Prosecutors Presnensky district of Moscow during verification found on the wall of a residential building Wi-Fi antenna, which allegedly were established in 1958, i.e., for 33 years before the invention of the wireless network, told Business FM one of the occupants of the house Ivan Deryabin.
The Prosecutor's check was initiated by the residents on the street, Julius Fucik, who demanded to be removed from the wall of the building external antenna relay, fearing that they are harmful to health. The Department has inspected and reported Deryabina that the antenna hangs on the house since it was built, that was pretty entertained the residents. Himself Deryabin said that the installation of such antennas of the transponders on residential Smoking, however due to the lack of access points, all of them placed at every fourth or fifth building in Moscow, says he. "What they give radiation, completely unknown. They are connected to the house network," says Deryabin, and emphasizes that the apartment owners have the right to dispose of household property, so the installation of any equipment should be consistent with them. Residents found out that the routers at their house now connected to the network Golden Telecom. The company these data confirmed and reported that this was done back in 2007.
Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance for wireless networks based on IEEE 802.11. Initially it was assumed that the technology will be used for systems cash services. The term Wi-Fi is not decrypted he was coined as a play on words by analogy with Hi-Fi (High Fidelity - "high fidelity"). With regard to the harmfulness of wireless Internet for a person, then there is consensus does not exist. In 2010, Dutch scientists within three months studied the effects of radiation Wi-Fi on the ashes, placing the emitters in close proximity to them. As a result, the leaves of the trees have poshli and darkened, and the crust formed cracks.
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