If we try to analyze our differences, we will better understand the essence of each other, which inevitably will lead to improved understanding and reducing stress factors in families?
In modern society has been persuaded that the potential men and women are equal, they are equally talented and can learn any professional skill. She made up this belief that is the point, as science - what irony! - gathered enough evidence that men and women differ sharply from each other. They are not worse, not better each other - they are different.
Woman as the radar detector
The woman instantly understands that the other woman is alarmed or offended; the man to understand this requires a solid physical evidence: the flow of tears, banging dishes or slap. This is due to the fact that the woman, like most female mammals, armed with sensual perception with much more marshy setting than in men. This ability is necessary for the woman - the Keeper of the children and the home to capture subtle changes in mood and other people's relationships. What is known under the name of "women's intuition", there are actually sharpened ability to notice the smallest of details and changes in appearance and behavior of others. One man said that the sight of his wife is not comprehensible sharp when he has something to hide, but if you want to drive the car in reverse, it somehow becomes nearsighted. Evaluation of the distance between the bumper cars and the wall of the garage in the process of movement relates to the field of spatial orientation, which most women are weak.
The woman as a homemaker, should notice a slight change in the behavior of their offspring, which may indicate pain, hunger, injury, aggression or depression. The neuropsychologist Professor Ruben Gur conducted research using brain scans. He found that in a resting male electrical activity decreases by at least 70%. Brain scans of women in the same state of rest showed only a 10% drop in activity, which confirms the important fact: a woman receives and analyzes the information received from the environment. The woman knows who is friends with her child, aware of his hopes, dreams, novels, hidden fears, guess what he thinks, what he feels and what chicanery plotting. A man is vaguely aware that in the house besides him, there are still some small men.
Eyes arranged differently
The eye is a continuation of the brain, located on the surface of the head. Men and women eye is arranged is not the same in terms of the number of cone cells responsible for color perception. Source bevel color cells is X chromosome and women have two. Men usually talk about the basic elements of the spectrum: red, blue, green colors. Women generally use terms such as ivory, Aqua, mauve, Apple green.
Does it have eyes on the back?
May be, in the truest sense, no, but something close to there. Women not only have more cone cells in the lining of the eyes, but also a wider peripheral vision than men. Effective peripheral vision many women reaches full 180 degrees. The eyes of men more than the women, and his brain gives him tunnel vision, which means the ability to see clearly straight ahead, but at a great distance, and his eyes are like the binoculars. This is why modern man can easily find a distant pub, located "somewhere out there", but can't find the thing in the closet, chest or refrigerator.
Dubious case of the missing oil
The following conversation with a man who is standing in front of an open refrigerator door may once have held every woman in the world.
He: Where is the oil?
It In the refrigerator.
He: I'm looking in the fridge, but no oil there.
She: It's there - I put in there ten minutes ago.
He: No, you must put it somewhere else. No oil in the refrigerator no. This clearly.
After these words She enters the kitchen, puts her hand in the fridge and, like a magician, she appears in her hand a bundle of oil.
Inexperienced man sometimes feels as if above it was a joke, and he accuses the woman that she's always hiding things from him in cabinets and drawers. Socks, shoes, underwear, jam, oil, car keys, wallets - they're all there, the man simply cannot see the. Having a large field of view, a woman can cover more of the space of the refrigerator, not while moving her head. The man leads the eyes to the right-left and up-down, as if scanning the area in search for the "disappeared"@object@@. Biological features of men and women have important consequences in our life. Statistics of insurance companies demonstrated, for example, that the woman driver less in comparison with men is adjudged to be in an accident, associated with a side kick to the road interchanges. Much higher probability that it will hook machine obstacle when parallel Parking because it is poorly developed sense of space. A woman will spend much less nerves, if you understand the problems men associated with its characteristics. For men will be less reason to be nervous, if after the woman said "This thing in the closet! "he would believe her and will continue to search.
