Friday, February 28, 2014

Died actress Brittany Murphy

Died actress Brittany MurphyDecember 20 at the age of 32 in Los Angeles died actress Brittany Murphy, known to viewers of the works in the movie "Eight mile" and "sin City".

The body of the actress was found by her mother in the bathroom about 8 o'clock in the morning. Arrived on-call doctors were unable to resuscitate Murphy. The death was recorded in one of the hospitals in Los Angeles at 10:04.

The Los Angeles police began to investigate the death of Hollywood actress. According to unofficial sources, the actress died of a heart attack. The actress was suffering from type II diabetes, which also could cause cardiac arrest.

Brittany Murphy was born November 10, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia. C the age of 13 she appeared in television commercials, and just a year later she began to invite the youth series.

Brittany Murphy starred in more than 20 paintings. Murphy starred in such films as "girl, Interrupted", "Eight mile", "don't say a word", "sin City". She also starred in the romantic Comedy "just married" with Ashton Kutcher. Sunday morning Ashton Kutcher wrote on Twitter ' e: "Today the world lost a little piece of the sun. My deep condolences to the family, her husband and her amazing mother Sharon."

The actress was known not only in the cinematic world, but in the world of music. Brittany Murphy had a great voice. In the early 90's she was the soloist in his own group Blessed Soul. The composition of the group can be heard in the soundtrack to the film "girl, Interrupted" and other

Love addiction: how not to get hooked

Love addiction: how not to get hookedHave you ever been fishing? Personally, I whole childhood. My grandfather raised me in the night, drove to the pond or river, there was planted next to him and threw a rod. After ten minutes or an hour of silence grandfather whispered excitedly: "On the hook! " And began a crackdown: the fish tried to escape, to hide, to catch a scaffold for a snag and break, and grandfather tried the fish hold.

Once grandpa was distracted from the process - apparently, I'm too loudly and angrily puffing, feeling for the victim, and said with conviction, taking the fish off the hook: "do not worry you so, she can't hurt".

The tale of the fisherman and the fish

Lives in the light of a beautiful young woman, say, Kate. Ten years ago she was a vibrant and happy affair with a beautiful young man, say, Igor. All friends and girlfriends lovers, forgetting envy, in one voice saying that they are just made for each other.

Their romance was burned out within a year or so. Igor became pensive, tired, constantly pop up with some urgent work, and his parents, to this beautifully lived out of town in society three dogs began to demand his arrival every weekend - in General, Katya time remained smaller. It's not that nothing was noticed was that there were bells: inconsistencies, awkward moments, strange smells... But to put the facts and realize that something strange is happening, Kate could not. Or not wanted. Happiness is a narcotic state, and in order to stay in it, people are often ready to close my eyes to many things.

Igor himself confessed. He was furnished beautifully and romantically: led Katya in their favorite restaurant, " she later recalled that he was quite sure now she will make the offer for all Hollywood canons, ordered champagne and tragic voice said Katya for him - only one, but... But now he has such a hard time, and he needs to be alone, to understand yourself, and don't think ill of me" and "I'm still there".

Kate was not a naive fool and realized that her tale ended. Six months she came to: repair, fitness, work, girlfriend, movie, two salaries for shopping, driving license and apotheosis - first date with a cute Nikita.

I don't know whether there is a mental connection, aliens and one hundred percent successful diet. But Igor just felt something and instantly appeared in her life SMS-coy "hi, baby, how are you, miss call". Katia laughed and erased the message. A day later came another "kid, I feel bad without you" and "have you so quickly forgotten everything? ".

In the end, Igor appeared in the doorway with a bouquet. He was still the same beautiful, just as familiar, your... And Kate could not resist - she was back on the hook.

Clearly, what happened next seven months story with "I need to be alone" was repeated. Only this time Katya sent Igor far away, wiped all the contacts and told us that his two best friends: "Well, girls, the more I don't bite" so confident that we almost believe it.

It is said that in one of the river cannot be entered twice. Now, Kate went into his river six times. As soon as she had seen something really good, there was Igor and all flew to hell. She changed phone numbers, went to the therapist, went to another city, but Igor, apparently, was an experienced fisherman, and found it everywhere. We asked a hundred times - what are you doing, why break your life? And heard in response: "I don't know. Pulls. I guess I still love him and every time we believe that now everything will be different".

Last year Kate got married, and my friend breathed a sigh of relief - all crossed the Rubicon. And recently she called and lamely said that he met on the street Igor and that she knows nothing, but it seems now they have all seriously. To be honest, I'm afraid to call and ask how things were going.

Who are you - the fish or the fisherman?

Kate's story is, you can say, clinical case. But perhaps each of us have our own fisherman. We may not even know about it, explaining craving for man anything: old friendship, affection, habit, some obligations, the memory of a common past, just a good attitude.

The former lovers that appear when they are sad or lonely; girlfriends who need moral nourishment; old friends, which appear suddenly after many years with their problems... They deftly cut us, and now - please! we again have them on the hook.

May we give in because they are part of our past. But the human psyche is designed so that from the past stored in the memory more joyful than negative aspects (provided, of course, that the blow was not too strong) - this is a simple and reliable protective mechanism. Otherwise, remembering all painful experiences, small betrayal, humiliation - how could we live with such a burden?

Not necessarily that the one who keeps us hooked, doing so purely out of selfish reasons. Sometimes it happens unconsciously, almost at the reflex level, as a fallback or airbag in case of an accident. Admit it is very comforting to know that somewhere there is a man who emotionally to you and tied one way or the other - will come to the rescue, it is only necessary to pull the line.

On the other hand, each of us have, perhaps, and its fish. Let a small, floating in muddy water or even gone to the bottom, but there is.

For example, my friend who is not indifferent to me, but without reciprocity, no pretending. He has his own life, his affections and passions. But when I have a crisis, I was trying to enter his room, saying "save me", and he comes. I know it's not fair on my part. But when you are holding a fishing rod, moral principles fade into the background - such is the cycle of fishermen and fish in nature.

Leaving - leave

As for the "former", I personally do not believe in the words "let's start all over again". So can be a very long walk in a circle, stepping on the same rake and making the same mistakes. But why?

Hanging on the hook relations and allow themselves to be manipulated so to think that your happiness depends on someone or something. But it is not.

And yet. Don't forget: when you close one door, open the other. So don't be afraid to close the door more tightly, so as not to be on the hook.


Leshchenko Yu



10 best gifts for mistress and lover for the New year

10 best gifts for mistress and lover for the New yearOver the choice of gift it is necessary to think in advance.

This issue should be taken seriously, because gifts are an important part of any relationship and the easiest way to tell about your feelings. Choosing gift is an art, and most importantly - it cannot be delegated to another, because the gift should bear your energy and not become commonplace formality.

Special attention requires the gift to the mistress or lover: he must be both bold and elegant, sexy and sophisticated, stylish and extremely private.

