Even if only 5 years you live together under one roof, the woman still wants to be loved and get attention, regardless of the weather, time of year and the financial situation.
Petal romance
In the warmer months this way will be a real salvation for "starving" by romantic partners. All you need is to Rob the nearest Park... of Course, that's not very nice - deface public property. But such an "ugly" way, you may save the marriage. The petals can be scattered from the front door and the bed or on the bed itself. The main thing is not to ruin the whole romance of two important "but". The first is to clean after you should you. Choose flowers that will not pollute recently purchased linens.
Fragrant atmosphere
Always maintain romantic atmosphere will help you two simple things: perfume, and light. You just need to put a little perfume on the light bulb and wonderful notes will give the air magical properties and to create the effect of your presence. Of course, you should not use this method if, for example, your loved one does not like your "smell", or you are at the initial stage of the relationship. Otherwise, your actions may be perceived as overly Intrusive.
Nobody talks about the fact that candles need to burn every day. The mere presence of candles in itself can create a pleasant romantic atmosphere that positively affect your relationship.
Use the means at hand
Who said that to say " I love you only once. Wake up sometime early in the morning and write on the mirror "I love you! ". Put it in the pocket of a favorite candy in the form of a heart. Is it possible at all to apply such hearts the whole apartment - love is never too much!
Rhymed Declaration of love
One of the greatest human error lies in the fact that we have ceased to sing serenades under Windows and devote our chosen poem. You cannot slipmouth a few lines - it doesn't matter. Write a short story about each piece of the body of your partner. Without exception, all sites should be nice and gently described in your piece. Comparisons with various luxuries or beautiful phenomena of nature are welcome.
Women's Magazine
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