A man and a lustful look
Thanks to the best peripheral vision women rarely catch on what they consider a man. Almost every man at one time or another been accused of he <���������> looked at a person of the opposite sex, but women almost never accuse. Scientists working on issues of gender, unanimously claim that women look at men as often as men, women, and even more often, but rarely get on this excellent peripheral vision.
Why do women have a sixth sense?
Several centuries women have been burned at the stake for "supernatural powers". To him was attributed the ability to predict the outcome of the ensuing relationships, to identify a liar, to talk to animals and to guess what had really happened. At all times women were able to recognize the information transmitted only facial expressions. The mother of only the facial expression of the baby is able to accurately predict the full range manifested emotions: hunger and pain to discomfort and fatigue. Fathers, watching the facial expressions of a crying child, happily reported: "the Child wants to mother".
In the room where fifty couples, the woman quite ten minutes to analyze the relationship in each pair. When a woman enters the room, her psychic abilities allow her to instantly identify the participants which pairs are in complete harmony with each other, who quarrel with anyone who wants to get closer, and where women are rivals or women-friendly it configured. When the room is a man, hidden cameras show a completely different. The man scans the room, registering the inputs and outputs: his atavistic thinking assesses the possible threats and ways of leaving. Then he looks for familiar faces and faces potential enemies, and then scans the General geography of the place. His logical mind registers that here it is necessary to correct or repair, for example, broken glass or blown bulb. And the woman, meanwhile, have already walked all persons and knows who is who, what is what and how everyone feel.
Why men do not know how to lie to women
Barbara and Allan Pease argue that when communicating face to face, the perception of the message goes through wordless signals 60-80%, at the expense of tone - by 20-30%. The remaining 7-10% of the information perceived from the words themselves. Great susceptibility of women gives her the opportunity to collect and analyze information, and the ability of the brain to quickly exchange information between the hemispheres allows you to instantly compare and decipher the verbal, visual and other signals. This is why men are very hard to lie to a woman, standing face to face, But to lie to the man, looking him in the face, it is fairly easy (and it is known to most women, because he does not have sufficient sensitivity to detect a discrepancy between the information contained in oral speech and other signals. For most men, going to lie, this is best done by phone, letter or in a dark room, pulling the blanket over his head.
It is also better to hear
Women hear better than men and superbly distinguish sounds in the high frequencies. A woman's brain is programmed to the cry of a child, and the man might night not to hear him and to sleep as if nothing had happened. If in the distance starts to meow kitten will hear his woman. However, it is the man with his excellent orientation in space will tell you where he is. The female brain has the ability to separate sounds, to carry them to different categories and decide in respect of each of them. The result is that the woman can maintain a conversation face to face, not missing a word of the conversation of people standing together. Accordingly, it becomes clear why the man can't follow the conversation with the TV set or on the background rattle of dishes in the sink. When the phone rings, a man requires to have toned down the music, turned off the TV and paused while he's talking on the phone. The woman is talking, not paying attention to the noise.
The woman knows how to read between the lines
Women have a high sensitivity in detecting changes in the tone and volume of voice, allowing them to immediately notice the change of emotions in children and adults. As a consequence, for each man who, echoing, to take the right tone, we have eight women who are not mistaken in such cases. Famous female phrase "don't you dare talk to me in that tone! " in a dispute with men and boys is partly connected with this feature women. Most men have no idea what she wants to say. Acute hearing women makes a significant contribution to what is called "women's intuition". Her hearing is one of the reasons why women guess the hidden meaning of spoken phrases (read between the lines). However, men should not despair. They are perfectly distinguish and recognize the sounds made by animals, which in ancient times served them a good help in hunting. Unfortunately, in the modern world from this ability a little confusing.
But a man is able to hear the direction of sound
Women are better recognize sounds, but men can determine where they come from. In combination with the ability to identify and imitate the sounds of animals, this art makes men great hunters. Thus, the sound turns into a brain of a man in a geographical map.