Fragrant temptation

Perfume - traditional, but no less welcome gift, which is equally suitable for both men and women. How to choose a perfume, already written a lot, however, we emphasize that it is better not to depart from the aroma, which gives preference to your loved one. Such a gift you kill several birds with one stone: will present "air and romantic, but practical at the same time thing, will emphasize the sophistication partner, and its delicate taste and will constantly remind myself favorite smell.

Surprise from a sex shop

The gifts of the intimate store every year are becoming increasingly popular among our citizens. Why buy in a sex shop can toy almost every taste: from funny souvenir mugs in the shape of a female breast and ending with sophisticated arrangements for sex. But the main thing here is not to overdo it - it all depends on the attitudes and beliefs of your partner. After all that just for one game, then another may seem like an insult. Therefore it is better by the way to find out how your lover or mistress refers to such things and what is acceptable and what is not. By the way, toy from a sex shop then it might be a nice addition to your lovemaking.

Lace weapon of seduction

Beautiful luxury lingerie has always been a powerful weapon of seduction, but now it has turned into a cult, a peculiar attribute of sexual games. Seductive lingerie is one of the most intimate gifts, and be sure that if it really chosen with taste and with her in mind - your lover definitely will appreciate this beauty.

Lingerie is a great gift not only for women but also for men: funny shorts with a trunk or funny slogans have become "gift classics" and will definitely cheer up your lover.

Souvenir shop

Souvenirs decided to give in occasion of and without, expensive and cheap, beautiful and original, practical and extremely decorative. If your mistress or lover prefers this kind of gifts for you, the task is greatly simplified. Even better, if people collect figurines or, for example, miniature models of vintage cars. But if the beloved is not particularly thrilled with ceramic angels and Teddy bears, it is better to choose another gift option, as ridiculous favors more annoyed and collect dust than bring pleasure. And even more will not cause those pleasant emotions that you expect.

"Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Jewels in all ages been considered as a perfect gift for mistress. "Men come and go, but diamonds stay" - this phrase became the motto is not one star, and they know about this! In our time, expensive jewelry also is a good gift, it's important that the decorations complement the style of your beloved, and did not go with him into the incision. If she prefers silver, you should not choose other metals, and if she wears only gold, even fine jewelry will be out of place.

Although jewelry is considered traditionally female privilege, men are not averse to receive as a gift, for example, beautiful cufflinks, tie clip, chain or bracelet.

Office stuff

In the modern world of business style goes far beyond the offices and is an integral part of our daily life. This also applies to accessories, so such gifts as business weekly, expensive branded pen or exclusive business card holder will be just by the way, if workdays your lover take place in the walls of the office, at business meetings and conferences. But for mistress preferably something more personal, emphasizing her femininity.

My fluffy miracle

Cute pet would be an amazing gift for your passion, will help to fill your life with new colors, give love and joy. In the year of the Rabbit or Cat little fluffy rabbit or playful kitten is just what you need! But before you decide on a gift, you should ask that thinks about the future happy owner of a pet: not all people have the opportunity to keep in my house the animal, and not all are ready to take responsibility for the little creature.

A gift for body and soul

Late December is the time to treat the object of his passion relaxing treatments - they will bring pleasure for the soul and for the body. Chocolate wrap, Thai massage, secrets Turkish Hammam - SPA-salons offer pleasure for every taste. You can also try something quite exotic, such as manicure using Garra rufa fish. Such a gift should first and foremost be fun, and then practical use, and in any case not contain even a hint of any disadvantages of a loved one - or instead of gratitude risk of running into a major scandal.

As a present for your beloved, you can also offer professional photo shoot, a single record or a variety of master classes, ranging from sushi and ending with the art of Striptease. For it will also fit the lessons of extreme driving or sports equipment for his favorite winter sport.

"Haute couture"

New clothes from famous designers - another win-win situation, if you know that you have chosen your choice. "Top-notch move - a coat of fur, only if your lady does not belong to the society for the protection of animals. Will not abandon a good shirt or brand sweaters and men.

Holiday for two

And finally, probably the best gift - enjoy an unforgettable holiday for two, make at least one little dream - this will be remembered for a lifetime. Do together what you wanted, be it a fascinating tour or dinner in the rooftop restaurant, a cinema room for two, a walk in the carriage or limousine. You can both go to learn to dance salsa, to draw a picture or learn the secrets of the tea ceremony. Here are your possibilities are limited only by your imagination, and various agencies of the holidays would be happy to help.

And the main thing - remember that the gift should be chosen with showers, thinking about the person for whom it is intended. Try to guess other people's desires - and the result will not disappoint you.



How to develop willpower

How to develop willpowerWillpower is the ability of a person to implement such activities that are necessary to achieve certain goals. And, as a rule, these activities are associated with overcoming known barriers and therefore do not deliver the man of pleasant sensations.

Willpower is one of the powerful forces of human nature and at the same time, we are the least known. On an unconscious level it within a certain framework is implemented by all people. Some are aware of it, not understanding clearly the laws of its origin and development. However, if you make known efforts, you can develop willpower.

Every human being is unique, but rare people need to realize the uniqueness and live in accordance with this recognition. Often the person is aware what he wants, which seeks to prevent, fear. But only the one who knows what he wants himself, turns into a person.

People who do not have their own will, convenient and easy to adapt to the environment. They can operate themselves, to use even with bad purposes, but respect and appreciate them rarely.

Most people interested in the fate of others, but does not believe in something that can shape its own destiny. Good people are often reluctant to enter the competition, it seems to him that everything should be in itself good. But by itself nothing happens. Who wants to act and influence others, one must have a firm and constant will. Friedrich Schiller very aptly commented that "the small and the big man makes his will".

The decisive factor is not what we are at birth, and what we do with your life. Each of us probably had to watch that weak-willed people, even under the best conditions, nothing was achieved in life. "Don't strain", - Shpakov their motto, and they allow you to control yourself and go with the flow. "I want to find my own purpose, such purpose for which it would be worthwhile to give it their all" - this should be the installation of every self-respecting person.

Parents, teachers, friends, heads of service can give advice, but to seek only need to target selected independently. Only he who has found his own purpose and is working on its implementation, stands out from the crowd. Goals must meet two requirements: to represent a particular achievement for the society; to contribute to the development of personality. The fact that we live in, is at first the only thing we are sure. From this confidence is born of the consciousness "I am". From the awareness of its existence is an "I want". From the feeling of power will be born, "I can." And as we strive not only to live but to live more consciously, freely, substantial, full-bodied, versatile, from "I can" grow up eventually, "I did".

If a person says "I can't" essentially means "I don't want", because who really wants that may: dynamic activation will equivalent disclosure abilities. Who wants to achieve something in life should know or be aware of the roots of willpower. These five roots.

The first root of the power of will - desire

The desire to always show us the way, they are the co-creators of our future. But desire can be valuable, worthless, connected with professional activities, financial wishes of love, happiness, fulfillment of something.

