Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A man and a Woman. We are so different!

A man and a Woman. We are so different! If we try to analyze our differences, we will better understand the essence of each other, which inevitably will lead to improved understanding and reducing stress factors in families?

In modern society has been persuaded that the potential men and women are equal, they are equally talented and can learn any professional skill. She made up this belief that is the point, as science - what irony! - gathered enough evidence that men and women differ sharply from each other. They are not worse, not better each other - they are different.

Woman as the radar detector

The woman instantly understands that the other woman is alarmed or offended; the man to understand this requires a solid physical evidence: the flow of tears, banging dishes or slap. This is due to the fact that the woman, like most female mammals, armed with sensual perception with much more marshy setting than in men. This ability is necessary for the woman - the Keeper of the children and the home to capture subtle changes in mood and other people's relationships. What is known under the name of "women's intuition", there are actually sharpened ability to notice the smallest of details and changes in appearance and behavior of others. One man said that the sight of his wife is not comprehensible sharp when he has something to hide, but if you want to drive the car in reverse, it somehow becomes nearsighted. Evaluation of the distance between the bumper cars and the wall of the garage in the process of movement relates to the field of spatial orientation, which most women are weak.

The woman as a homemaker, should notice a slight change in the behavior of their offspring, which may indicate pain, hunger, injury, aggression or depression. The neuropsychologist Professor Ruben Gur conducted research using brain scans. He found that in a resting male electrical activity decreases by at least 70%. Brain scans of women in the same state of rest showed only a 10% drop in activity, which confirms the important fact: a woman receives and analyzes the information received from the environment. The woman knows who is friends with her child, aware of his hopes, dreams, novels, hidden fears, guess what he thinks, what he feels and what chicanery plotting. A man is vaguely aware that in the house besides him, there are still some small men.

Eyes arranged differently

The eye is a continuation of the brain, located on the surface of the head. Men and women eye is arranged is not the same in terms of the number of cone cells responsible for color perception. Source bevel color cells is X chromosome and women have two. Men usually talk about the basic elements of the spectrum: red, blue, green colors. Women generally use terms such as ivory, Aqua, mauve, Apple green.

Does it have eyes on the back?

May be, in the truest sense, no, but something close to there. Women not only have more cone cells in the lining of the eyes, but also a wider peripheral vision than men. Effective peripheral vision many women reaches full 180 degrees. The eyes of men more than the women, and his brain gives him tunnel vision, which means the ability to see clearly straight ahead, but at a great distance, and his eyes are like the binoculars. This is why modern man can easily find a distant pub, located "somewhere out there", but can't find the thing in the closet, chest or refrigerator.

Dubious case of the missing oil

The following conversation with a man who is standing in front of an open refrigerator door may once have held every woman in the world.

He: Where is the oil?

It In the refrigerator.

He: I'm looking in the fridge, but no oil there.

She: It's there - I put in there ten minutes ago.

He: No, you must put it somewhere else. No oil in the refrigerator no. This clearly.

After these words She enters the kitchen, puts her hand in the fridge and, like a magician, she appears in her hand a bundle of oil.

Inexperienced man sometimes feels as if above it was a joke, and he accuses the woman that she's always hiding things from him in cabinets and drawers. Socks, shoes, underwear, jam, oil, car keys, wallets - they're all there, the man simply cannot see the. Having a large field of view, a woman can cover more of the space of the refrigerator, not while moving her head. The man leads the eyes to the right-left and up-down, as if scanning the area in search for the "disappeared"@object@@. Biological features of men and women have important consequences in our life. Statistics of insurance companies demonstrated, for example, that the woman driver less in comparison with men is adjudged to be in an accident, associated with a side kick to the road interchanges. Much higher probability that it will hook machine obstacle when parallel Parking because it is poorly developed sense of space. A woman will spend much less nerves, if you understand the problems men associated with its characteristics. For men will be less reason to be nervous, if after the woman said "This thing in the closet! "he would believe her and will continue to search.

A man and a lustful look

Thanks to the best peripheral vision women rarely catch on what they consider a man. Almost every man at one time or another been accused of he <���������> looked at a person of the opposite sex, but women almost never accuse. Scientists working on issues of gender, unanimously claim that women look at men as often as men, women, and even more often, but rarely get on this excellent peripheral vision.

Why do women have a sixth sense?

Several centuries women have been burned at the stake for "supernatural powers". To him was attributed the ability to predict the outcome of the ensuing relationships, to identify a liar, to talk to animals and to guess what had really happened. At all times women were able to recognize the information transmitted only facial expressions. The mother of only the facial expression of the baby is able to accurately predict the full range manifested emotions: hunger and pain to discomfort and fatigue. Fathers, watching the facial expressions of a crying child, happily reported: "the Child wants to mother".

In the room where fifty couples, the woman quite ten minutes to analyze the relationship in each pair. When a woman enters the room, her psychic abilities allow her to instantly identify the participants which pairs are in complete harmony with each other, who quarrel with anyone who wants to get closer, and where women are rivals or women-friendly it configured. When the room is a man, hidden cameras show a completely different. The man scans the room, registering the inputs and outputs: his atavistic thinking assesses the possible threats and ways of leaving. Then he looks for familiar faces and faces potential enemies, and then scans the General geography of the place. His logical mind registers that here it is necessary to correct or repair, for example, broken glass or blown bulb. And the woman, meanwhile, have already walked all persons and knows who is who, what is what and how everyone feel.

Why men do not know how to lie to women

Barbara and Allan Pease argue that when communicating face to face, the perception of the message goes through wordless signals 60-80%, at the expense of tone - by 20-30%. The remaining 7-10% of the information perceived from the words themselves. Great susceptibility of women gives her the opportunity to collect and analyze information, and the ability of the brain to quickly exchange information between the hemispheres allows you to instantly compare and decipher the verbal, visual and other signals. This is why men are very hard to lie to a woman, standing face to face, But to lie to the man, looking him in the face, it is fairly easy (and it is known to most women, because he does not have sufficient sensitivity to detect a discrepancy between the information contained in oral speech and other signals. For most men, going to lie, this is best done by phone, letter or in a dark room, pulling the blanket over his head.

It is also better to hear

Women hear better than men and superbly distinguish sounds in the high frequencies. A woman's brain is programmed to the cry of a child, and the man might night not to hear him and to sleep as if nothing had happened. If in the distance starts to meow kitten will hear his woman. However, it is the man with his excellent orientation in space will tell you where he is. The female brain has the ability to separate sounds, to carry them to different categories and decide in respect of each of them. The result is that the woman can maintain a conversation face to face, not missing a word of the conversation of people standing together. Accordingly, it becomes clear why the man can't follow the conversation with the TV set or on the background rattle of dishes in the sink. When the phone rings, a man requires to have toned down the music, turned off the TV and paused while he's talking on the phone. The woman is talking, not paying attention to the noise.

The woman knows how to read between the lines

Women have a high sensitivity in detecting changes in the tone and volume of voice, allowing them to immediately notice the change of emotions in children and adults. As a consequence, for each man who, echoing, to take the right tone, we have eight women who are not mistaken in such cases. Famous female phrase "don't you dare talk to me in that tone! " in a dispute with men and boys is partly connected with this feature women. Most men have no idea what she wants to say. Acute hearing women makes a significant contribution to what is called "women's intuition". Her hearing is one of the reasons why women guess the hidden meaning of spoken phrases (read between the lines). However, men should not despair. They are perfectly distinguish and recognize the sounds made by animals, which in ancient times served them a good help in hunting. Unfortunately, in the modern world from this ability a little confusing.

But a man is able to hear the direction of sound

Women are better recognize sounds, but men can determine where they come from. In combination with the ability to identify and imitate the sounds of animals, this art makes men great hunters. Thus, the sound turns into a brain of a man in a geographical map.

Men do not pay attention to details

After the party the wife gives her husband his claims: "This slut all night glued to you, showed that all ready immediately, and you didn't sew it, you encouraged her advances! " My husband is in complete bewilderment: what is the harlot? what advances? as shown? He could see nothing.

Indeed, until I talked to him this "harlot" (so say the woman, the man would have said "sexy young woman"), he didn't notice that she was standing in a certain posture, thrusting forward his belly and stuck out one foot, pointing at him, plucking the hair and the lobe of the ear, looked at it a long weary eyes, gently stroking the stem of his glass and said shaped, poddelyvali under a schoolgirl.

