red wine and berries
On non-ferrous products they are removed with a mixture of glycerin with a raw egg yolk (in equal parts), which is smeared with dirty place. After a few hours they are washed with warm water. Fresh stains remove a paste of table salt and water, half an hour later, washed with soapy water, and the product is then rinsed in warm water.
In addition, stains from red wine can be removed with a solution of potassium permanganate gives them a dirty place, and after a few minutes, wipe with hydrogen peroxide solution (1 teaspoon per Cup of warm water).
Stains from white wine, beer, champagne, liqueurs
Remove with white and solidly painted fabrics with a solution of high quality soap, baking soda and water (5 g of soap, half a teaspoon of baking soda per Cup of water). This solution to moisten the spot, and the next day wash it off with warm water and thoroughly wash.
You can clean this stain with a piece of ice. If there is no ice, take a very cold water.
Old stains from white wine it is recommended to print a mixture of white soap (10 weight parts), turpentine (2 weight parts) and 10% aqueous ammonia (1 weight part). Mixture to RUB the stain, rinse it first in warm water with soap, then wash in cold water.
Stains from beer to any tissues usually be washed off with soap and water. Old stains should be cleaned with a mixture of glycerin, wine and ammonia in equal parts. Three parts of this mixture is added to eight parts water and wipe the stain.
Stains from fruits and fruit juices
Remove mixture of glycerin and vodka in equal parts. Old stains will go faster if you hold the fabric over a vessel of boiling water and wipe with vinegar or lemon juice, diluting it in half with vodka or denatured alcohol. Then wipe with a cloth swab moistened with a solution of water and ammonia.
Stains from fruits and vegetables in Jersey clean off the paste of detergent powder or a mixture of equal parts of gasoline and pharmacy glycerin (not perfumed). Also use the heated alcohol or vodka.
Blood stains
The blood, in addition to protein, contains non-protein nitrogenous substances (e.g. amino acids and others), carbohydrates, fats and pigments.
Washed first with cold water and then warm soapy water. Before washing linen with stains should be soaked for a few hours.
Old stains, first wipe with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per Cup of water), and then a solution of borax (1 teaspoon per Cup of water), after which the linen is washed in warm water. With fine silk products remove stains potato starch, mixed in the dough in cold water. Obtained by the composition of the surface is covered with spots and allow it to dry. Then the starch shake, and the thing wash.
Sweat stains
These spots contain inorganic salt (table salt, sulfates, phosphates, etc.), organic acids, urea, fat, cholesterol and other substances. They damage the fibers of wool and silk, and disposed of fabric dyes.
Remove the hyposulfite (incomplete teaspoon per Cup of water). Cleaned the place washed with warm boiled water.
With silk lining these spots take a mixture of ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal parts.
Sweat stains on wool products are removed with a cloth soaked in a strong solution of salt. If stains are still visible, you need to wipe them with alcohol.
Collars and cuffs clean gasoline soap, mixed with equal amounts of ammonia. The composition is rubbed into heavily soiled then places zamyvayut warm water and rinse in warm water with vinegar.
Sweat stains fade when washing add the water a little ammonia (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
Ink stains
Remove the glycerol. For this stained cloth kept in glycerine at least one hour, then rinse thing in warm, lightly salted water. If left, they will be washed off in warm soapy water.
Fresh ink stains can be removed with sour milk. Presumably the fabric for a few hours in warm milk. If the stain is large, it is necessary to change several times the milk. Then wash in warm soapy water, and you add a bit of borax or ammonia.
You can use a solution of ammonia and baking soda (China spoon of alcohol, 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda per Cup of water).
To remove stains from white fabrics used a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (China spoon in a glass of warm water). Dipped in a solution of the fleece is applied to the stain, then wash cloth with warm water.
Old ink stains on colored fabrics should be watered with a mixture of turpentine and ammonia (1:1), and after the disappearance of spots all product to wash and rinse.