Our desires - the most personal, private, a man can have. Recognizing your desires, we can learn to understand himself. They reflect the richness of our inner world. There is no happiness without anticipating his desires. The desire inherent power. As in the grain, which tends to form in the plant, it has the magical power of execution. So how can a man achieve in life something special, not wanting this.

In the soul of man, on the one hand, there are the concerns, and on the other desires. You need to find out and understand what's more take into account what is more receptive people by their fears or their desires. The human body every day, twenty four hours a day produces energy. The more a person desires and interests, the more it breaks down your energy. And the more depleted energy, the less the person achieves in life, the earlier burns. Willpower, in contrast, leads to the concentration desired. The fewer desires, the stronger the possibility of holding them in life, garantirovanno their performance, the greater the energy, aimed at their implementation. Great desire determine destiny.

The second root will power - courage

Without courage, we would not be able to make any important decisions. As soon as he perfected the most valuable and the most important desires, a person is ready for decision. Since, however, never able to realize all our desires, we need to know, from any desire to leave. And if we do not learn voluntarily to abandon parts of desires, sooner or later we will be forced to do so by fate through failures. In addition, implementation of the one great desire of hundreds of small automatically executed as ancillary or fall away as unnecessary.

In light of this refusal to perform smaller desires can be seen as investments in the implementation of desires more meaningful and valuable. Just as collecting lens for concentrating the rays of the sun, and our great desire is able to concentrate in our energy. Reasoning on this issue successfully completes a well-known proverb: "the Dog that is chasing a few hares, you will catch none.

The third root of willpower - the belief that we can achieve our goals

By internal processing of our desires are transformed into goals. As the stomach can not function without food, and the subconscious mind is not able to work, not having goals. But we need not whose purpose, but only our own. People usually believe in what corresponds to his urgent desires. This faith can move mountains, it awakens the force necessary for all achievements.

The fourth root of willpower - the life force necessary for good health and a strong nervous system

Even the most physically weak man enough strength to reach the big goals. Probably every happened to observe how weak people angry or aggressive state became real athletes. The decisive question is, through what channels this force is directed. And yet we must ensure that the body had been trained, in order to make the overflowing vitality, or even our deepest goal will remain only empty dreams.

The fifth root of willpower, patience

Often acquainted with the biographies of great men is more than just reading books on psychology. People who have achieved great success at first had only the desire. When you have the courage to defend their desires, and faith in the possibility of their implementation is not the last role in the success of his plays patience. It helps to remain faithful to his purposes even in case of failures. To begin conceived and everyone can, but the winner is the only one who does not deviate in case of failures. Often losing much more capable and talented, but they did not bear the hardship.

To become higher, better, we need to extract, or more precisely, the repetition: in sports, in arts, in science and in business life. Through repetition of knowledge into skills. It would be very good to life the motto of every man was thinking: "Thanks to the repetition of the most difficult becomes easy, develops intuition. The subconscious mind works with greater accuracy. I automatically achieve great success". Even more briefly and precisely this idea sounds so: "the Constant repetition of one idea becomes first in faith, and then in belief".

The best exercises for strength development will serve as exercises to improve concentration and attention. The hardest work will be performed with ease and with better quality if we are able to completely concentrate on it. Interest and the mind that a person invests in his work is the result of voluntary concentration. And anyone who can develop the art of concentration, will achieve the desired results.

Sosredotochivshisj people's focus and strength of the mind on one subject. The result is that every action, voluntary or involuntary, is directed to the achievement of the goal.

Concentration increases tension. The most important principle of sosredotocheniya a focus on one specific thought or one action. Every exercise that promotes the ability to eliminate irrelevant thoughts, is of great value. The first condition of concentration lies in the ability to eliminate extraneous thoughts, sounds and visual impressions, to destroy inattention and get full control over your body and spirit.

Exercise 1 "I sit quietly"

This exercise need to learn how to do perfectly. It teaches us to control muscle movement and at first glance may seem very simple. But in reality it is not so. Here first of all they check is your ability to focus, delaying involuntary movement. After a little practice you will be able to sit quietly for fifteen minutes and more. Only once you've mastered this exercise, you can move on to the next one.

So, sit on a chair and take a comfortable position.

Relax your muscles and try to keep total calm for five minutes. Repeat until, until you become able to do it quite easily. Gradually increase the workout time to fifteen minutes. You don't have to sit in complete stupefaction: the muscles must be completely relaxed. Among other things, this exercise

very useful for relaxing the body.

Exercise 2

"I can hold my hand"

Sit up straight. Lift your head, pull the chin forward and straighten your shoulders. Pull the right hand to the right side at shoulder level. Turn your head to the right and aim at the hand of the gaze. In this position, sit one minute. The same exercise do with the left hand. When the exercise is going to make you very easy, increase the run time of up to three minutes. The palm of the hand should be facing down. Directing a glance at your fingertips, you can always check whether the hand is relaxed position.

Exercise 3 "I can keep the glass".

This exercise is a continuation of the previous one. In the hand you need to keep the glass full of water. Look at the glass and ensure that it does not have any vibrations in the water.

Exercise 4 "I can focus"

It will help you learn how to focus on a single subject. Take a pencil and within five minutes concentrate all your attention. Stare at him. Rotate and examine it, think about his qualities, the material of the manufacturing process. Don't think about anything else, except a pencil. Assume that learning is the goal of your life. In any case do not let your attention slipped away from the subject. When you learn to fully master his attention, you'll win a huge victory.

Continuing to take exercises in concentration, in the development of will power, you will become a true giant in comparison with those people who do not possess this power. Your willpower should be manifested in the fact that you are forcing others to accept your point of view, to fulfill your desires.

Here are a few of such exercises.

Exercise 5

On the street and give me your undivided attention to the person walking in front of you in no more than three metres. Snap on his head his gaze and strongly wish that this man turned around and looked at you. After a little practice you will achieve perfection in this ability. Your request will be followed by a lot of people. Women are more susceptible to spiritual influences than men.

Exercise 6

You look at someone when you are sitting in a concert or the theatre, fixing it on his head, and strongly wish that this man turned to you. Soon, your object will begin to fidget, to worry, to worry. Finally, turning round, he will look at you. This experience better effect on those who are with you mark. The more familiar you are with the test, the sooner you will be able to exert influence on it.

These two exercises can be modified. The principle impact of the same - centered view and strong, strongly standing by will or the requirement of the. If you have difficulty with these experiments, it means that your willpower is not yet well developed.

Exercise 7

Choose one person from the crowd on the opposite side of the street. Let him go a little to the right or slightly to the left of a point located just against you. You must firmly look ahead, not showing the appearance that looking at this person. Always keep it in sight. Look at it unyielding mental demand, firmly expecting that he would turn and look in your direction.

If you just follow all these instructions, then after a while people really going to turn and look in your direction. Sometimes glance throw absent, in other cases you will be seen by suddenly and sharply. The man who unconsciously obey your call, is often confused and even look stupid meeting with your firm, resolute eyes.