He's a hunter. He could detect the antelope that has recently appeared on the horizon, and immediately determine the speed with which it moves. He has no women's ability to immediately analyze visual (involuntary facial expressions and gestures) and audible signals that indicate certain intentions. Every woman at the party saw, never moving her head, making a "slut". Telepathic signal "female looking for a partner" was adopted by all the women gathered in the room. Most men did not notice anything. Therefore, the statement of a man that he hadn't suspected, most of all, true. Men's brains are not adapted in order to see or hear the details.

Why men thick-skinned?

Men's skin is thicker, which women, which explains the greater number of wrinkles in women compared with men. Man, absorbed in work or involved in sports that require physical effort may not notice that the wounded. If a man is not focused on the task, his threshold for pain is lower than that of women. When a man moans: "Cook me chicken broth, bring fresh orange juice, bring the bottle with hot water, call the doctor and see, if my will! "it means that he has a slightly aching head.

A man less sensitive to others ' pain or discomfort: the woman bent double in pain, she has a temperature of forty degrees, beats her shivering under three blankets, and he asked: "are You okay, honey? "and you think, "If you don't pay attention to it, maybe we'll go have sex, if she is still lying in bed". However, in moments of empathy at a football game or other competition-related aggression, male sensitivity is not lost. Watching the match boxers on TV and seeing how the boxer struck a painful blow below the belt, the woman will say, "Oh, it must have hurt him, and the man will moan, bent as if he received the blow, and actually feel the pain.

The intuition. A taste for life

The senses of smell and taste in women surpass men. We have about 10,000 taste receptors, to identify at least four basic tastes: sweet and salty receptors on the tongue; sour receptors on the lateral surface of the tongue; and bitter on the back of the tongue. Men more points when determining salty and bitter - that's why they love beer, and women exceed their track sweet - that's why there are so many lovers of chocolate.

The sensitivity of women to smell not only higher than the male, but also acute additionally each month during ovulation. Her nose can detect the presence of pheromone (sex attractant) and musky odors associated with man, and these odors to consciously allocate impossible. Her brain can decipher the immune system of men and, if required, and his own. A woman may declare that a man is attractive or has a strange magnetism". If her immune system is stronger than that of certain men, it most likely will find it less attractive. Scientists studying the brain have found that the female brain can analyze these differences in the immune system within three seconds after meeting. Inherited from his parents a powerful immune system increases the chances of survival.

Why men can only do one thing

All available evidence claim: the brain men specialized. Its configuration helps to concentrate on one single task in a separate period of time, and most men claim to be able to do only one thing at any given time. When a man stops the car to check the road map, what will he do first? Turn off the radio! Most women do not understand why he does it. The answer lies in the fact that the configuration of the brain of man does not allow him to do several things at once because of the small number of neural connections between the left and right hemispheres, due to the fact that the brain of man is divided into sections. Scan his brain, when he reads, and you will see that he is almost deaf.

A woman's brain is programmed for simultaneous control of several things. She can talk on the phone simultaneously with the preparation of dishes at a new recipe, looking at this TV.

When you start a conversation with a man while shaving, increases the likelihood that he will cut themselves. Most women had to listen to the accusations that the man missed a turn on the road because of her chatter. One woman said, angry at her husband, taking revenge on him, starting a conversation in the moment when he scores with a hammer in a nail!

Because women use both sides of the brain, many of them confuse the right and left sides. About 50% of women can't instantly tell which hand is right and which is left, and define it for the ring or the other will accept. Men, in contrast, operate on either the right or left side of the brain, and it is easier for them to distinguish right from left. Why in the world men blamed women for what they were told to turn to the right, referring to the left side.

Why we are there?

Until we educate boys and girls as if they are completely identical, science has proven that they are quite different from each other by the nature of his thinking. Neurologists and scientists dealing with the brain, everywhere came to the conclusion that we are what we are because of hormones.

All the outgoing twentieth century the prevailing view that we are born with a pure mind, and our parents, teachers and the environment dictate our preferences and choices. The latest brain research and development has now revealed the fact that our brain is shaped like a computer in 6-8 weeks after conception. Our underlying operating system is already installed, and it laid several programs, so the moment of birth our brain is already loaded, such as computer, set both basic and supplementary programs.

Scientists have also shown that the underlying operating system and its configuration, leave little space for changes. Our environment and our teachers can only add data and to lay only compatible programs.

The programming of the embryo

Almost all of us are made of 46 chromosomes, which is similar to the genetic building blocks or tracing. Twenty-three of them came from our mother and twenty-three from the father. If twenty-third chromosome of the father is X, it turns out the child is XX - girl. If twenty-third chromosome of the father, it turns out the child - HOO boy. The basic matrix of the human body and mind - womens. We all begin our lives with girls, that's why men are the way women features such as the nipples and mammary glands. In 6-8 weeks after conception, the embryo is still asexual, and potentially he can develop and male and female sexual organs. German scientist Dr. Gunter Dorner, a leading researcher in the field of social Sciences, one of the first advanced the theory that our sexual organs are formed through the six to eight weeks after conception. His research showed that embryo HU, genetic boy, are formed by specialized cells, directing a large amount of male hormones, particularly testosterone, in the body. Hormone forms the testes and the configuration of the brain, corresponding to the behavior and characteristics of men, such as alertness and orientation in space, is necessary to accurately throw, hunt and chase prey. Suppose that the embryo boy (HU) needs at least one unit of the male hormones for the formation of male reproductive organs and a further three units of hormones for the formation of male operating system of the brain, but for unknown reasons, the required quantities of the hormone has not received. Suppose, he received three units, and requires four. The first unit was used for the formation of the genital organs, but on the formation of the operating system of the brain has only two units, which means the brain by two-thirds transformed into male and one third remained womens. Gives birth to a child who will become a man with a predominantly male cast of mind, but it will be peculiar to some of the stereotypes and the ability of women. If the embryo boy will get, say, only two units, one will be used for the formation of the genital organs, and the brain will receive only one unit instead of the required three. Now we have a child whose brain has remained predominantly female on the structure and thinking, but in genetically male body.

When the embryo girl (XX), it is quite low male hormones or they do not arrive at all, and the embryo formed female genitals, and the matrix of the brain remains female. Next, the brain is formed female hormones and becomes programmed to protect nests, including the emergence of centers for deciphering both verbally and other signals. When the baby comes, he will look like a girl and his behavior will be female, because the brain is programmed accordingly. But from time to time, usually due to accidents female embryo receives a significant dose of male hormones, resulting in the birth of a girl to a greater or lesser extent with the male mind.

It is believed that 80 to 85% of men have predominantly male mind, and in 15-20% of the mind in varying degrees feminized. Many of the latter group get the wrong sexual orientation.

Any reference to the female sex described in issledovanij applies to around 90% of the girls and women whose brains are programmed to a mostly female behavior. About 10% of women have a so-called male brain.

There is a simple, but very good test that will show you the extent of your brain is tuned to a masculine or feminine way. In this test there is no right or wrong answers, but it will give you an idea of what determines your preference in this life and what is your way of thinking. Answering the questions, you can calculate the points by the method below.

Based on the book "the Language of relationship (Man and Woman)"


Pease B., Pease. A.

Tests during pregnancy

Tests during pregnancySome future moms lightly to regular visits to the gynecologist. Of course, the upcoming inspection - not the most pleasant. But it is when pregnancy is absolutely necessary.

Screening tests during pregnancy

The earlier you start the examination during pregnancy, the more likely it is to avoid any complications.

Some future moms lightly to regular visits to the gynecologist. Of course, the upcoming inspection - not the most pleasant. But it's absolutely necessary. Don't forget that before you conceive, you will need not only a visit to the gynecologist, but a full examination of the body. And it takes time, so the pull is not necessary.

Now the doctors are pleased to note, that the number of women who are planning pregnancy and come to the doctor before conception, has increased markedly.

First visit to the gynecologist

It is believed that the first time during pregnancy should be checked to 12 weeks. But doctors believe that it is better to do it as soon as the test showed a positive result or menstruation is delayed.

On a small time doctors will conduct an ultrasound to confirm intrauterine pregnancy. First visit to the gynecologist can be called diagnostic. Physician figure out possible problems in time to correct them, or will refer the mother to a specialist if needed.

A special approach to the future mothers who suffer from heart disease, severe disabilities who have a kidney infection, or missing one of them. Note that some diseases can occur in a latent form. Why visit a gynecologist and get tested during pregnancy it is necessary as soon as possible.

