Now in two buildings of the former summer house - Central and service located administrative offices of the Institute.
These houses are visible from the street. And the Park is arranged in the upper Kmetova Yar, where originates the river Globocica. Natural terrain used masterfully: 6 pedestrian bridges bridges over ravines, artificial lake, gazebos, even a large metal cage for wild animals. Gnawed by the time the concrete and dense trees create a sense of unreality and the feeling of mystery Park: though now from a small castle on the cliff will be medieval elves. Although, in General, in addition to mood, anything medieval there is no...
At the turn of the century
The story of "Khrushchev's dacha" was started in the days when no one else and could not conceive that the "bourgeois" homes will settle proletarian leadership.
In 1889 pharmaceutical assistant Octavian Belsky acquired a plot in Kmetova Yar. In 1893, there began the construction of the first house of the estate by architect Nicholas Kazan. This house has been preserved unchanged. Soon Belsky, already the owner of the pharmacy at the hem, acquired the neighbouring plot of land and built another building, surpassing the first. Here is a 2 bedroom apartment that the landlord had leased that was prevalent at that time.
At the turn of the century the area was completely undeveloped area of the city: on the corner of present street Herzen and Ovrutsky was the Church of St. Theodore; opened then small plants (current Cable and them. Artem); four tram route linking the district with Central, Raw, Kurenivka and Pushcha-Voditsa.
The area around Kmetova Yar attracted people of creative professions: artists, writers, scientists. Artists Pymonenko, Menk, Orlovsky, Murashko, writer Konstantin Paustovsky, polar Explorer and physicist Otto Schmidt, other well-known people of that time lived here. Picturesque ravine streams, ponds, beautiful scenery created the need for creativity mood. But the idyll did not last long.
1930s: in the conduct of the NKVD
After the nationalization of the Park for a while was public, but in the early 1930s, the entire property was enclosed by a high fence and turned in the seat of its government. Eliminated almost all trams: there were only "four" to the center, and its end moved away from the villas. In 1934-37 years lived in the people's Commissar of internal Affairs of the USSR Vsevolod Balitsky. He oversaw the transfer of the capital of Soviet Ukraine in Kiev, took decisions on mass repression and the destruction of thousands of temples and other monuments. Among them was located in front of the villas, the Church of St. Theodore.
However, for his own residence, he didn't skimp: built complex Park bridges, gazebos, Park sculptures, artificial lakes have cost about a million rubles. Of course, the state. But soon Balitsky was executed as an "enemy of the people", and the manor house converted into a camp for children of employees of the NKVD. In the war the Germans were equated the importance of this object to the building of the headquarters of the Kiev military district on Bankova street, 11...
Giving Khrushchev: Paradise behind the fence
After the liberation of Kiev in 1943 settled here Nikita Khrushchev, first as a member of the military Council of the 1st Ukrainian front, 1944-47, - the head of government of the USSR, and in 1947 - 49, first Secretary of the CC CP(b)U. Khrushchev lived in a large house, where in 1948 on the sides were built up in the bedroom for him and his wife. Nikita loved to read a newspaper on the terrace, walk in the Park, furnished with Royal splendour - in a small castle on a cliff live bears in the Park went peacocks. After the departure of Khrushchev in Moscow manor remained the residence of the first secretaries of the Central Committee.
In 1959 the tram No. 4 was replaced by trolleybus №16, and with the opening Podolsky descent started and trolleybus No. 18, but his line was built to bypass villas, through Pugacheva and Budyonny (current Baggovutovska). By the way, the line has been preserved and is used at the check-out trolley buses from the depot.
Among Kiev diggers there is a legend that under the cottage was built underground meeting room, and underground passages connecting it with nearby old and new buildings of the former party school.
In the opal
The last leader of the Soviet Ukraine, who lived here was Peter E. Shelest. However, in may 1972 Rustling dismissed on charges of Ukrainian nationalism: he demanded parity in economic relations of the Republic and the centre, stood up in defense of the Ukrainian language; in a word, has taken seriously the Declaration on the equality of the republics in the USSR.
And Shcherbytsky decided to abandon the property, then almost in the centre of the residence and began the tradition of government dacha outside the city: in Mezhgorye, Koncha-Zaspa. No sooner said than done, and since December 1972 18 trolleybus was to ride straight past the cottages, and in 1978 in the newly built for the mansions of the concrete shell moved Institute of Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, the administration of which is housed in the buildings of the house.
Our days
Not to say that the Park is quite unknown: the locals love its tall trees to relax from the urban bustle. Over time, the Park has lost its beauty: a polluted lake, broken Playground, not a trace of lawns and flower beds. Unfortunately, Director of the Institute refused to give interviews on any topic, in addition to medicine. And one of his deputies on the phone said that the Institute does not even have enough money on utility bills, not the fact that the maintenance of the Park.
Built in hard times for the people's money the Park would cost to restore - may give a good mood to people. And especially young mothers.
Svetlana Danilchenkothe local historian:
It was Khrushchev's dacha, in the big house. In less lived protection, and around the Park there was a huge five-metre high wooden fence. Stop at the fence could not even lace tie. Before the Park was wonderful: swam in lakes goldfish, ducks. There were benches, a huge rose bushes, swings, slides. Now everything is broken, already 8 years all quite running.
And yet here was shooting film. First they wanted to call "the sign of the Templars, and it was released as "Secrets of St. Patrick". From the shooting remained cardboard columns near the side entrance. In the story, there was a boarding house "great", and plates were standing. Here could be the tours, the Institute could earn money quickly and restore the Park, but interest in it.
Anna Korolchuk chief agronomist Shevchenko shops received their full order of green space:
- This Park is not in our possession, only a small Park nearby. In my opinion, the restoration of the Park shall financially participate in the city: there are walking young mothers with children. Other medical centers often have extensive well-groomed territory, where patients, and other people can walk, breathe fresh air.
We asked:
Did you know that there, behind the fence?
Olga Ivanovna, Kovbasyuk, teacher, secondary school No. 70:
- Remember the last there was a Rustle, then the Park was transferred to the Institute. Once in the Park was very clean, nicely, but over time he began to lose its former beauty.
The novel, a resident of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, a young father:
- It is strange that neither the Board no memorial, no decals, you learned that here was giving Khrushchev. And the Park is beautiful, there is silence, peace. Here are just a no no benches, no tables.
Olga Ivanovna, lives in the area since 1952:
There was a high fence, and we didn't know what it is. All were guarded by the police, only tuples machines there are. And the trolley there then walked: the street was very quiet, not what is now.
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