Silk fabric, stained with ink (black or red), so clean: spot impose a paste of mustard and leave for the day, then the slurry is scraped and rinse clothes in cold water. Fresh stains of red ink can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia, then rinse in clean cold water.
With skin ink spot it is best to keep warm glycerine or glycerine mix with denatured alcohol, which is rubbed into the stain. Discolored tint place.
Ink stains on leather items can be cleaned with salt. To do this, cover the stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave it for two days. Then salt to shake, wipe with a sponge or cloth moistened with turpentine, and Polish to Shine.
When removing ink stains it is recommended to use protective circle made of wax, so that the stain does not spread. Make it: melt the paraffin and vaseline in equal parts, then the match wound cotton wool and put it into the hot alloy, lead round protective paraffin circle so that the alloy has infiltrated the fabric through. When the alloy cools, begin to spot removal, after which the cloth sprinkled with baking soda and rinsed in water. Then protective paraffin circle of iron a hot iron through blotting paper or paper towels, which change several times to remove the paraffin.
Removing an ink stain under it fill potato flour, which absorbs excess liquid and does not allow the stain to spread.
Ink spot with velvet can be removed by soaking the stained location warm milk half an hour. Milk should be changed up until the stain disappears, then wash in warm soapy water and rinse.
If the ink stain on the wool fabric has dried, it should be moistened with kerosene, after some time, rinse in clean kerosene and wash in clean water, then hang the thing on the wind, so I don't really like the smell of kerosene.
Ink stains on silk and wool fabrics can be cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with purified turpentine, replacing it several times as needed, then rinse with warm water.
For non-ferrous products are suitable mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol (2 parts glycerol 5 parts alcohol).
With any fabrics you can display ink stain immediately, if you pour salt on it and sprinkle with lemon juice, wait until fade the stain, and rinse the cloth several times.
Stains from soot, soot, coal
Wipe a cotton swab moistened with turpentine, washed with soapy water and thoroughly rinsed.
On old stains works well turpentine, mixed with egg yolk until thick cream. The mixture is gently heated by placing a jar of it in the pan with hot water. Spot wipe the mixture, then the item should be washed with soap and rinsed several times in clean water.
Fresh small spot of soot can be cleaned with a crumb of bread or wash in warm water with soap.
Spot on hot iron
Moisten with onion juice and leave for a few hours, after which the thing vasterival, and the stain disappears.
If the stain is large, it is necessary to put the grated onion and leave for a while, then rinse well in cold water. You can also moisten the stain with boric acid and then wash the fabric in water at room temperature.
With white tissue markings well remove with a mixture of half a Cup of water, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia.
In addition, the markings from the iron can be moistened with water and sprinkle with brown. The dried clothes to shake. If stain persists, you need to soak them in hydrogen peroxide and iron.
Stains from potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)
These spots disappear, if the contaminated place to soak in the serum or yogurt. With white fabric is stain can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or 10% solution of hyposulphite. The thing washed first in hot, then warm water.
Stains from tar
With dark wool materials it is easy to remove thick cloth soaked in purified turpentine, and with white soap with alcohol.
With cotton fabrics stains from tar well display turpentine or gasoline, and then rinse them with soapy water. If the stain is large and old, you must first moisten it a few times turpentine, and when the resin will dissolve, wipe with alcohol and then rinse with water.
And another way. Stains from tar scraped and pour a mixture of alcohol and turpentine (1:1). Fabric iron through blotting paper and dried.
Stains from floor polishes and Shoe creams
Wash in soapy water with ammonia. If after that, they will not disappear, you can apply the hyposulphite solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water). Then the thing to wash in warm soapy water.
Stains from henna
Moisten with a solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and water in the ratio 1:5:5 and after 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water.
Stains from iodine
Poured baking soda, poured on top of the vinegar and leave overnight and in the morning rinse the thing in the water. The stain of iodine can also be moistened with water and RUB ordinary starch until it disappears, then rinse in water with soap.