Tests during pregnancy

The doctor will prescribe the urine and blood tests during pregnancy. Why are they necessary? During pregnancy increases the strain on the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. These are the two main systems that can pump up. It is therefore important to prevention.

Analysis of urine during pregnancy - the most frequent, and it certainly should be completed during the first visit to the antenatal clinic. Urine is taken at each examination, because the kidney at any time can start to cope with the increasing load. The physician should keep abreast of, following your tests.

The first urine test during pregnancy can detect even minor renal dysfunction or latent inflammatory process. Appropriate and timely treatment will help to carry a baby and give birth to its healthy.

At the first examination in pregnant women take blood from a vein to determine the blood group and rhesus factor. With the help of blood tests during pregnancy can be detected even malignant changes.

Blood tests during pregnancy take to ascertain the level of hemoglobin is the carrier of oxygen in the tissue. The low level can cause pregnancy, poor health of the woman. So the doctor immediately prescribed some medicines or adjust the level of hemoglobin with diet. In the early stages when toxicosis women cannot tolerate iron supplements. To stabilize its level without complications can proper nutrition.

During pregnancy required a blood test for antibodies to rubella and to all sorts of infections: cytomegalovirus, herpes, and so forth. This is an analysis of the so-called TORCH-infections, which allows the doctor to predict the possibility of infection of the fetus.

Perhaps the most important - the presence of antibodies to rubella. Everyone knows that if a pregnant woman is sick with rubella, the pregnancy is often interrupted because the risk to the baby is very high. When a planned pregnancy is always checked immunity to rubella. If not, then the woman is recommended to get vaccinated and to plan pregnancy only two months later.

Pelvic exam during pregnancy

What diagnosis is performed at the first visit to the gynecologist? This, of course, a pelvic exam. It is necessary to identify the hypertonicity of the uterus to diagnose uterine fibroids or an ovarian cyst. This is determined when viewed on the chair and confirmed by ULTRASOUND examination.

It is widely believed that due to gynecological examination in the early stages could have a miscarriage. This is not the case. With proper inspection, normal relationship, without rough manipulation during pregnancy impossible to break.

Weight gain pregnant

The doctor will measure the growth of the patient and weigh it. This is necessary to correctly calculate the allowable increase in weight depending on the body type of the woman.

Woman adynamic physique has a long and thin muscles, a small reserve of fat, narrow chest and shoulders, her long narrow feet and hands. Metabolism intensive. Because of this, she can get better at 12-13 pounds during pregnancy, adding 500 grams per week.

Normosthenic wide bone, small chest, the visual impression is about the same width of the shoulders, waist and pelvis, the tendency to deposition of fat on the abdomen, waist and hips, moderate rate of metabolism. It is permissible to add for pregnancy 8-9 pounds, or about 300 grams per week.

Mom giperstenicheskom physique will have the hardest. Her soft muscles, round face, short neck, wide hips, a large supply of fat, a tendency to be overweight. Ideally, a woman with this addition for pregnancy should remain in its weight. And maybe even have a little to lose weight. In extreme cases it may be added for pregnancy not more than 6-7 pounds, gaining 200 grams per week.

Report weight gain women of all body types are from the date of termination of toxicosis after 12-16 weeks.

And what about the Pope?

The doctor will ask questions about the health of her husband. Important age, baggage diseases, particularly those that can be transmitted congenitally. Such as diabetes, heart disease, metabolic diseases. His blood group and rhesus factor you need to know if rhesus negative women.

In addition, the gynecologist will collect anamnesis relatives on both sides. When metabolic, hormonal disorders or genetic diseases in the family, the doctor will prescribe a more serious examination.

During the first visit to the antenatal clinic and be yourself active, ask your doctor the questions that most interest you. As a rule, future moms often ask about the specifics of the diet, about sexuality, about the impact of the computer on pregnancy.

Remember that pregnancy is not a disease and it is possible to continue to maintain the old life. However, in our complex environment and under conditions of stress specific recommendations for pregnant women to comply with all the same necessary. The doctor gives them, as a rule, also during the first inspection. Although the doctor can be accessed at any time throughout pregnancy.


If all pregnant women were forced to attend antenatal clinic at the place of residence, but now they have a fairly large selection. You can buy a policy in the commercial centre for the whole pregnancy and childbirth. Either the last week of pregnancy and childbirth.

Ideally, when the same doctors supervise you before birth and during them. Then you don't have time to explain what was wrong with you before, in that moment, when all your thoughts are completely different things.

A contract with the clinic

Works best word of mouth. Collect stories friends about how one or another doctor led the pregnancy. If the reviews are only positive, the doctor was able to quickly sort out any extreme situation, his advice helped and his professionalism was on the level, now it makes sense to establish personal contact.

Arriving at the first consultation, you decide how you will be able to contact the doctor. Maybe she (he) even seemingly you don't like: too young (and suddenly inexperienced? ), too much fun (I would like to be more serious). Come with her husband to discuss how he liked the doctor and his answers to your questions. Because a pregnant woman may not adequately assess the situation, and the husband more realistically assess the situation.

The contract is reasonable to conclude after the first trimester. Centers all the same services you can get at retail, and during this time you will learn physician, who will carry the pregnancy. For the second and third visit you will understand suits you the doctor or not.

Another thing to consider when choosing a clinic: will you be able to go there alone, without a husband, especially in the long term. If you are driving, it is convenient if you will get there, won't it time to fatigue. If you have to reach by public transport, especially. That is, the clinic should be within reach.

The clinic's image is also important. Learn how long it has been on the market for medical services, what her laboratory and instrumental framework, how professional doctor what they have regalia. Search for reviews about this clinic on the Internet.

A contract for the maintenance of pregnancy it is better to conclude by trimester. This is due to material considerations, and other circumstances. You can change the place of residence can be accumulated dissatisfaction with the clinic or doctor.

Pregnancy after 35



Man and Woman - dictionary differences

Man and Woman - dictionary differencesMeanwhile, psychologists, pedagogues, sociologists and doctors are finding more and more differences between a man and a woman. And, incidentally, carefully studying them.


In our country, it still remains largely a means of assertion of male superiority. Although most of the graduates of driving schools - women, statistics show that barely a third of them will sit behind the wheel. And it is a pity, because women are two times less likely to become perpetrators of road accidents. Besides the incident with their participation is usually less serious than those involving men. This trend is seen in all countries.


Women are more sensitive to physical pain, but also more patient than men. But my patience to the doctors women speak three times as often. Men live by the principle "I can't stand, the doctor will not go." This is due to their fear to experience great pain during treatment (after all, their patience had reached the limit), and in addition to the reluctance to acknowledge their illness, that is his weakness.

The affair

To her men and women pushing different reasons. Male desire for sexual adventure, women desire for friendship and strong feelings. Respond to their infidelity husbands and wives in different ways: the first is much less of a sense of guilt. But what unites unfaithful husbands and wives: first, they are mostly not going to give up extra-marital relationships, and secondly, don't want these relationships destroyed their families.


Once the speed of response and ability to take immediate action in any situation depended on the success of men-hunter and man-defender. Today, excessive impulsivity him rather hurt, but can't help it there's nothing he can. In a stressful situation at the modern man, like his ancient ancestor, unstable blood pressure and is a powerful adrenaline rush. Hence uncontrolled male anger. Women are less prone to such sudden outbursts of aggression, not because I feel more powerless, and all because of the same pressure and adrenaline. Women in stressful situations, it is usually closer to the norm than men.


To tremble with fear for their health and dying from a cold - it is the right of men has long established itself. But depression may they leave women! Doctors say that women suffer depression twice as often than men. And from seasonal depression (for example, because of the lack of sun in late winter) - six times more often.


Strange, but no one in the old days there came to the idea to divide men and women more and eating habits. However, the fact that women are more likely to love sweets, but men prefer salty food - it is a scientific fact.


Psychologists have discovered that at the very tender age of boys is much more violent than girls. It seems that growing up, they do not change. On one of the European rally was staged traffic accident. From sixty-two male participants in the accident stopped only thirty-five people, two summoned help. Others decided not to waste time in vain. While sixty-two participants only two decided to pass.


About a fifth of men considers beautiful appearance the main advantage of women. And only one tenth of women imposes high requirements to the appearance of the men. These are the results of research. Men are four times more likely to depart from the mirror satisfied with themselves than women.