Exercise 8

Stand near a window and direct your gaze at passing on the street man, stubbornly hoping that he turned his head and looked in your direction. In seven cases out of ten you will obey, if your ability to focus developed sufficiently. The results are even more impressive, if you will stand at the window bottom floor: the pursuit of obedience, which is expressed in the normal rotation of the head, it is much easier vnouchaemah and enforceable than obedience e raising his eyes upward.

These exercises will help you to believe in their own strength. Although they are less valuable for the development of spiritual forces, but are still a good preparation for the development of willpower. Such experiments should never be your pastime or a means of entertainment friends.


Personality psychology

Valery Leontiev - 63!

Valery Leontiev - 63!

"I wanted to become an artist, to write your portraits. I wanted to be a poet, to dedicate to you the verses. I wanted to become a composer to write songs for you. But I will be a doctor to cure myself from loving you" - I wrote this in 15 years. Today I write to you: "to Recover failed! "

These lines were written fan blog the most fashionable singer during Soviet times, Valery Leontiev.

Today Valery Yakovlevich celebrates its 63rd year of birth.We won't go into his biography. We only remind all our readers that Golden voice recently bygone Soviet era still makes more beating our hearts.

Happy birthday, our dear Valery Leontiev!



Five rules of communication with the guy in the social network

Five rules of communication with the guy in the social network

Social networks are flooded part of our perception of the external world. Well, judge for yourself: every day you, including your the computer must check PM different social resources. Especially if the day before he met with some virtual Prince, with whom, for example, go to the cinema or at the worst end in the cafe.

However, communicating in the virtual space, very often, the extra smile (or conversely the lack thereof) changes the mood of the message in the opposite direction. In other words, communicating in a network, you need to learn some rules, so that the correspondence brought the expected result.

So, you met Him. And, lo and behold, he got you interested! How to pull it on a candid conversation, or even better - on a date?

First rule:


No matter what they say, and orthography influences the creation of the image of the interlocutor. It is in the comments you can swallow commas, to rearrange the letters to write krakozyabry. Getting acquainted with a guy online, still keep the principles of presenting information literate. It is always a bonus.

Rule two:


Yes, he became interested in you, Yes, he put cool pictures, Yes you now would like to walk with him on the evening city. No need to force things! Remember-it is you want all at once, and your young man, perhaps only adapts to a new acquaintance. Don't strain his immediate invitation to meet in real life.

Rule three:


Communication through correspondence, brought tens of thousands of pairs, even in that amazing time when the concept of the Internet was out of science fiction. If you're interested in a beautiful relationship, amadigi real communication as soon as possible. After all, most, meeting face to face, end stage "training" for future relations. What this stage is shorter, the more unpredictable can be your subsequent meeting. Try to reveal the man, looking at him through the monitor of the laptop and not straight in the face.

Rule four:


Never attack the personal space unfamiliar person. It will always repel. Want to tell myself. Do not want, will eventually find a way to learn. How many children, how many women have passed through his bed, what kind of toothpaste he's brushing his teeth if he loves indecent films, and how many times a day-all of this must be left for later. Correspondence does not tolerate such a heavyweight showdown.

Finally, the rule five:


You love both movies is cool! Need to find: he loves romance or horror? You are both listening to the music, but can listen to metal, and you Taisia Povaliy. Books, again, sometimes read in the society. Who knew, maybe you both like king or Zola? In the end, both of you can collect money from chewing gum. Same case.

And remember: virtual acquaintance is always a risk to run into a rogue with a big road. Never disclose the secret of his address and phone number. From time to time.


Matilda Stoss

Smart woman eyes men

Smart woman eyes menHow man relates to a woman's mind? "What, to what? "with ill-concealed sarcasm will ask the other man. "Chicken is not a bird, a woman is not Aristotle," attempts at associations will represent a strong floor, reverence for their exceptional Outlook. If horizons and really alright, we recall the conclusion of the ancient Hindus: "it seems Unnecessary desired, the impossible - possible, inedible edible. This is the male, female slave speech". But there are men and other opinions! "The female mind better than any doom" or "the smart Woman from nature, man - from books".

It is obvious that men are not unanimous in their assessment of the female mind and its lucky owners. I suppose that it all depends on... sexual preferences of a specific individual male. There are those who are smart ladies invigorate, animate and give birth. And there are instances with opposite inclinations, of which women are the intellectual and those who suspiciously like them, completely deprived of sexual energy. It is easy to guess that the first will be happy to find in their partner signs a deep thinker, whereas the second - on spirit do not transfer give even with the slightest hint of intelligence. And there are intermediate options. Conventionally, all men can be divided into four types.

The obscurantist - 50%

Suffering from egocentrism men walking the path of Domostroy (this is the soft determination! ). Do not allow the woman and the shadow of the mind and intellect, but only economic nous. They believe that the cerebral cortex alone has them and so they can think and know. Any manifestations of the female brain activity are afraid of fire as a. Intelligence affects them, as some "contresens" cat. Intimacy with intelligent woman they consider subtle sexual perversion, such as sexual intercourse with a Large British Encyclopedia. Women with a book and buy tickets in the Conservatory or hurrying to the exhibition of Russian avant-garde, shies like the devil from Holy water. When such a subject is confronted with a remarkable intellect, nested in the female head, and maybe even a seasoned sense of humor, he's nervous at first, not understanding what was happening, then begins to freak. It all ends with tetanus and a complete failure in bed. How is it that she knows what "anthropological paradigm", and he, poor fellow, no!

Slightly advanced liberals - 30%

Allow the presence of female natural mind, but not erudition. Gladly pronounce the sacramental: "Baba - it is the heart feels! " Increased levels of the female intellect their jars and in half of the cases beats hunting for sex. Most of all love and consider the most vivid sexual, sensual and silly. Sure, except romance novels pocket and sentimental soap operas, women in principle does not need anything more. I get angry when a woman says confidently about things unfamiliar to him. In most cases, governed by obsolete postulate: "Listen to the woman and do the opposite".

Reasonable - 19%

Their minds enough to realize the fact that a woman has the full right to think and understand. Moreover, they are willing to communicate with smart women talk and have nothing against sex with them. Note, not diminished, if the woman is smarter. Fly off the handle and explode into an angry tirade: "a Lot you know! " they able, after spending too long in the garage, fishing or work in the Smoking room, that is, in the society of men of the first and second type. The rest of the time they are likely to listen to women's conclusions, not treating them as Intrusive buzzing flies, and skillfully filtering text, selecting "pearls" and seamlessly embed them in their understanding of life. Well done!

