Sunday, February 2, 2014

As vacation not to think about work

As vacation not to think about workImagine the warm sea, Golden sand, blue sky... Or a gentle river, forest green, the scent of herbs... and own pale body, provided finally the rays of the sun. Or just his cozy apartment, Sunny balcony or the roof of the house and will not need to Wake up early or rush. It would seem that what can be better? And now, the body is relaxed, pulled down over his forehead Panama, and the brain runs a little lonely, thought: "I Wonder how there are now at work? And the contract signed? And all conditions viewed? And if the payment is not filled? And if my Desk someone rummaging? And if they do not find the documents? " The lonely thought turns into a wasp, then arrives the same and over his head begins to whirl heavy dark stinging cloud. All: the sky is not so blue, the scent is not so pleasant, and I want to collect my things and rush back to work.

What is it? Psychologists call this phenomenon syndrome weekend. He was first seen in the late twentieth century, and now this term is known to all post-industrial Nations, where at least once heard about existentialism or on the question of the existence and meaning of life. Why? Because the syndrome weekend very closely related to a simple question "what do I live for? "

Where does it come from? The question is simple and complex at the same time. However, the answer is easily deduced from our way of life. How much time a normal person spends at work? Standard yuppies (young professionals working in the office, however, now almost all the workers from different institutions who spend most of their time during the working day in the company) operates on schedule "from nine to six. Options may be very different - and eleven in the morning until eight in the evening and five in the morning till two o'clock. The only problem is that hardly anyone goes home just as much what was stated in the announcement of the hiring. And it's not just the Russian specifics. If to this be added the cost of the road, it takes two-thirds of life. And gets together with this incredible importance. There is one subtlety.

It is known that married people are less succeed in professional activities than idle (if you look at the overall statistics). Why? It is easy to explain: imagine that a free man wakes up in the output. Well, if he has friends with whom he can have somewhere to go. But this evening. And from morning till evening, he sits, watching television, which is unlikely to raise the spirits - would rather bothersome to, reading books or... thinking about work, or even engaged in it. Gradually, week by week, he accumulates phobia before the weekend, before the terrible "nothing", and he craves only one thing: that "Monday began on Saturday that he was back in the circle may not close, but not indifferent people to him so that he was again necessary and important. And if the second half of the person is busy at least (worst case) swearing with your spouse. On the other hand, if your personal life is not possible, where seeking solace person? Of course, in the work, and then fear weekend associated with returning home, quarrels, problems and showdown. But the weekend is one day. And vacation is a lot of weekends. And gradually it turns out that the rest-you really don't want - want where everything is clear and understandable where you just need. But the vacation turns out some rehearsal dismissal and mental trauma, which is not so easy to survive. Particularly difficult in these moments feels the management team because without them it is impossible to do. And if possible, why not replace or not to fire?

How to deal with it?

The method first suggested one succinct phrase captain Jack Sparrow in "Pirates of the Caribbean: "Dude, find yourself a girl". Certainly sounds like a quote from a men's magazine, but love (or at least resort love) is a very powerful therapeutic tool, it allows you to switch to a more everyday topics, and also contributes to the evening meetings (i.e. gives you the opportunity to get some fresh air, long walks (physical activity), writing poems or even diaries and romantic emails (removing intellectual effort, the development of humanitarian thinking in technical specialists) and a good mood (a fortifying agent).

Method two: cross stitching (to fix the old crumbling motorcycle, to tidy up the roof in the house of his beloved grandmother, mushroom, proricati textbook on mathematics for eighth grade, taken from the youngest family member) - so a couple of days to work out manual work, which will relieve emotional tension gradually leave this burden disappears too quickly, causing a kind of decompression sickness. After that you can safely make a plan of action for the remainder of the time or simply do nothing. The main thing is that the lesson was fun.

The third way: to read a few light books in a row. Only you need to clearly understand that easy book - the concept is very individual. For some it's the detectives (different levels of the language and the talent of the author), for someone-Russian fantasy, and someone and romance novels for the soul. Light books, as a rule, does not leave behind a long trail, and at the same time washed serious information, basewsw in the head with rootpackage period. You can, of course, and the TV show, but it is fraught with depression from the series and irritation from the TV show, because on vacation and usually find that, in addition to news and movies after nine in the afternoon by the huge number of channels is a huge number of meaningless information, which causes anguish and gives no working brain.

The fourth way came from Logotherapy (therapy of sense), it is paradoxical intention. The essence of it in the most basic sense of humor (at least at the level of the amoeba): if on vacation wanted to work, you have to want to want it as much: "I really want to work! I'll show you all how I want to work! Here is the last row shows how I want to work? ". As a result, this idea will cause only a smile. Importantly then, the post-holiday return to normal state and not to laugh hysterically at the thought of what you need to go to work. However, paradoxical intention always is reversed: you can make yourself as much as possible not to want to work, and dangerous effect will gradually disappear.

Method five: extreme. Even if the warm sea not to lie flat on the beach, diving, surfing, sailing or going to the mountains is such a large variety and physical activity will allow you to completely forget about office Affairs, and then easily return to the team to work. Such Hobbies as a rule, stimulate the motive of achievement and the desire to rise above itself, and this is (at least) - for the better.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, if human life is nothing but his profession, it may sooner or later lead to loss of meaning of life: or you will be lost, or the position too long will be the same. And if the world no longer something to hold on - this impact will be equivalent to a global catastrophe, will lead to depression and despair. Therefore, in addition to the work (even the beloved), should always be something very important and expensive as a second bearing in life, allowing you to move more confidently and get more enjoyment out of life's simple pleasures, without which it becomes constant deadline, which never rest.



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