90% of men admit that at least once in life have been deceived by a woman. Among women, on the basis of confessions, victims of infidelity less 61%. Do women change less often? Or men are just more clever in concealing their campaigns "left"?


If in the heat of a quarrel, the woman got excited and called his friend's thick-skinned, she was absolutely right. If not in a figurative sense, so direct. Leather men's thicker and less sensitive than women. Therefore, the wrinkles they appear later.


Outwardly signs of male and female lie different. Man, when lying becomes aggressive, not looking at him, shuddering breathes, speaks in a loud voice, leads the fingers on the face, can jump up and run out of the room. The woman in this situation is usually unnatural smiles, says children's voice, smoothes out her clothes, puts one leg over the other and more often than usual, blinking. But the intensity of lies from the floor is not affected. According to the estimates of American psychologists, men and women lie with the same frequency - on average from 5 to 20 times a day.


57% of all fashion trends prevailing in the society, have on women's clothing and jewelry. And only 16% on men's clothing. Fashion is capricious lady. And the women from her whims gets somehow more than men.


80% of people on earth waiting for the boys. This figure was obtained after a study of one hundred and ten different cultures. It turns out, do not have time we will come to light, and the surrounding already treat us unequally. It is hoped that if you take only civilized countries, the ratio is slightly different, not as offensive to women.


On their own mistakes men and women react differently. Women, finding them, try as soon as possible to correct. Fairly easy to agree with those who those mistakes they pointed out, and also tend to explain their lack of skills, certain skills and knowledge. Men tend to persist in their errors, I can not stand when someone finds them before they do. And explain errors is very simple: they lacked zeal. All these differences occur for two reasons: a woman lacks self-confidence, and the man at any cost try to defend the idea of his superiority.

Opposite sex

To add your own properties and presenting inclined men and women. But men, perhaps, have succeeded in this more. Because they are much less likely than women to think about the relationship between the sexes, rarely discuss this issue among themselves, and less seriously trying to understand their partners.


Man that cast their families, and the poor, abandoned woman - these two images is firmly entrenched in our minds. However, they are no longer typical. Today in our country 80% of all divorces occur on the initiative of women.


Household chores are predominantly female. Among them wash it broke all records. It is in women's hands almost 100 percent. In the second place, the cooking, the third - washing dishes.


This is primarily female beach. Women are more likely to gain weight, especially in adulthood than men. But to reset it - chances are less. But rich men still on average thicker than the richest women in America were conducted and these studies! ). Apparently, gated to the abundance and culinary exoticism, men are much nevozdelannuyu food than women. Maybe they believe that the wealthy and successful, will easily forgive all the flaws?


Men get tired faster than women. No difference between the sexes is not confirmed such a huge number of tests and studies like this.


Deep delusion - class pure lady. Meanwhile, men are not worse than women know how to build eyes, laugh inappropriately, and carry nonsense. But unlike women, are able for 5 minutes mentally to marry and baptize children, men forget about flirting in 3 minutes.

The trick

Traditionally women are more cunning creatures. And there is some truth to it. The thing is that women are more inclined to think about their actions. And clever solutions are almost always the fruit of deep reflection and careful analysis of the situation.


Men are more likely to have difficulty identifying colors and shades. One woman of color blind have 80 colorblind men.


For serious feminists is perhaps the most hated word. It sounds not only proud, but still masculine. Isn't it a shame?


One of the rare if not the only kind of criminal activity, virtually untapped by women. Experts attributed this to the fact that this profession? requires exceptional intelligence, reactions, composure, ability to be a psychologist and actor data. You might think that it is not available to women! I have my own version. Only man is capable of so stupid to waste such a rare talent, even in such quantity. Women like capital, belonging to them from birth, prefer to invest wisely and much more profitable.


On the exam, men and women usually skillfully use those advantages which reside in their gender. Men rely on your reflexes, the ability to impromptu. Women, as a rule, better prepared, carefully think through your answer. They are easier to have a teacher (any gender) to itself, as often smile and look you in the eye. In addition, they are better able to lead the conversation towards, while the men find it difficult to speak without merit.


I am not amused by men talk about women's stupidity, impracticality, etc. And my husband did not cheer articles in women's magazines full of a kind of irony in relation to men. That's about all the difference - the disadvantages of the other half of humanity we always seem funnier.


Women often speak in the first person, men prefer the impersonal form. They rather use verbs women - adjectives. Women are more likely to use conditional sentences, ask more questions, make more amendments and reservations.

Men concise outline their thoughts. They are challenged when they have to describe their feelings, but it is better to retell events. On the basis of the specificity of male and female terminology can be two volume dictionary. Sometimes it seems that we all speak different languages. But sometimes, when you want, we can still understand each other! And this is important.



The pursuit of oocytes

The pursuit of oocytesQuite dangerous to cross the Rubicon and not even know about it. However, when it comes to fertility, that is how it works: thousands of women do not know when their "critical age". In youth we only think about how not to get pregnant. In 30 or 40 years, when we feel ready to experience the joys of motherhood, the body suddenly fails. Of course, there is a happy woman who is easy to float through life, succeed and 40 years quietly give birth to their first child. And all the others firmly believe that once someone has managed to do this trick, then we'll do it. And forget about the problem that may lie in wait for any of us - infertility. However, it is not particularly scary - we all know about the scientific achievements in this field, in particular about IVF (in vitro fertilization). Case Adriana Iliescu, who was pregnant at 67, after 12 years of treatment with IVF, and other similar stories only add to our confusion. As noted specialist in the field of artificial insemination Robert Winston: "the Typical patient ECO is a woman 30 a La Bridget Jones, who spent the best for the birth of the child years, drinking Chardonnay or climbing the career ladder. But IVF is not a guarantee of pregnancy among women aged 40-44 years to less than 5% of successful IVF, 2/3 of pregnancies end in miscarriage. However, after understanding the body and slightly changing your lifestyle, you can not only delay a critical age, but also to improve their reproductive ability".

Birth: FAQ

Our reproductive system is designed quite interesting. A man can be a father and in a fairly old age, but a woman is born with a limited supply of eggs, which will eventually collapse and die. The best eggs are matured, while you are young (peak "fertility" women reach 20-27 years). The older the egg, the greater the likelihood that she would have genetic abnormalities which will subsequently lead to miscarriage.

We asked experts in the field of gynecology most pressing questions: what habits need to get rid of, what to eat and how often to have sex?

When the probability of conception above all?
For this you need to know the exact time of ovulation. Monthly average cycle is 28 days. In this case, ovulation occurs between the 12th and 15th days of the cycle (point - the first day of menstruation). If your cycle lasts less than, for example 23 days, ovulation occurs with 5-th to 8-th day. If the cycle is longer than 35 days, ovulation will 19-22 day. Bought in any pharmacy ovulation tests, you will be able to determine the most favorable time for conception. Minus: this knowledge is completely deprive your relationship romance - you have to specify the partner day and even the hour when he should commence his duties.

Does this mean that conception is possible only for three days a month?

No. On average, for each sex, the chance of conception in healthy couples ranges from 1 to 3 %. It is therefore hardly have sex 3-4 times a month will lead to pregnancy. If you want to have a baby, you should have sex 2-3 times a week instead of 3 times in a weekend. In the opinion of the specialist fertilization Zita West, it is very important to keep passion in a relationship: "I've had patients who had sent her husband the SMS: "Dear, in 4 hours I will begin ovulation - hurry home." Such things should not be done - biological details cause men irritation".

How often you need to visit a gynecologist?
Try not only to avoid accidental connections, but also from time to time to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. One of the most serious is chlamydia: often the girl does not even know that the infected, but in the absence of timely treatment, the disease agent will cause inflammation or obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

It is fraught with ectopic pregnancy or even infertility. Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics, and the best way to protect yourself from it is to use condoms.

How to eat properly?
Surprisingly, but the fact is that excess weight leads to complications during pregnancy and infertility. Professor Winston confirms: "it is Enough to lose weight through diet or physical activity and treatment for infertility, you may not need". At the same time, the lack of weight can also lead to infertility.