Intellectually concerned - 1%

For them, the female mind and intellect steeper any viagra. Diploma of physics in the hands of his beloved, her PhD thesis, doctoral and publications in scientific journals inspire them on an endless night of love. By the way, many men from this small group willing to take on the role of student or puppets and happy when women use it. With stupid not communicate. On the women's appearance do not pay attention. In the behavior of men first and second type, if desired, may be treated as an element of the natural appropriateness. The reasoning here is that the woman is not burdened with intelligence, most likely, has excellent health. Not wearing glasses, because not spoiled eyes reading and computer. Has a healthy stomach, because I didn't eat in the student canteens. Her blush all the cheek - she wasn't sitting in a stuffy classroom and musty libraries, strong nerves - she had not passed the exams, supra science night in cigarette fumes, absorbing liters of black coffee.

As for the type of intellectually Horny men, they do not pose a threat to women's community, so as to completely ignore non-intellectual part of it and nothing it doesn't require (men of the first and second type may try to ' fix ' the smartest woman in accordance with their requests). Intellectually concerned, fortunately, attract mainly those who are able to understand their unusual sexual predilections. Well, if you, without a doubt, smart woman, you are lucky to meet a man reasonable, neither he nor you have to occur, in principle, should not. He does not tend directly to associate sexual pleasure with an IQ of one that delivers. And it is a great rule.

However, do not take into account the heterogeneity of male mass, however, so you must be flexible and dynamic, showing his intelligence and knowledge. Why? First: to attract men and to be desired (it's so natural! ). And second: to be free from subjection to him, finding, ironically, independence. "And if you don't Dodge and sculpt in the forehead? " - you ask. Well, this is silly. Oh, you can't play the fool? You just tempted to set the brains of this narrow-minded and arrogant male? Please, but then don't say you weren't warned about the consequences.

Lessons are flexible behavior for smart women

"Don't try to seem smarter than you really are. Otherwise fool you push me away, clever alarming. Flashy, ostentatious erudition - a bad job.

- Vyskazyvalsa according to the situation. If you sit at the bar, not necessarily Flirty mince definitions relevant to the session high molecular biology or Symposium on ecological problems of the North-Eastern coast of Antarctica, as well as non-stop to quote Jung.

- Try not to outshine the PAL information astute. Man always wants to reveal to you the new world (he does not know that your world might equals eight).

"Don't talk monologues. Men that do not tolerate well not know they have to listen! Show compassion.

- Aplomb and snobbery in the performance of even the most intelligent women in their orientation. And not only men. Discovered his intellectual superiority, try to avoid external manifestations of his enthusiasm.

Even if you really want, don't say it during the next words such as installation, agglutinative affix and azamethiphos. Operire simple, familiar words: want, yet, good, cute, fabulous... This rule does not apply to men belonging to the 4th type.

- Do not use your stunning intellect to in conversation with a man to put a complete fool person that he likes. He is not so stupid to not understand that this intellectual fireworks prosaic and, frankly, shitty background. It will not make you more attractive in his eyes.

With a careful touch to those traditionally considered to be masculine, even if you are very well versed. These include: fishing, football, internal combustion engines, radio equipment, Billiards and so on, the Result of such a conversation in the best case can be a good friendship between you and your interlocutor, which will be on you in admiration, but about what you are damn attractive woman, maybe to forget. If you razgovorilsja with reasonable man. Obscurantist and slightly advanced liberal so brazen intrusions into their men's business to survive generally fail.

- Learn to speak briefly. The allegoric, emotion and a hint of ignorance " your weapon. It arouses interest.

- Watch the man and then demonstriruya all the powers of his intellect. Or not demonstriruya. Not all deserve it, you know.


Somov Century


Women's world

Anna Bessonova: "Feet " my tool"

Anna Bessonova: The Venus brand leader in the category women of shaving products owned by Procter&Gamble, under long-term support of the Olympic Movement has announced a partnership with Anna Bessonova, two-time medalist of the Olympic games. Especially for the beginning of cooperation issued a set of Venus ProSkin Sensitive in special packaging. Anna Bessonova told us how to feel like a real Goddess and how to make your perfect legs.

- What, in your opinion, helps to feel like a Goddess?

- The main thing is confidence. And for sure needs a good mood and understanding its purpose. It is important to move in the right direction. Then will feel like a true Goddess. But, in any case, does not mean you have to wear on his head the crown!

- What can you to cheer up?

In order to smile, is enough for me that the sun came out from behind the clouds. The mood I raise native people and, of course, that I love your work.

- Lee gives Venus a sense of perfection?

We have the most elegant sport and that his legs are "tool" gymnasts. So for me it is very important to the state of my legs, it makes me feel great and gives confidence. And Venus is my indispensable assistant in this matter. Very important for me and an honor to be a representative of Venus". But I understand that it's a big responsibility, because I bring up women of the truth that they are unique, beautiful and each in its own Goddess

- What, in your opinion, it helps to believe in themselves?

"Sometimes it's really hard, everything just falls out from my hands. It seems that nothing can fix. But never give up. In that at all was the need to nurture faith in yourself. In this I help my family. They never in me, no doubt. They always supported me in difficult moments.

Anna Bessonova:

- Well-groomed legs should be trained, toned. Advise for our readers, how often should I do?
- Every woman its structure and consequently its drawbacks. They can be hidden using some form of service. You can also adjust the shape with the help of fitness. However, first of all, you need to feel the most confident, then others will not notice your shortcomings.

Hips, inner muscles, buttocks is quite problematic. Them to "sculpt" need longer than other muscle groups. To do it would be through the day, gradually increasing the load. However, you should listen to your body and don't force it. Search for anything, it's not a great sport :)

At the beginning of a workout, be sure to warm up the muscles. And all in order to avoid injuries. After training, the necessary stretching. Then we won't be much to pump up the legs, and will tighten up and make them strong. Thanks to a good stretching gymnasts beautiful and not pumped legs.

- Do you have a secret on how to avoid creature?

- If after classes have been sore muscles the next day, do a double burden. You can certainly get a massage or a soak in a hot tub. But, know that there is nothing better enhanced training.

Anna Bessonova:
- What you need to look good?

- First of all need exercise, a healthy diet and healthy sleep. It is healthy, no "lack of sleep" and "Persiani". More movements and good mood. To close were relatives and loved ones is important, too. Regarding the means for self-care is individually, it is better to choose with the most natural ingredients. It is especially important to monitor the beauty of the legs, especially in the summer, it's a strong female weapons. We know that men pay attention primarily on the legs, and then their gaze rises. For me an indispensable tool in the care of feet is Venus ProSkin.

Talked to Tina ODINTSOV

Bedroom for love and sex

Bedroom for love and sexHow to turn your bedroom from a place of rest in the area of love and sex? How to realize your love of passion and erotic fantasies? What items in the bedroom will promote active sex, but what will he to interfere? This question will be answered by professional designers and simply experts sex tips which will help you arrange the bedroom properly.

Good lingerie the first step for the territory, where they should live Love. Buy several sets of luxurious bed linen. For the cold season - cotton for warm silk. Plays a role and the colors are better than others for love purposes suitable shades of red. Additionally get several decorative pillows, comfortable shape and size, which could be used as improvised during sex games.