Men do not pay attention to details
After the party the wife gives her husband his claims: "This slut all night glued to you, showed that all ready immediately, and you didn't sew it, you encouraged her advances! " My husband is in complete bewilderment: what is the harlot? what advances? as shown? He could see nothing.
Indeed, until I talked to him this "harlot" (so say the woman, the man would have said "sexy young woman"), he didn't notice that she was standing in a certain posture, thrusting forward his belly and stuck out one foot, pointing at him, plucking the hair and the lobe of the ear, looked at it a long weary eyes, gently stroking the stem of his glass and said shaped, poddelyvali under a schoolgirl.
He's a hunter. He could detect the antelope that has recently appeared on the horizon, and immediately determine the speed with which it moves. He has no women's ability to immediately analyze visual (involuntary facial expressions and gestures) and audible signals that indicate certain intentions. Every woman at the party saw, never moving her head, making a "slut". Telepathic signal "female looking for a partner" was adopted by all the women gathered in the room. Most men did not notice anything. Therefore, the statement of a man that he hadn't suspected, most of all, true. Men's brains are not adapted in order to see or hear the details.
Why men thick-skinned?
Men's skin is thicker, which women, which explains the greater number of wrinkles in women compared with men. Man, absorbed in work or involved in sports that require physical effort may not notice that the wounded. If a man is not focused on the task, his threshold for pain is lower than that of women. When a man moans: "Cook me chicken broth, bring fresh orange juice, bring the bottle with hot water, call the doctor and see, if my will! "it means that he has a slightly aching head.
A man less sensitive to others ' pain or discomfort: the woman bent double in pain, she has a temperature of forty degrees, beats her shivering under three blankets, and he asked: "are You okay, honey? "and you think, "If you don't pay attention to it, maybe we'll go have sex, if she is still lying in bed". However, in moments of empathy at a football game or other competition-related aggression, male sensitivity is not lost. Watching the match boxers on TV and seeing how the boxer struck a painful blow below the belt, the woman will say, "Oh, it must have hurt him, and the man will moan, bent as if he received the blow, and actually feel the pain.
The intuition. A taste for life
The senses of smell and taste in women surpass men. We have about 10,000 taste receptors, to identify at least four basic tastes: sweet and salty receptors on the tongue; sour receptors on the lateral surface of the tongue; and bitter on the back of the tongue. Men more points when determining salty and bitter - that's why they love beer, and women exceed their track sweet - that's why there are so many lovers of chocolate.
The sensitivity of women to smell not only higher than the male, but also acute additionally each month during ovulation. Her nose can detect the presence of pheromone (sex attractant) and musky odors associated with man, and these odors to consciously allocate impossible. Her brain can decipher the immune system of men and, if required, and his own. A woman may declare that a man is attractive or has a strange magnetism". If her immune system is stronger than that of certain men, it most likely will find it less attractive. Scientists studying the brain have found that the female brain can analyze these differences in the immune system within three seconds after meeting. Inherited from his parents a powerful immune system increases the chances of survival.
Why men can only do one thing
All available evidence claim: the brain men specialized. Its configuration helps to concentrate on one single task in a separate period of time, and most men claim to be able to do only one thing at any given time. When a man stops the car to check the road map, what will he do first? Turn off the radio! Most women do not understand why he does it. The answer lies in the fact that the configuration of the brain of man does not allow him to do several things at once because of the small number of neural connections between the left and right hemispheres, due to the fact that the brain of man is divided into sections. Scan his brain, when he reads, and you will see that he is almost deaf.
A woman's brain is programmed for simultaneous control of several things. She can talk on the phone simultaneously with the preparation of dishes at a new recipe, looking at this TV.
When you start a conversation with a man while shaving, increases the likelihood that he will cut themselves. Most women had to listen to the accusations that the man missed a turn on the road because of her chatter. One woman said, angry at her husband, taking revenge on him, starting a conversation in the moment when he scores with a hammer in a nail!