Get to the issue of food as simple as possible, recommends Dr. West: Problems with conception begin with gastro-intestinal problems, the causes of which lie on the surface: the rejection of Breakfast, late dinner, snacking on the go. Stick to this diet, which is easy to observe in everyday life.In order to improve their reproductive ability, follow these simple rules:

- eat foods with low glycemic index - it will help to balance the level of sugar in the blood;

- drink lots of filtered or mineral water;

- include in the diet as many foods containing fiber, they will help get rid of the old hormones and improve the absorption of nutrients;

- include in the menu of bright fruits and vegetables - they are rich in antioxidants and nutrients;

- eat foods that contain fatty acids, for example, pumpkin seeds, fatty fish and nuts.

Do I need to exclude some products?

Yes - salt, sugar, caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and foods rich in saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, containing glutamate monolatry and preservatives. Take only the vitamins and mineral Supplement designed specifically for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy women: BioCare, Ante-Natal Forte, Zita West Vitafem and Fertility Plus.

What chemicals should be afraid?
Nutritionist Val the Harvey advised to avoid contact with xenoestrogens - chemicals, which accumulate in the body, disrupt the endocrine system. They are contained in plastic bags and films for food packaging, some dyes and collars against fleas for Pets.

Why you want to quit Smoking?

Smoking reduces reproductive age 10 years and increases the likelihood of miscarriage. "Non-Smoking 30-year-old woman and 20-year-old smokers chances of getting pregnant are equal," says the founder of the gynecological clinic of the Poundbury Clinic Michael Dooley.

Do I need to completely give up alcohol?

Don't want to believe it, and yet: even 250 ml of alcohol per week (two incomplete glass! ) can cause disturbances in your hormonal balance. And this, in turn, will reduce the likelihood of conception. Well, the consumption of strong alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, as is known, increases the chance of miscarriage.

Why children and drugs are incompatible?
Almost all drugs interfere with the work of both female and male reproductive system. Women will have disruptions of the menstrual cycle, it stops ovulation, and men lost libido and reduced sperm motility. In short, drugs and kids are incompatible. As well as, drugs and life.

How dangerous stress?
Under the influence of stress in women may stop ovulation. Despite the fact that doctors are ready to refute this assertion, it was proven that stressed mammalian ovulation becomes irregular. So we can assume that in women, the same thing happens. Proper nutrition (in particular, a reduction in the ration of sugar and caffeine), exercise, meditation, massage, yoga and breathing exercises help to cope with stress. Healthy sleep is also very important: according to Dr. West, he treats the whole body.

And what you want from a partner?
One of the biggest misconceptions that infertility is a purely female problem. Every sixth woman cannot become pregnant, and in 40% of cases of infertile male. Changes in lifestyle to improve the reproductive system not only women, but also men - alcohol, drugs and Smoking can damage the sperm quality. Another factor is age. As noted by Dr. Raj Paradise of the London hospital St. Mary: "the age of the father plays an important role, according to some, the forty-year-old men are more likely to give birth to children suffering from schizophrenia and mental disorders. Zinc, selenium, vitamins C and E and folic acid contribute to improving the quality of sperm, so men who do not adhere to a balanced diet, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements for men.

What can alternative medicine?
A combination of traditional and alternative medicine greatly increases the chances of getting pregnant.The best of its methods - anti-stress therapy: massage, acupuncture and reflexology.

What about advanced technologies?
Do not believe the high-profile articles about frozen eggs. ECO paints a future in pink: twenty girls can put "good" eggs stored in the refrigerator until, until the appropriate time for the birth of the child. However, to extract nutrients from the body is possible only in case, if you come early menopause, or if your infertility is the result of medical intervention. All the world knows only 100 cases of children born from frozen eggs - many of them just die during defrosting. There is another variety - frozen embryo. But whether you want after many years to the father of your child was the one with whom you once conceived?. Moreover, scientists are still not sure if born this way the child will not have health problems in the future. And finally, a third option is sperm donation. And here, too, has its pitfalls. Some time it is believed that children born from donor have the right to know who their biological parents, and therefore the number of sperm donors has decreased dramatically. Women have to look for donors in Spain, Cyprus and Romania, where still guarantee anonymity, but, unfortunately, not security.

What is perimenopause?
One of the reasons why a woman of middle age, it is difficult to conceive - its entry in the perimenopause. This is a natural transition hormonal changes the body covering from 2 to 8 years before menopause. For most women, perimenopause begins about 40 years, but some comes and 30. Test definition perimenopause does not exist, but sorry - it often explains the "unexpected infertility". So, if you have the following symptoms - irregular menstrual cycle and ovulation, insomnia, violent mood swings and jumps cholesterol, ask your doctor, and to help them, try to eat right and exercise regularly.


1 People are very prolific. Not true. People in 98% of cases fertilization is born one child, while in rabbits 12 rabbits.
2 Miscarriage is purely a women's issue. Not true. If the egg fertilizes unhealthy sperm, the resulting embryo less likely to survive.

3 Oral contraceptives affect the ability of conception. Not true. Actually they improve reproductive function: with stop ovulation, which they called, the body does not consume the stock of oocytes.

Myths and facts about infertility

Pregnancy after 35


Napier E.


Harper's Bazaar

Exactly the opposite!

Exactly the opposite! These five points we can add to those-of the twelve, who love them.

1. A man confident in his words and actions

Or he tries to be, but God forbid you to suspect him of incompetence! He will become more confident, because he has no margin for error, fear, doubt, especially if there is the fairer sex.

You are constantly afraid of something, think, decide, weigh the decision, refute it, and think again... And so ten times, and they are all easy: "I am a Man, I am strong, I must be sure."

Because that is what we really love them.

2. The man often keeps the border

Unlike women, men rarely climbs into the soul without permission, he will not give advice, and will not claim to be a personal therapist. According to men, it's thankless, but still unpaid case, but this could earn crazy amounts of money!

If you tell a friend that met the guy of her dreams, he will not accept the same hour the same stroke you wedding dress with a veil and tell how best Prince to carry it to the altar. He will give you the opportunity to decide on their own.

3. A man not prone to fits of hysteria

In this regard, women may envy! He will not let go of the wheel, and try to go on the run from the machine, creating an emergency situation. He will not pour tears and curse the thief until the fifth tribe, knowing that her purse instead of a phone, pulled out a lipstick limited edition. Why? Because he is a Man. He will look for a way to solve the problem, and you will cry and historicity" for two.

4. The man thinks

On your half-hour late, he will respond concise SMS: "where are You? ". You're in a similar situation, for his "calm" will come up with 33 misfortunes that happened to loved, and his phone will have time to heat up and zadymitsya the number of your missed calls.

You never wondered why the woman, receiving a salary, you may go out and buy a Louis Vuitton bag, and then sit down for a month been hungry, not Beers and in debt as in silks. But with the bag!?

We prefer to act impulsively and make conclusions immediately, but men prefer...to think. Sometimes it's not romantic, but how practical!

5. A man tries to be strong and persistent

If a man wants to meet you, he is ready to take the first step, even if the pretext is hackneyed phrase "the Girl will not have to podgorice? "and no matter what he's got pockets full of lighters!

If a man says he loves, works on the principle of "See the goal - I don't see obstacles." Many women can not do it, because we are afraid of rejection. We are afraid to hear sacramental word "No", after which destroyed all our hopes and dreams. Men, unlike us, do not fear.


Slesarenko N.


Women's Magazine

Axioms of hitchhiking

Axioms of hitchhikingToday hitchhiking is not always perceived as a form of tourism - rather, how to get from point a to point b for less money.

But once up "dashing nineties" with their hectic traffic conditions - hitchhiking was a full variety of travel and leisure was the opportunity to travel on your route quickly and for free.

Today hitchhiking more popular, especially among young people - so it's time to remember his immutable rules.

First define: hitchhiking is suitable for two or more adults who aim to see the sights and learn the history of some fairly extensive area (country, region, territory).

Keep in mind: children hitchhiking is not carried out.

There is a fundamental hitch: they adhere strictly to the rules free the train and wait on the road such altruistically-minded drivers.

The ideology of free hitchhiking is based on a clear principle: the customer receives from the driver free travel and free tour of the area, the driver receives from the tourist full entertainment and communication on a monotonous route.

Hence the axiom: if they are taking you for free, don't sullenly silent, or even more so to sleep in the car - be sure to distract the driver talks and give him the opportunity to tell all about his native region.

By the way, this information is obtained "first hand", usually simply no price.

The second type of hitchhiking does not exclude fare - in this case, obligations entertainment driver you removed.

But even if you paid for the road - don't miss the opportunity to talk with someone, especially if you ride a trucker. It's just an inexhaustible well of amazing stories, original stories and other myths and legends.