Aromatherapy in the bedroom - this is a completely new experience and, as a consequence, more vivid emotions. To create an atmosphere of passion and sensuality, use natural essential oils, but only those that stimulate, tone, and not calm. Place in the bedroom of a beautiful scented candle or oil burner scent of natural aphrodisiacs, such as sandalwood or musk. Works fine orange oil. You can use special scented sticks, which also have different smells, is able to stimulate the libido of both partners.

If you are not a fan of essential oils, apply another "aromatic" trick: apply to bedding a little bit of your favorite perfume. It also spices up the sex, but only under the condition that you will not abuse the aromas, otherwise the smell would be too much.

The Music Of Love. Let us not forget about the impact of another body senses: hearing. What will be the background of your Love? No, of course you can have sex and in the silence, however, wailing alarm neighbor's cars or barking of the local torturer" is unlikely to be a good accompaniment for Dating. Bedroom is better to write a separate disk. Sexologists recommend music without words, positive, upbeat, with a clear rhythm. Important point - it should be the music for the bedroom and sex, do not listen to this CD in everyday life.

But what sound effects are absolutely unnecessary during intimate communication is various consumer electronics such as a TV set, computer, mobile phone, etc. If you don't need to play sensual music (as mentioned above), then advise in advance to disable these external stimuli, so they do not distract you and your partner. And to switch off your mobile - it's the law of sex!

You should also take care of some things, the absence of which in the bedroom at the right time can distract you and your partner. For example, rough sexual game cause thirst, so it would be nice to put in the bedroom decanter with water or juice. And you will take turns to run to the kitchen, so all fighting heat and lost! Perhaps mentally losing the assumed scenario, you will think about other important things, which it is better to be on hand in your bedroom.


Female magazine Arabio

How to create a spring interior?

How to create a spring interior? Finally after a long snowy winter, we waited until the first spring sun and birds singing! With the onset of spring we want and the interior was spring: want of freshness and novelty, I want to fill the house with light and warmth.

To add to the interior of the spring lightness, it is not necessary to make repairs and change all the furniture. Just to put bright accents, matching accessories and texture to your home has changed.

General cleaning

If you really decided to give freshness to your home, I have to start with a General cleaning of the premises.

In preparation for winter, you've got thick blankets and bedspreads, and spreading carpets, hung thick curtains. Now it is time to put these things in order (wash, vacuum, to give the cleaning) and put in the cabinets until the next frost.

Try to vacate the premises of unnecessary things - so you can make the space wider. Guide to Feng Shui says: throw away all the things that cause you to have negative emotions.

After parsing all corners arrange quality wet cleaning. Wash Windows, floors, vacuum the curtains, bookcases and furniture, wipe all the dust. Using detergents remove all smudges and fingerprints on smooth and mirror surfaces, as in the sunlight they will be very noticeable.

Light, color and music of the wind in the spring interior

If in the winter the interior we try to arrange lighting accents, including lamps and sconces, then in the spring you will not do so.

Daylight is getting longer, the sun itself penetrates into every corner of your home. Your task is only to let him in, but so that it does not become too Intrusive.

This will help you light curtains brushed loose fabrics, such as silk, tulle or organza. What will be juicier fabric color, the brighter sparkle in her light of the sun.

For curtains use the spring colors of yellow, light blue, white-white, pale green, pink. They will remind you of the delicate tulips and fresh juicy grass.

To add flavor, hang on the box mascot "music of the wind". With each breath of wind he will make a pleasant melodious sound. This will add positive energy to your spring decor.

Dealing with design furniture, follow the same logic. Often upholstered furniture upholstered surround, fleecy fabric in dark colors. But this does not prevent you to make a bright temporary covers. It is best to make them out of cotton fabric, which is so nice body on hot days. In such a case is perfect cotton pillows with floral prints.

Green garden and glass accents

How to create a spring interior? None of the spring interior is not complete without a green and floral accents, it is in spring when nature is born again in all its splendor.

Turn your house into a real greenhouse! Make it much easier in the spring, after the plant care minimum, they need a good watering and light. And entertain you with their rapid growth and flowering they will be till the autumn.

Ficus, dieffenbachia, dracaena, palm - the largest and most spectacular indoor plants. They can be placed in different corners of the room in bright tubs, or collect together in a small winter garden. If you like flowering plants, it is better to buy Hippeastrum, hyacinth or chrysanthemum.

Cut flowers look best in simple glass vases forms.

In General, the glass in the interior symbolizes openness, honesty, purity. It is glass accessories impart transparency and freshness.

You can safely place a glass accents - coffee table, colored vases or glassware. Glass is a natural material, eco-friendly, like the tree, so easily fits into any interior. But we must be careful, overdo it and you have no apartment and warehouse glass! :)

It would be great to decorate tables dishes with bright fruit green, red apples, oranges or yellow lemons.

Create a mood of spring

The basis for your spring interior are bright colors, natural textures and fresh flowers. But what will create a spring mood in the interior?

Spring is a time of renewal, awakening from its winter sleep, the time when we make plans, we feel the strength on the achievement of new feats.

Feel free to make your unique interior that creates a joyful mood to you and your family, use even the most unusual materials, invent.

spring interreto concerns not only the interior but also your entire life! Even when small, but original parts, you'll get novelty in everything!

For example, feeding juice for Breakfast, pour it into a bright ceramic pitcher and not put on the table in the store package.

And braiding braid, woven into her satin ribbon light green color instead of the usual rubber bands for hair.

Mirror use not only to eyelids, but also to plant of sunbeams on the nose colleagues.

In one word, feel the spring in all, enjoy it! Spring mood and positive!


Vertegel Yu


Beautiful and successful

Ladies bookshelves

Ladies bookshelvesIt is impossible to imagine a modern home without books and other "media" - audio-video cassettes, CDs... And with them an inherent attribute of the home interior is furniture designed to hold all this stuff.

In "easy" genre

In the capital market today, you can find everything, what the heart wants - from the simplest mounted shelves to stylish shelving from famous designers. Their main feature is the freedom and diversity of layout. Open shelves appropriate in any situation, because they do not occupy much space and are not visually cluttered space. But roomy modular shelving can be installed as near the walls and in the middle of the room - get a kind of partition.

An unforgettable gift for your women will be the Refrigerator Gorenje from the online store

Rack with a separate closed sections is a good solution for the living room, because sliding doors will fit a TV with a music centre, and a special unit for diskettes and CD. The main thing is that the rack is blended well with the interior and did not disrupt the overall style of the home. This furniture is still very beneficial as it allows you to use every inch of usable floor space of the room.

Among the variety of portrait of furniture you can find an option that matches any stylistic direction, whether respectable classics or concise high-tech. The shape and dimensions of the shelves also depend only on the personal taste of the buyer.

About a thorough approach

Special theme - bookcases. They also come in all shapes and sizes. However, all this "office furniture" in demand today.

