Friday, February 21, 2014

In the autumn without depression and disease

In the autumn without depression and diseaseThis year SARS began to "mow" the Ukrainians not in October-November, and now in late summer. Because of the abnormal heat, which undermined the strength of our immune system, and he could not cope with a sharp temperature drop. Last week, literally in a matter of days the temperature dropped 10 degrees from 36 to 26 °C. And on Friday at all "hit" to 18 °C. And then again pull up. In the beginning of the week again, we "roasted": thermometer day showed 30 degrees. And since the environment was established normal temperature of 23-24 degrees. If earlier for us this temperature was comfortable, but now many sabot bundled in sweatshirts. And where the chill, there is a runny nose, and sore throat: spastic vessels - weak protection for viruses. So we get a surge of colds. Added to the weakness and pressure surges (temperature drops beat on the cardiovascular system) and depression (the days are shorter and sunlight - less). The moral of the story is: to enjoy the Golden autumn, you need to help your body to cope with the transitional period. How? Today was 10 Golden rules for transition.

10 rules of transition

1. sakalaite nose and body

Begin and end the day a cold shower. This is necessary to vessels less casinopolis, and therefore, were impenetrable wall for microbes. Another plus-trained cardiovascular system - you would be less responsive to changes in the weather. To the effect of the contrast shower was stronger, gradually increase the temperature contrast.

Make water treatments and for his nose. It should be done like this: enter the water in the palm of his hand, pull her nose and release. And so 3-4 times every morning. Cold creates local stress and the body "drive hitherward heavy" to the nasal mucous membrane anti-inflammatory agents - they do for a few hours your nose "impenetrable" for infections.

2. Treat yourself to a sweet life

During the transition period indulge in sweets. Only we are not talking about different pastries and cakes, and honey and dried fruit.

Why it is important to eat honey? In addition to all the other "Goodies", it is rich in glucose, which is necessary to our cardiac muscle (and during the transition period, the heart has to work more hard mode). Plus it extends the spastic vessels, and it is the prevention of colds. Make it a rule every day to lick the honey from the plate (spread a thin layer). During this "ritual" tense the muscles of the pharynx, it improves circulation, plus honey is a natural antiseptic and immune stimulator.

Dried fruits No. 1 for the transition period is dried apricots, raisins and figs. Dried apricots and figs sources of potassium and this mineral provides normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, which, as we have already mentioned, it may fail during the transition period. In addition, potassium salts promote expectoration. Therefore, these fruits do you eat for those who are sick now with bronchitis and laryngitis. As for the raisins, it is rich in magnesium, which relaxes our nervous system. Namely, in this mode it can adapt all processes in our body under the weather situation. By the way, this property has the same Corvalol or validol: they translate the nervous system in normal mode, which calms and heart.

3. Move more

When a person walks, swims, dances, he is correctly adjusted work stress hormones that help us to adapt to weather extremes. And when in connection with another temperature drop, the body will need to use them, they will be allocated exactly as much as needed.

4. Lean on cucurbits

The end of August - beginning of September is the peak season of watermelons and melons. As melons help you through the transition period? First, and in melon and watermelon much pectin is a dietary fiber, which, like brush, clean our intestines from garbage. This is an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis, and therefore cold. Because our immune system depends on the condition of the intestine. And once disturbed intestinal microflora, the cells of the immune system worse start to perform its protective function. In addition, the melon is rich in substances that help in the development of serotonin - the hormone of happiness, and he just needed to not "get sick" autumn depression. And watermelon contains magnesium, which has a diuretic effect, and thus reduce the pressure (and it is during weather extremes often jumps).

5. Do not overeat

In this case, you increase the load on the liver. And therein lies the work on formation of a protective substances immunity - antibodies, interferons and other. In fact during the transition period need to sit on a diet. It is not about the rigid version, when monitored every gram and about a balanced diet. Eat 4-5 times (this portion must fit in your palm). Reduce salt intake: because of her water retained in the body tissues, and this can cause a pressure increase. In no case do not give up on protein foods - meat and fish proteins needed by our immune system. But give preference to low-fat meats (why do you now the extra cholesterol, which is so rich pork).

6. Avoid stimulants

The body is self-regulating system. And when we use stimulants - coffee, tea, alcohol and nicotine - we are excited nervous system, and thus prevents it to work in normal mode. Reduce dependence on stimulants, and even better give up on them, especially on the eve of the change in the weather. Replace them with herbal teas or broths. For example, oatmeal. It is rich in substances that help to reduce the meteosensitivity. For the preparation of oatmeal broth pour 1 Cup of sprouted oats 1 l of boiled water and cook until thick liquid jelly. Then pour in the broth the same amount of milk and boil again. After cooling, dissolve in broth 3 tbsp. of honey. Drink drink warm 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day.

7. Sleep

The rest of the nervous system is a basic condition for it to adapt to climate change. It is important to go to bed as early as possible. Until midnight one hour rest goes for two. It is especially important to sleep on the eve of the change in the weather.

8. Rasizade blood

Because of the temperature jumps are stress hormones that thicken the blood, and this can cause blood clots. And they in turn can cause heart attack and stroke. So if you suffer from cardio-vascular disease, you need to take during weather extremes drugs, blood thinning agents. Perfectly cope with this task well as tomato juice and cranberry juice. Drink cranberry is best to prepare yourself. To do this, wash the berries, mash them with sugar and pour the slightly cooled boiled water.

9. Control pressure

For men after 40 years, this must become a daily ritual. Keep the numbers BP 140/90 and lower drugs for emergency assistance (stimulants alpha-receptors, diuretics).

10. Pamper yourself

In the soul of many of us - children. And when we don't get some kind of "toy", starting to cry. Only if in the childhood of our grief was visible to all others, now we hide our tears, crying in the shower. So born and depression. Now we lose a whole bunch of "toys" - swimming in the river, sunbathing on the beach, etc. So that you are not attacked by the spleen, often necessary to pass in the resource state, which helps to be filled with positive energy. Someone gives you strength view a good movie, someone is going to the cafe with friends, and someone is shopping.


Litvinenko E.



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