Tourist-hitch, especially if he is going to conquer long distances, it is necessary to prepare seriously and properly equipped - no one can tell you how much time you have to catch a passing transport, so you need to be prepared to sleep under the open sky, and dinner in an open field.

The outfit tourist-hitch includes:


- Backpack (small, in order to accommodate potentially filled with a strange trunk) and a special press packages, which help to compactly pack;

- Sleeping bag;

- Camping mattress (foam);

- Gas burner;

- Lantern;

A minimal set of cookware and knife (necessary in any case);

- First aid kit with essential supplies - aspirin, iodine, bandages, cotton, rope, adhesive tape, activated carbon, suprastin or tavegil Allergy, and your personal medicines if these already exist;

- Individual means of communication (radio, cell phones).

As for security, which is especially important for tourists travelling by hitchhiking, should carry pepper spray or a Taser, and to take responsibility for the choice of transport and its driver: not sure - don't sit down, this Holy rule of competent traveler.

And even beginners hitchhiking is very useful to help more experienced friend - if possible, the first couple of times, good ride with a seasoned tourists, because this hitchhiking is a very large and exciting art.


Belarusian women's portal

How to meet the road

How to meet the roadUpcoming trip far does close, nice or not very often puts people at an impasse. How to prepare for the journey? What you need to bring and what you can freely get in the way? One famous person very aptly noted: "to Leave is to die a little".

The natural anxiety of the unknown, and maybe even stress, prevent potential passenger focus in training camp. And inexorably approaching departure in combination with a complete unwillingness to him enters a poor traveler in trouble or stupor that it's all one and the same.

Of course, ideally it would be nice to travel around the world without burdening suitcases, or, in extreme cases, with easy case in hand. In principle, the current level of service gives people the opportunity to travel with only one plastic in your pocket. And if you can afford such a way, for you can only rejoice.

The rest, whose motto is - possible - maximum comfort, in any case, it is recommended to start with a list. Depending on the purpose of your trip, it can be longer or shorter. If it is a business trip, then do not forget to include here the documents and all what you actually depart. And if you are going to relax, the list will be the longer, the more active your vacation. That is, you may need a tent, flashlight, sunscreen, fins or skis, and so on... the List is divided into two parts - the food and other things.

Packing things

The main rule: all heavy down (books and magazines, clothes, some toiletries), easy - up. Shoes put heels to toe, each pair of Malitikov" put in the package. Arrange them around the edges of the suitcase. High-heeled shoes, it is recommended to pack each separately, and place the heel in the corner.

Good idea: take not something that can be useful, but without which it can not do!

Well, if the trip you know in advance, then you can start to make a list ahead of time, the method of sudden enlightenment. That is, the remembered - recorded. But if you need to get to the night train, and you just got back from work, then you need to take a piece of paper and a pencil, sit in a chair, relax and imagine:

- All your prospective way on the road.

- Day upon arrival at the destination.

The principle of making the list is as follows. Here you mentally get in the coupe. It would be good to change. Therefore, write - road suit and Slippers. Further. You are already standing near the window. Now would be the time to drink coffee. Write - favorite Cup, spoon. Woke up in the morning, go to the bathroom. Write - towel. And so on. It is desirable that the things you have chosen in the road, were light and versatile.

That is, take these Slippers, you will be able not only to stomp on the coupe, but to stand under the shower in the hotel. Give up his beloved, but heavy porcelain mug in favor of lightweight plastic, if it is for you, not fundamentally. Traveling is a very useful thing - boiler. Also bring with you such things as knife, corkscrew, needle and thread, and so on, not to ask them then in the next compartment. Of course, if you are not going to use this as an excuse to explore. However, this is another topic for discussion.

So, the list was compiled. But do not rush immediately to throw things in a bag. First, put them on the table or on the sofa, as you wish, at the same time marking them in the list. Thus, when you put a check mark, all things will be before your eyes, and you are guaranteed nothing will be forgotten. You can start packing, but first one a little secret.

Pull from the bottom of the bags cardboard bottom and lay down a sheet of polyethylene. This is for protection from puddles and snowdrifts. Before you return the cardboard in place, make the blade on the edge of the shell neat incision. In the resulting tinychat place a sufficient sum to purchase tickets for the way back in case of an emergency. This will give you confidence, although it would be better if you will remember about this stash safely back home.

Packaging start with things that you will need only on arrival. So at the very top will be what you will need in the near future. Soft things (clothes) try to position the inner side of the handbag, in order not to injure yourself sharp corners when walking. For road reading (something disposable so that after reading not to lug around a useless burden), scan words, stick with the notebook, cosmetics and toiletries, use the side pockets of the bag.

The first aid kit. Everyone knows their "sores", so don't forget to take along the Essentials.

And yet - if you need to take care in advance of roaming!

By the way! And whether you have forgotten about your toothbrush? This insidious things quite often able to stay at home.

Do not dispose of your list! You'll see - time will pass, and he again you will need.

The appearance of things

To knit and cotton stuff hesitated less, they do not fold up, and skateway roll - avoid creases and folds. Moreover, the rollers convenient to create the "Windows" inside the bag. Silk or linen things it is advisable to wrap tissue paper (or paper from Shoe boxes). If things are still hesitated, then, when you're going to take a hot shower, hang them on a hanger and bring them with you to the bathroom. 20-30 minutes - and natural steam will smooth things better than iron!

Your appearance

Take a trip should easily be combined with each other things. Calculate the possible combinations, there should be as many vacation days (or multiply by two: lunch and dinner). Don't forget about the accessories: scarves, belts, bracelets, colorful necklaces and earrings will help to change and/or add to your image.

Question: What to take in the way of food? Go less than a day, but not one the same chocolates to eat.


Boiled eggs, apples, cucumbers, crackers, noodles or mashed potatoes in cups (not useful, but as an exception...), boiled potatoes, cheese sandwiches. The word that is not razdavitsa, not flow, not sour and not too much debris. Or buy pies with different fillings: tea - perfect! Don't take a lot in order not to impose their neighbors in the compartment. Discard perishable, strong-smelling and greasy and sticky products. And drink in the way a lot of liquid. Do not create unnecessary problems for yourself and others.


School of life

Painless vacation with kid

Painless vacation with kidAll loving parents try to show the world to a child. Some bring their children to see the Siberian beauty, others dabble in the Black sea, others go the whole family to exotic countries.

But to the rest went without a hitch, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, to make all the necessary vaccinations, to equip the child's health and to take out health insurance. Read about it in our article.


Before travel to countries that recorded an infectious disease, not typical for Ukraine, it is necessary to be vaccinated. Both adults and children.

And remember to consult your doctor beforehand. For this there are a number of reasons. First, on the exam, the doctor will evaluate the health of your baby, will be discharged, if necessary, directions for tests (the results of which will have to wait). And only after the physician is satisfied that the child is all right, you can proceed directly to the vaccinations.

Secondly, vaccination should be done in advance in order to exit the child began to produce antibodies to protect against infection. Moreover, after some vaccinations the child may be unwell for a couple of days in this condition it is better to lie at home in bed instead of flying long hours on the plane.

And finally, travel to certain countries require several vaccinations that cannot be done simultaneously. Therefore, immunization may take some time (which should be in your inventory).

What vaccinations should I do?

When traveling to tropical countries you want to make children immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and pertussis. If the kid did all those previously vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar, the doctor usually does not insist on repeat.

Africa and Latin America endemic for yellow fever, so it is not recommended to visit these countries, especially with a child, not having a special immunization against this disease.

Decided to go with children in Mecca should be vaccinated against meningitis.

In Asia and Africa "walks" hepatitis C. of Course, it is only transmitted sexually, through blood and medical instruments. But on vacation, anything can happen, so it is highly recommended to prolactinomas in advance.

Summer voyage to Siberia should pass under the guise of a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.

In Central Asia is very common, hepatitis a, if you're going on vacation, make yourself and your child vaccinated against the disease.

Travel first aid kit

Going on vacation with children, you need not only to dream of bathing in the sea waves and travel excursions. You also need to be ready in any situation to help your baby. That is why we strongly suggest you to collect a full first aid kit on all occasions.

Regular medication

First of all put in a first aid kit for those medications that you take regularly in connection with any disease (e.g., insulin for diabetes, or nitroglycerin with frequent attacks of angina).


