I will do that... not now
Irina - translator, freelancer, working from home and for myself - time Manager. Deadlines her work is directly dependent on the customer requirements. And every time two days before the delivery of the material Irina, without raising his head, tapping on the keys, and the family life stops because "Ira works." Sending the translation to the editor, it at least another day suffering from migraines. It's not that Irina set unrealistic deadlines. But as she plans her time.
According to the classification of the American psychologist Neil Fiore, Irina - typical "procrastinator" (Volokitin). Psychologist Anna Ovdienko sure a waste of time and in a hurry exhausting all the forces work, when the time was coming to an end, is not at all an individual style, as many believe, but a serious problem both for the individual and for his loved ones. For endless delays may be lurking fear of failure. "To offer to such person to buy a day planner and start planning is still something to offer to a person with depression "to look at the world from a positive perspective", - says Anna Ovdienko.
Neil Fiore himself had to win yourself a procrastinator. His extreme experience says to cope with this "disease" can only artificially putting themselves in a situation of imminent death. At 32 years old he was diagnosed with cancer. To successfully complete treatment, Fiore was necessary to completely change your lifestyle. Including, in addition to the necessary procedures to stop Smoking, habits to work long hours and constant doubt in their own abilities. And now, in remission, return to their former way of life for the American psychologist means a quick and painful death. Therefore, the issue of deadlines for him - a matter of life and death.
Fiore writes that the nature of "procrastination", like many other problems in human behavior, lies in the field of the unconscious. If you again want to "pull the cat's tail, you can take a deep breath and focus your attention on the fact of his desire, looking at it from the side. Try to understand what actually you want, delaying the start of a case. As an example Fiore shows: as soon as a person becomes a vital necessity to live according to strict schedule, he was quite able to rebuild their behavior. But this implies a deep introspection, and sometimes even work with a psychotherapist.
And in order to start changing right now, Anna Ovdienko recommends to learn and observe
a few simple rules. And at the same time to reconsider their position in life.
Stop the self-flagellation. If you will think that everything can not, it will just strengthen your hesitation. Remember: inactivity is a sign of internal conflict: one is your half wants to take action, and the other her talk.
Listen to yourself: defying action, what are you afraid of? Try to search answers and write them.
Start to work in stages. Divide the task into several cycles. Much more efficient to parse today, one drawer, than to convince myself that dropping all tomorrow.
Start with short intervals: "From 16.00 to 16.15 I will put the bills..." Gradually you will begin to get rid of the feeling that you have will not work.
Do not wait for inspiration. Some people are convinced that they need to start any business. Others believe that they work better when a deadline. But it is not always possible to calculate the time needed for solving the problem. In addition, at the last moment may encounter unforeseen difficulties.
Reward yourself. The award is assigned to itself, is often a good incentive for change: ending to analyze the paper, read another Chapter started detective; take a vacation (at least for a couple of days), when you pass a responsible project. To start planning your day, try to write not the case, but the reward you will assign yourself for them. Then your schedule might look like this: 12.00 - lunch (until that time to write the report) 14.00 - reading books (before this meeting with a very unpleasant employee/customer).... 20.00
- going to the movies (before it is preparing Power Point presentations).
If procrastinator crept in your environment, do not rush to blame him for his carelessness, laziness and annoyed due to the fact that he lays "for later". Such people are not irresponsible. They genuinely are struggling with their unwillingness to take action and watch your insecurity. Therefore, it is very important your support is. Explaining, for example, why his behavior is unpleasant to you, give him a chance to rectify the situation, offer options that will suit you both. And him, and it'll be good.
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