Apart cabinets differ primarily functional purpose. Cabinets to store not only books, but also various "business supplies" - folders, papers, etc. usually have standard sizes. Height - up to 195 cm, width of 500 cm, depth from 350 see, However, these figures may vary. Most furniture companies, upon request and at an additional cost, will make you any wardrobe.

Of course, the ideal option is to store books in the office. Typically, cabinets manufacturers offer open shelving and closed cabinets. Undoubted advantage of the first is their "carrying capacity" - some withstand the load up to 300 kg (on one shelf). The second in addition to protect its contents from dust.

As already noted, the range of cabinets is quite large - they can have one, two or more folds, mezzanine, special boxes, open niches... by the Way, choosing wardrobe, you should pay attention to its extra "stuffing" - plastic tanks-separators for floppy disks and DVD, canisters for details, built-in drawers. These accessories will require additional costs, but will help to keep in order all the "baggage information".

If you have a small office and imagination, to look at the multi-functional cabinets that are equipped with a folding table, a niche for computer and mobile shelf for keyboard. A wide range of such furniture manufactured by IKEA, however, to make it possible and to order. However, find a company to agree to do this work in the capital is not so easy. Unbelievable but true - in our city, where 50% of the population is crammed into a small apartment, multifunctional furniture unpopular and demand her miserable...

Difficult choices

When you decided finally to buy a comfortable and roomy rack or Cabinet, lost in the vast sea of suggestions, do not worry - this happens with almost all. Typically, customers, and have no idea what they need. Just want to fill space.

First and foremost you need to decide how much money you are willing to pay for the furniture. If your budget is not limited, and the ambition and aesthetic sensibilities require something stylish and modern, should contact the representatives of the leading Western firms. In most of them you will be asked to choose your favourite furniture catalog, and in addition to her range of accessories type mats for pencils or picture frames, and even lamps with matching tone to a particular collection. Here's all the latest fashion.

Directories are updated every year. So on the Ukrainian market represented only the most popular in the world collection. Best on the capital market caught the Italian, Belgian and French furniture. It presents in most of the Kyiv salons. By the way, to know from which country the product and its appearance. For example, French furniture more "air", to make it apply more metal and glass. The Italians, on the contrary, prefer a few "heavy" classics.

In addition, foreign manufacturers share the furniture into two categories - the so-called regular and Executive. First, as a rule, is made of laminated chipboard with wear-resistant coating, and the second from a natural tree.

In most companies that sell imported furniture, you will be able to consult with the designer, payment for his services included in the final cost of the order. Incidentally, the discussion of the design project can last several weeks or even months. Have patience and then, waiting for the order. Usually the Cabinet, selected on the glossy pages of the catalog, is waiting to meet you somewhere in Belgium or France, and its shipping takes a few weeks. After his arrival in Ukraine you will install it for free. However, it is worth the pleasure to see in his Cabinet, "from the leading Western manufacturers", is very expensive - from 500 to 1200 euros.

Domestic producers in terms of price much more modest appetites. Although the volume of services offer almost the same. In most of the Kyiv firms engaged in the manufacture and sale of furniture, there is a standard range of cabinets, which consists of ten sentences. They will cost from 80 to 330 USD. And the quality is sometimes not inferior to the European.

If you want something inexpensive and non-standard - features a designer who will help to develop the project of furniture. At customer's experts will come to your office or apartment, to determine the location of the future of furniture and its configuration in place. It is such a pleasure to 50 UAH. "Designer furniture bought quite wealthy clients is of great importance form, accessories. The majority of customers still prefer the cabinets, as they say, simpler and cheaper. Although the time dictates. If earlier furniture metal legs was considered exclusive, but today it is a common practice. Modern materials become more available, so clients usually follow the spirit of the time," says Paul Miller.

"Apple avant-garde"

Despite the "technological breakthrough" that has made our furniture in recent years, the fashion for "book" furniture still dictates the West. Or rather, European designers. Apropos, consumers do not always it ripen. Want proof? Please, the last 2-3 years local buyers prefer an open, light furniture. Kiev still prefer closed panel, hollow doors and surround the mezzanine. However, "they" and "we" at the peak of popularity cabinets in the style of neo-classical and high-tech. They divide the superiority in terms of sales with a standard classical models. But heavy carved furniture made of oak or mahogany no longer relevant.

And on Russian and Western furniture factories most of the small cabinets made from laminated chipboard thickness of 18 mm, However, some European companies are betting on a multilayer plastic - it durable and lightweight. Such a material is produced cabinets with folding or sliding doors that agree, very useful.

In addition to wood and plastic, the designers not forgetting about the glass, and metal, which is widely used for the manufacture of furniture or decoration. The latest "rage" - white brushed Nickel or chrome. Want something "fresh" - give preference to the finish with white frosted glass. However, tinted and transparent doors and shelves are still valid.

But as for color of the cabinets, it is mostly bright. The most fashionable colors - Apple and Calvados. However, chipboard this shade is quite difficult to find. But the leader of sales of beech in combination with black. Interesting combination - combination of walnut and pear. More and more buyers prefer the warmer tones of walnut or cherry. But popular a couple of years ago black and gray cabinets today have become obsolete.

In the hardware reign streamlined shape and muted tones. By the way, besides all kinds of grips and fixtures to also include castles, which include some or all of the doors and drawers of the Cabinet. However, their protective function is very doubtful anyone will be able to open such a lock in the usual pin...

Woolen clothes: how to wash and store

Woolen clothes: how to wash and storeHow to deal with woolen things that they remained longer your appearance? How to wash and store? Our advice - housekeeping tip.

Wool dislikes:

Frequent washing

Woolen cloth a little soiled. They quickly erode the smells of sweat, food and smoke. Enough to post a wool sweater on a balcony, and a stain to dry and gently cleaned with a brush. Frequent washing cause the thing loses its softness, dumped, can stretch or, conversely, to sit down.

Long soaking

As they say, a long farewell - more tears. If you decide to wash your favorite sweater (and a woolen things not contraindicated) - don't leave it in water for a long time. Otherwise, the jacket will lose their form and stretch.

Extreme temperatures when washing

For example, were washed at 45°C, and rinse at 10°C is the easiest way to ensure that sweater sat up and moved smoothly in one's wardrobe.

The maximum temperature for washing woollen clothes - 30°C. it is Best to wash clothes manually, with a special detergent or regular shampoo. For more decisive Housewives - mode "Delicate wash in the washing machine. In any case, to be safe - place the temperature control at minimum. For soft - during the final rinse, use a special conditioner for woolen things.

Merciless squeezing

Hair loves tenderness. When washing it never tinder and not twisting otherwise you will salaets and deformed. All that is possible is only slightly polcat it in soapy water. After rinsing recommend you lightly squeeze out the water by hand (do not remove! ), then roll up in towel and a little dent. Drying should be folded on the towel or sheet. Hangers are not suitable for this.

The heat and humidity

In the bathroom, where it is always humid, wool dries slowly. Hot battery and the sun is also not the best choice in order to dry the wet sweater - he may lose shape. Optimal conditions - normal room temperature.