Under the small things are important and necessary, we mean a thermometer, measuring Cup, dropper, a syringe and a pear, manicure scissors.

Means for motion sickness

Often not so important, what transport you will get to rest. Some kids get sick in the car, in the bus, on the plane. Even if you have never been faced with this problem, we recommend you to stock up special funds for motion sickness.

In mild motion sickness, you can use the regular mints. If the baby is sick, you need to give it "Air-sea" or "Tamino". Such funds shall be settled children from 1 year.

It is recommended to use the medication half an hour before the trip, but you can drink and during motion.

Funds from runny nose and nasal congestion

Very often, despite the hot summer weather, or maybe because of it, children occurs runny nose. In order stuffy nose do not ruin your holiday, grab a means for cleaning the nasal cavity. These include "saline" and "Aqua Maris". Drops used for infants up to 1 year, for older children the tools can be used in the form of a spray.

To use them simply and easily. Buried product, wait a bit and sucked off Sapelka with a syringe or clean the nasal cavity with a cotton turondale. After the nose is cleared, it's time vasoconstrictor drugs. They eliminate nasal congestion, reduce edema of the mucosa and improve breathing. These include "Otrivin", "Nasivin", "Tizin, Sanorin", "It".

Acquiring funds in the pharmacy, be sure to specify the age of the child, to the pharmacist correctly picked up the dosage. Remember that vasoconstrictor drops do not cure, but only eliminate the symptoms of runny nose and can be used no more than three days.

In order to prevent the multiplication of bacteria in the nasal cavity and the spread of inflammation, use the "Vibration". If the runny nose is long, and snot began to get a greenish tint, you should use antimicrobial drugs, such as Sofra" or "Politeks".

If sore throat

If a child has a sore throat and then to his aid should come antiseptic local action. Adult children will fit lozenges "Strepsils" or "Strepfen". Children who are not yet able to dissolve the tablets, it is recommended to use the solutions (Chlorhexidine) and sprays (Gexeral" or "Hexapla").

Shoot ears

If baby's sore eye, you must show it to the doctor, but to ease his suffering to medical advice, provide first aid to themselves. It is not recommended to apply medication directly into the ear of the child, should be put cotton pads soaked "Politikai" or "Adipexcom". These drugs have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, as well as relieve pain. Before you can use the solutions should be heated to body temperature, squeezing for a few minutes in the palm of your hand.

Had inflamed eyes

Babies often develop inflammation of the eye - conjunctivitis. In this situation, you should rinse the eyes of a child with a weak solution "of Furacin" (1 tablet of the drug in a glass of water).

This should be done so. Moisten the swab in the solution and washed eye from outer corner to inner. Carefully and gently, remember to RUB and squeeze in any case impossible. For each eye should be used separate swab. After washing drip into eyes "Sulfacetamide or Sofradex". These drugs have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic actions.

If the child coughs

If the child coughs, then it certainly should show your doctor. But then again, having started treatment, so as not to lose precious time by yourself.

If toddler dry cough, you need to make it wet (moisture is sputum, in which "float" bacteria, it is necessary to make the liquid to remove from the body). This will help you "ATT" or "NAC". Transferring a wet cough, changing goals - now you need to contribute to the removal of phlegm from the body. Therefore, the child should be taken "Ascoril", "Lasolvan", "Ambrobene or Bromhexine".

The temperature rise

If the thermometer jumped above the $ 38 degrees, you should take antipyretics.

For children it is recommended to use preparations on the basis of paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan, Capecon". By purchasing them at the pharmacy, ask what you need baby dosage. These drugs can be used in children older than 3 months.

With six-month-old babies are resolved antipyretic drugs on the basis of ibuprofen, for example the well-known "Nurofen", which is available for children in syrup and candles. There are also tools with easy antipyretic effect, made on a plant basis. These medications include candles "Viburcol".

Oh, how it hurts!

If the crumbs headache, tooth or tummy, you need to help him by giving him an anesthetic tablet. To do this, please put in a first aid kit "But, silos, "Baralgin, Sashan" or "Tempalgin". Children with 2 years permitted to give the money for the bottle of pills, and over the age of 6 at the half.

And we have a stomach ache

Unfortunately, the rest of the abdomen, usually suffers in the first place. To undermine his health and able acclimatization, and new food, and even water. So you should always have at hand the necessary Arsenal of tools.

If your baby suffers from increased gas formation in the intestine, manifested by pain and bloating, you need to drink it "Plantex", vegetable drug approved for use even in infants.

Also effective such suspension, as Espumizan" and "SAB Simplex".

If the baby "twisted" constipation, it can help tools such as candles with glycerol suppositories "Bisacodyl" syrup "Duphalac" or microclimate "Microlax".

If the child, on the contrary, there is an indulgence of the chair, then you must use "Imodium", this preparation allowed the children from two years.

If the fault watery stool you think poisoning or infection, you, waiting for the doctor give your child the following medications: chelators are drugs that "precipitated" the toxins and germs and carry them out of the child's body. These tools include "Enterosgel", "Smectite" and "Polifan".

You can also give the baby antibacterial that will fight infection in the intestine. For these purposes take "Ercefuryl", it is permitted for use in children older than 1 month.

When indigestion useful enzymes, such as "Abomin", "Mezim-Forte", "CREON". They facilitate the processes of digestion and give the rest of the gastro-intestinal tract.

With copious diarrhea and repeated vomiting toddler loses not only liquid, but also salt. To restore them you will help such drugs as "Trial", "Regidron and Antinodes".

Our injury

Children on holiday prefer active games, running, jumping and, unfortunately, sometimes fall and get injured.

If the crumbs injury without injury to the skin or bruise, it is necessary to lubricate the site of injury ointment "Gepatrombin" or gels "Troksevazina" or "Venoruton". Neat, light, massage gently apply the ointment on the place of injury or bruise. This will reduce the pain and reduce swelling.

If the child is cut, scratched or smashed knees in blood, it is necessary to make the treatment of the wound. To do this, first you will need a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a solution of furacin. How should wash the wound, then Pat dry with a sterile cloth. Treat the wound edges with Zelenka or iodine, but remember that pouring them into the cavity of the wound is strictly prohibited.

After treatment, apply on the wound with a sterile dressing and secure it with adhesive tape or an elastic bandage, which must also always be in your medicine Cabinet. As well as conventional bandages, cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton swabs, wipes and a tourniquet.

And if allergies?

With a small child you should always have on hand tools from allergies, you never know how to behave in the body of the baby, getting the rest of the new food or when confronted with a bee sting. Therefore, the Cabinet must be an antiallergic drug "Diasorin", "Tavegil", "Suprastin". Bring a gel Fenistil", it will help you to deal with the external manifestations of Allergy.

Medical insurance

In order to be well prepared for the trip ahead of time via the Internet, friends or advisers travel agencies to find all the necessary phone numbers and locations of clinics in the place where you will rest. It is strongly recommended to have the policy of obligatory medical insurance. Without it, it is free only emergency assistance on vital indications.

It is much harder to treat the child abroad. If you fly on a ticket purchased in a large travel Agency, then you definitely will offer to purchase health insurance. Do not give up! This small expenditure, but they guarantee you, is so necessary sometimes far from home. As a rule, the insurance includes: emergency medical care, including medical consultation, hospitalization and surveying; transportation home if the child will not be able to move independently.

Dentistry in the list provide free services not included, except for acute injury and pain.

Seek medical help you in two ways: cash and insurance. For payment you can ask to go up to your hotel room doctor. I want to warn at once, the fun is not cheap. If you decided to use the insurance, then you must perform the following procedure.

Call the Manager of the insurance company (this can be done round the clock) and then explain the problem. And of course, leave a phone number where you can be contacted. Everything else is a matter of the insurance company.

If the place has acute poisoning or injury, which is a condition requiring immediate assistance, you should not wait for help from the insurance company, because it may take a lot of time, which in such cases it is quite impossible to lose. Call your doctor or immediately bring the child to the hospital, and then mess with the insurance company and explain the situation.

Sometimes it happens that, despite the presence of insurance, you have to pay cash. Be sure to keep all receipts for medical services, transport and purchase of medicines. Upon returning home, you will need to provide the documents that you compensated your expenses.

You will need:

All accounts to which the addition amount must be specified: a surname, a name, a patronymic of the child, the number of the policy, the full diagnosis, list of medical services and their data.

Prescriptions from pharmacies only with stamps and seals, they must be specified your data (name and surname).

