Scientists have conducted on the example of the online game Pardus" research, allowing to establish the differences in the behavior of men and women in social networks
In the game "Pardus" between different players formed connection of several types: players can trade, to designate each other as friends or enemies to attack each other and exchange messages. Such networks with different types of links between nodes are called multimodal. All in the game was attended by about 300 thousand characters, writes The authors note that an important property of the selected game is that players can't see and affect social relationships to each other. This reduces the effect of "skachivaniya" characteristic of social networks with open connections, such as Facebook and Twitter.
Based on these results, the researchers found that the behaviors demonstrated by the players in the "Bug" is very different for men and women. The presence of players, not pointing your real gender, the authors did not take into account, but felt that their share should not exceed the usual for network games 10-15%. In addition, they were not interested in the biological and social gender.
It turned out that men, unlike women, quickly respond to requests for a "friendship" that came from the opposite sex. They have a longer range, before responding to the aggressive actions of the female characters, however, are more risky behavior, understood as the number of initiated conflicts.
In turn, women were more economically successful in the game. According to the authors, this may be due to the fact that they are more likely to engage in exchange relationships than to be aggressive. In addition, women prefer to establish a connection with the players of their gender, their community, form a distinct cluster.
The authors note that the value of the published work is in quantitative analysis of social networks, which are difficult to reproduce on the relationship in the real world. On the other hand, it is not clear how the relationships formed in the game reflect those that are formed outside the network.
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