Old stains from iodine on light fabric can then be derived by putting the fabric in a liquid slurry of starch for 10-12 hours, then rinse in warm water with soap.
Washed with a solution of water (1:10) and repeatedly rinse the cloth in clean water.
Stains from rust
These spots consist of iron oxide on bright fabrics they are orange in color and can penetrate deep into the tissue. At long stay on the fabric rust destroys fibers.
Take fresh lemon juice. Wetted juice place iron a hot iron over the cloth, then wipe with a cotton swab moistened with lemon juice, and washed with warm water.
You can use acetic or oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per Cup of water). Heat the solution nearly to boiling for a short time to drop in a fabric with stain and rinse thoroughly, adding water a pinch of baking soda or ammonia. If once the rust is not gone, the fabric with stain dipped in the solution several times.
Rust stains from white fabrics can bring another in this way. Fabric with stain immersed in a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid and kept until there comes a spot, then the fabric rinse well, adding to each gallon of water, three tablespoons of ammonia.
With colored fabrics, they are taken with a mixture of glycerin, soap and water (1:1:1). It is necessary to RUB the stain. And one day the thing we need to wash and rinse.
Stains from wax and stearin
You need to scrape off, then put on the stain wet cloth, cover with several layers of blotting paper (or paper towels) and ironed with a hot iron. I need to change the paper until the stain will disappear. Spot on the plush and velvet can bring alcohol or turpentine. Use the iron cannot.
Stains from cosmetics
Stains of lipstick off of brown, which poured spot. Then the fabric is rinsed, first in soap, then in pure water. Spot on casamica tissues display a mixture of ether and turpentine (1:1). On products from Jersey spot first handle thick gruel of gasoline and talc, then wipe the hot glycerine. Chemical lipstick display like ink stains.
Stains from cosmetic creams remove alcohol or gasoline. Stains from hair dye to remove hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of ammonia.
Stains from Cologne and perfume will disappear if they immediately wipe with alcohol. Old stains from white fabrics can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (1:1).
The stain from the spirits on the hair, first moisten pure glycerin or wine alcohol, and then wipe with acetone or ethyl ether. Spot on light fabrics can be deduced as follows: first, to moisten ammonia, then the Hydrosulphite solution (4 g per Cup of water), and after 2-3 minutes, a solution of oxalic acid (5 grams per Cup of water).
To remove stains from nail Polish, to be applied to spot blotting paper. Then moisten the back side of the fabric with acetone. To continue, often changing the paper to remove stains.
Stains from kerosene
With bright fabrics can bring a solution of ammonia and water (1:8). With woolen fabrics stains from kerosene to remove gasoline, with cotton - wash with warm water and soap, rinse, and then iron with a warm iron.
Stains from green
You can delete vodka, and even better - denatured alcohol. In addition, grass stains removed with a solution of salt (1 teaspoon per Cup of warm water). After removal of stains the cloth should be rinsed in warm water. With white tissue grass stains delete 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, to which add a few drops of ammonia.
Fresh grass stain on the clothes may be washed in warm soapy water, which added ammonia (1 teaspoon per Cup of soap solution).
Stains from flies
Remove diluted in water, liquid ammonia (1:10). Old stains incubated for 3-5 hours in soapy water with a small amount of gasoline (mixture before use to stir). Then spot cleaned with a brush dipped in soapy water.
Stains from tobacco
RUB the egg yolk, mixed with denatured alcohol until thick cream, and then rinse the cloth in warm, then hot water. If a thing cannot be washed, spot prints warm glycerine or denatured alcohol.
Stains from mold and dampness
On cotton fabrics deduce as follows: spot covered with a layer of finely powdered dry chalk. Top placing blotting paper (or napkin) and spend some time with a hot iron.
On silk or wool fabrics such spots are first cleaned with turpentine, then cover with a thin layer of dry white
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