Account for examination and conducting them or nurse any manipulation.

Account per diem for staying in the hospital, they must specify the date of admission and discharge.

On arrival as soon as possible submit an application and all required documents to the insurance company. Under our law, your application must be reviewed within two weeks.

And finally...

Finally, I want to advise you to bring the following tools:

- repellent, i.e. funds from mosquitoes and other insects, so they will not spoil your entire vacation;

- tincture of Valerian as a sedative;

- ammonia required for loss of consciousness;

zinc ointment, it helps diaper rash, rubs and blisters;

- a children's cream.

Therefore, well prepared, you can minimize health problems and get great pleasure from your vacation with the whole family!



Stress driving

Stress drivingThe number of cars on our roads every day increasing, and therefore, the number of potentially dangerous situations, grow tubes, led is becoming more difficult to Park - problemnie, be on time and it is totally unrealistic... the Consequence of all this is constantly accompanying the driving stress.

To deal with all this radically impossible, and then, most likely, will only get worse. But to adapt to the situation and to cope with their own emotional States can, try at least a little to make your life easier and save your nerves with the help of samostroy and improvised.

Here are a few ways to beat stress and improve his condition.

Try to set yourself for peace of mind. Be friendly to all other drivers and pedestrians, even if they behave improperly and defiant. Try to mentally talk to them: for "good behavior" on the road thanks, beautiful machines compliments for their incorrect maneuvers apologize, but for someone else's "rudeness" just iwrite, as a careless student. It is clear that it is quite hard to get to that place sincerely and from the heart, so let it be a kind of game in which you put yourself above others and generously give praise and reproach. Let your good mood and self-sufficiency will be your trump card in a successful drive, compared with all the others who are angry and nervous in their cars.

Constant emotional tension caused by stress, gradually leads to depletion of energy reserves. To feel good and not feel excessive nervousness will help proper nutrition. Before the daily trips to work and the morning traffic should be served at home. The best menu for this will be: a glass of fresh juice (preferably citrus fruit), whole wheat bread or rolls, yogurt, fresh fruit (especially useful banana). It remains only to choose what you like to taste. And to always "be thrown into the furnace during the trip in the middle of the day, keep in the car package of crackers or unsalted biscuits and a bottle of water. Fatigue and stress relieve lemon and coffee. Any carbohydrate food (sweet fruit) relaxes the body and relieves tension. The chewing movement of the jaws increases the blood supply to the head, so you can just use chewing gum.

Consider the opportunity to listen to in the car a variety of music. Stress, excessive irritability and irritation of the well-off classic and natural sounds (the sound of the sea, the rain, the sounds of the forest, birds singing). Relax and cheer up the rhythmic melodies of type marches - in the modern language is a dynamic dance composition, light pop music. Burn disc of your favorite songs every day this would never hear, but in the difficult moments will this assignment be useful.

The problem of traffic jams, you should try to take as follows: the tube we will not escape, so nervous and simmer absolutely meaningless, and you need to try to change their attitude to the situation and a little work on them.

Try not to panic, not to worry, think about something productive, good recall some pleasant or amusing. Can something mentally to plan, to think about a nice term.

Do not be distracted much on extraneous things, telephone, newspaper, SMS, not to dim attention. It is better to include soft music, to talk with passengers.

Always keep on hand ascorbico. If you were misted eyes or dizzy, immediately eat a couple of things.

If you have a long and exhausting trip or have all day to travel on business to take the time to get nervous, take in advance "Nootropil" according to the instructions. This drug improves cerebral circulation, thereby stimulating cognitive processes (memory, attention, mental health). But sedatives can not be accepted - they dull attention, increase the reaction speed, slow down.

If you feel behind the wheel of a strong tension, you should stop and get out of the car. You can just stand and emotionally "cool" or to let loose (to stretch, jump, run), went to excess periodluminosity, emotions and adrenaline.


The family site

Driving style reflects the personality

Driving style reflects the personalityIt is no secret that long ago talking about the fact that the peculiarities of human behavior behind the wheel, you can draw conclusions about what he did in life. The driving style is determined by the character, emotional warehouse, attitude towards others, self-esteem. Our behavior on the road is the prototype of a small life - "life behind the wheel". There and interpersonal relationships, and criteria for the sense of self, and rivalry, and internal dialogue, and stressful situations, and the need to make decisions. On the road we can be calm and to respect all, and may quietly hate all the "neighbors" on the highway and everything their way.

You can be afraid and ashamed of each machine, and you can feel the king of the track and don't care at all. Someone does not pay attention to other people's accidents and laugh, upon reaching the backside of the front of the car, and someone will be mad from the broken lights and arrange hysterics. One goes with strong nerves, whatever happens, and the other boiling with rage, even if its just going to overtake. Many quietly go and are abstract in conversation, and some lively and nervously comment on every action of other drivers. There are those who love the smooth and orderly movement, and there are others who are constantly twitches, rushing everywhere and tries to get.

The key point of all this one: some people on the road, behind the wheel, he is in life. The amazing thing is that if you do try to remember who met you on the road, in memory will appear in the main not the most pleasant "types". Indeed a professional driver does not pay attention, he confidently and safely pass you. And you will remember exactly the "problem" drivers. Let's try to classify them:

"Active aggressor". One who behaves on the road aggressive, twitches, and prunes. Often this "racer" and "manifest" angry at the whole world, envious and not confident. Maybe he don't know, but actually inside him live weight complexes. "Confident people who have achieved certain goals, knowing your own worth, much less susceptible to outside influence. Moreover, it is these people there is no need to aggressively drive, they asserted itself in the life and far from this risky acting in childish" (Newspaper "Auto digest").

"Principal aggressor". This is a different type of driver"aggressor". He will not drive under 180, actively reconstructed from a number in the range to fly to "yellow". But you should try to fit in front of him in traffic, travel to the traffic light, or even overtake, the driver will not forgive you "infringing on their rights". It will not give rebuilt, starts beeping, will overtake specially slowly go in front of you. Most likely, in the life of this man thinks about everything in the army system: everything must be right, and if someone tries to "misbehave" - it must be severely punished, preferably by the same means. He rarely concedes in the debate, not the likes of "deficiencies" in any case, he had a serious nature and a keen sense of self-worth.

"Brake" and "Melancholic "blase". You probably were in the left lane in front of the car moving with a speed of 40 km/h. Or could not overtake the car, which surely is traveling between lanes, right in the middle of the road. These drivers believe that the road is exclusively for them, and simply don't respect the neighbors in the other car, often causing accidents, as drivers are"aggressors"). This type is in most cases the person from a past life", t.e. not socialized and not modern. He since has good "Lada" or "Volga", unreasonably despises all drivers for their imported cars and all their behavior shows that he is the only rights. As a rule, regardless of the age and brand of the machine, such people are behind envious thoughts and complexes, quietly "hate" each and every passerby on the street, an employee at work, the seller in the store, but obviously not openly admit it even to ourselves. In any case, they will attempt to make his own way to show off all their imaginary significance.

"Insolent girl". The right number of Tver or not Lenin goes. At the curb, flashing "emergency lights", is an empty machine. Its owner went to the shop nearby. Another situation: you parked the car in the Parking lot, went about his business, and when I came back I saw that someone "locked" your car, putting across his. It is clear that the owner had not even tried normal Park, he just did as he was comfortable. Unfortunately, these girls and give rise to offensive and not corresponding to reality, the myth of the "woman at the wheel". And it's not about women's nature and in human. Such a lady would never think about other people's interests, and will live only for their own benefit, she would steal someone else's husband, will betray a friend and Asplenium the head of evil opponent. Under this type will fall and some members of the male sex, and from such people it is better to stay away in life and business relationships.

With the exception of the negative list are

very courteous drivers. It is unfortunate, but politeness on our roads is so rare that its manifestations are remembered almost all my life, we would assure ourselves - not everything is lost yet, there are still on the roads gentlemen. Typically, this is adult men, it does not matter on old Lada or Land Cruiser, and objectively self-contained and balanced women and girls. They're just quiet. This is called "European" style of driving, when driving along a highway is not an element of self-assertion each and collaboration of all drivers, where each of them depends the safety and pleasure of riding around. All just want easy and safe to get home, or at work, or on vacation. Accordingly, when the door to their cars close outside, go there quiet and adequate people, friendly and personal one-piece. With them will be pleased to make friends, work and cost a personal relationship.


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