Because women use both sides of the brain, many of them confuse the right and left sides. About 50% of women can't instantly tell which hand is right and which is left, and define it for the ring or the other will accept. Men, in contrast, operate on either the right or left side of the brain, and it is easier for them to distinguish right from left. Why in the world men blamed women for what they were told to turn to the right, referring to the left side.
Why we are there?
Until we educate boys and girls as if they are completely identical, science has proven that they are quite different from each other by the nature of his thinking. Neurologists and scientists dealing with the brain, everywhere came to the conclusion that we are what we are because of hormones.
All the outgoing twentieth century the prevailing view that we are born with a pure mind, and our parents, teachers and the environment dictate our preferences and choices. The latest brain research and development has now revealed the fact that our brain is shaped like a computer in 6-8 weeks after conception. Our underlying operating system is already installed, and it laid several programs, so the moment of birth our brain is already loaded, such as computer, set both basic and supplementary programs.
Scientists have also shown that the underlying operating system and its configuration, leave little space for changes. Our environment and our teachers can only add data and to lay only compatible programs.
The programming of the embryo
Almost all of us are made of 46 chromosomes, which is similar to the genetic building blocks or tracing. Twenty-three of them came from our mother and twenty-three from the father. If twenty-third chromosome of the father is X, it turns out the child is XX - girl. If twenty-third chromosome of the father, it turns out the child - HOO boy. The basic matrix of the human body and mind - womens. We all begin our lives with girls, that's why men are the way women features such as the nipples and mammary glands. In 6-8 weeks after conception, the embryo is still asexual, and potentially he can develop and male and female sexual organs. German scientist Dr. Gunter Dorner, a leading researcher in the field of social Sciences, one of the first advanced the theory that our sexual organs are formed through the six to eight weeks after conception. His research showed that embryo HU, genetic boy, are formed by specialized cells, directing a large amount of male hormones, particularly testosterone, in the body. Hormone forms the testes and the configuration of the brain, corresponding to the behavior and characteristics of men, such as alertness and orientation in space, is necessary to accurately throw, hunt and chase prey. Suppose that the embryo boy (HU) needs at least one unit of the male hormones for the formation of male reproductive organs and a further three units of hormones for the formation of male operating system of the brain, but for unknown reasons, the required quantities of the hormone has not received. Suppose, he received three units, and requires four. The first unit was used for the formation of the genital organs, but on the formation of the operating system of the brain has only two units, which means the brain by two-thirds transformed into male and one third remained womens. Gives birth to a child who will become a man with a predominantly male cast of mind, but it will be peculiar to some of the stereotypes and the ability of women. If the embryo boy will get, say, only two units, one will be used for the formation of the genital organs, and the brain will receive only one unit instead of the required three. Now we have a child whose brain has remained predominantly female on the structure and thinking, but in genetically male body.
When the embryo girl (XX), it is quite low male hormones or they do not arrive at all, and the embryo formed female genitals, and the matrix of the brain remains female. Next, the brain is formed female hormones and becomes programmed to protect nests, including the emergence of centers for deciphering both verbally and other signals. When the baby comes, he will look like a girl and his behavior will be female, because the brain is programmed accordingly. But from time to time, usually due to accidents female embryo receives a significant dose of male hormones, resulting in the birth of a girl to a greater or lesser extent with the male mind.
It is believed that 80 to 85% of men have predominantly male mind, and in 15-20% of the mind in varying degrees feminized. Many of the latter group get the wrong sexual orientation.
Any reference to the female sex described in issledovanij applies to around 90% of the girls and women whose brains are programmed to a mostly female behavior. About 10% of women have a so-called male brain.
There is a simple, but very good test that will show you the extent of your brain is tuned to a masculine or feminine way. In this test there is no right or wrong answers, but it will give you an idea of what determines your preference in this life and what is your way of thinking. Answering the questions, you can calculate the points by the method below.
Based on the book "the Language of relationship (Man and Woman)"
Pease B., Pease. A.