Molten iron

Woolen knitwear almost wrinkled. Sometimes it is enough to hang the jacket on a hanger and after some time it disappears creased folds. For speed, you can lightly sprinkle it with water. If you still need Ironing - be careful not to burn your favorite thing. Outwrite things in the "Coat" with steam or through a damp cloth.

Clothes hanger

Keep woolen clothes should be folded on a shelf from an extended stay on the hanger shoulders and sleeves can be very stretched. Next to the pile of woolen things be sure to put the tool from the moth will help lavender, tobacco, dried peel of the orange.

Mustard instead of powder

The most ancient fashioned, wool (and, incidentally, silk) things are washed in a solution of dry mustard. To do this, pour the dry mustard powder with boiling water, cooled, carefully pour distilled the water and wash.


Women's information and entertainment portal

Wash: total recall

Wash: total recallIt would seem washing, obvious, what else do we not know about it?

Of course, we women know all about her, especially about such a simple thing, like washing in a washing machine.

It's not hands: two waters wash, rinse three, blue podsinivajut, starch finish.

This knowledge has long since become a reflex, and sometimes we don't realize what we're doing.

That is why, as well as for high-quality transmission of our Laundry room experience and daughters and husbands, I propose to lay out our washing reflex on the shelves and again to remember everything.

The first rule

Today is not enough universal washing powder.

Modern manufacturers of household chemicals, more and more "specialize" their powders - not only in the pursuit of profit, but in the reasonable pursuit of a client who trusts their quality.

Home Arsenal should be:

Powder for white, which is equipped with optical brighteners and therefore makes linen, inevitably serieuse from frequent washings machine, originally white.

Powder for color, which is not corrodes the paint and is designed to make the red more red and yellow more yellow.

- Stain remover for white and one for color.

On a variety of media types Kalganov, if you use the expensive powders can save in good powders already included active additive against limescale.

The second rule

Linen, which is scheduled to load in the car must be properly prepared.

Remove everything from the pockets, especially the check children and men, their content can not only spoil things, but also damage the machine (recently pulled from the filter suddenly silent his car burst a balloon (! ) on a plastic stick (!!!! ), which was miraculously placed in a small pocket of children's jackets).

Pants and skirts turn inside out. Zippers, buttons, hooks fasten, button closing, on the contrary, undo, laces and ribbons necessarily tie.

And be sure to lay things on piles: separately erased dark things, white light (that which is not white, but not dark), wool, delicate (necessarily placed in a special bag for washing, which is sold in all supermarkets) and, finally, heavily contaminated.

Yes, in a big family for the weekend so can occur up to six washings, but things will not be spoiled.

The third rule

Do not load the drum completely!

Meaning automatic washing is that lingerie rubs and beating each other and against the walls of the drum, and under the influence of the powder particles of dirt simply "vykruchivatsya" of the service.

If the drum jam-Packed - meaning washing is lost. It is believed that the drum must be loaded no more than two-thirds.

The fourth rule

Hanging linen, well shake it and hang as straight as possible - much of properly hung no need to iron (and perpetuity for six washings it is still a feat! ).

The fifth rule

Linen is not over-dry.

Too long hover and drying his spoils, the fibers become brittle and wear out faster, and then wear unpleasant.

And finally, the sixth rule.

Often encourage your household to wash!

Special intelligence and physical cost of it today does not require, and household chores is still a General concern, not your sacred duty.


Belarusian women's portal

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

For 100 years the city has changed not just a lot, and in fact all except the temples and cathedrals, which has been preserved. Changes in most cases not the best. In many respects, the city has lost its identity, its unique architecture and historical monuments.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

On the contrary today the red building of the University. Shevchenko was a monument to Nicholas I, on a much more beautiful pedestal than the monument to Taras Shevchenko today. The situation has changed, but in the whole place guess.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

The area of the merchant meeting (today Philharmonic) before looked much more compositional holistically and comfortable than today's European square. In the center stood one of the fountains of the theremin, and the alley leading to the lookout was marked by an arch of incredible beauty. Today, the lookout, too, is rainbow arch, and under it two half-naked guy, symbolizing the friendship of Russia and Ukraine. To remove the European area with the same height could not hall of too high and the Windows do not come from the inside.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

The monument to Vladimir with cross had to remove a few left because of the growing trees. On the other side - sleeping areas.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Sophia square, if you look at the Cathedral, has not changed. Appeared paving and luxury housing, right at the fence Sofia. Yes and transport increased. We have tried to recreate the time of day, but the old pictures, hand painted, colorist wanted to see the sunset, although the building is lighted from the East, and the red horizon from the West. We decided not to get off tonight.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

I'm not nostalgic, however, the chain bridge, which could easily compete with Budapest, looked far more beautiful than the current metro bridge. During the period of low water ruins it supports seen a few dozen meters from the metro bridge.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Around the monastery was added vegetation, road junctions steel Murena promenade paved with stone and painted graffiti.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

St. Andrew's Church. It should be noted that photoshop appeared much earlier than it might seem at first glance. Designers worked not only with color, as I have already mentioned, but also with the clone stamp: it is a post and wire no. In the sky there, and under the domes of the Church there, it was difficult to jam, and scaling in the old version of the program, obviously, was not.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

Kyiv. Transformation in the past.

From the old Khreshchatyk nothing left. Today is the so - called "Stalinist architecture", well recognized in many countries of the former socialist camp.

Determine the quality of honey "by eye"

How to determine the purity and naturalness of honey when buying it on the market? All honey lovers can do its organoleptic analysis, i.e. to give it visual, olfactory and gustatory evaluation.

Determine the quality of honey

Visually, transparent Bank, you can identify the color, impurities, signs of fermentation, as well as defects of crystallization of honey. Color can vary from colorless to yellow, brown and brownish. The colored indicator honey cannot be distinguished from the counterfeit. As a mechanical natural impurities are allowed pollen, wax particles. But it should not be unwanted impurities parts of the bee's legs, wings, larvae and other debris. That honey has strayed, says its active foaming, bubbling gas with a characteristic odor and taste. Most often, the fermentation is observed in immature honey. Only hermetically sealed bee cells are ready honey. But if the beekeeper took sotiraki unsealed, they honey has a high percentage of humidity (at a rate of up to 21 %), lack of enzymes, antibacterial agents, antibiotics, and preservatives. All this creates favorable conditions for natural reproduction of yeast cells, which are always contained in the honey. This honey is quickly sours and is not suitable for long term storage.

Speaking of crystallization of honey, it should be noted that after pumping within 3-10 weeks honey is in a liquid state, and then begins to secretariats. Some people prefer to only buy liquid honey, believing that mass of crystals this way is a mixture of sugar. Crystallization of honey is a natural process that results in the final maturation of the product, and does not affect its original quality. But the essence of it in the next. Liquid glucose is formed a large number of crystals, fructose remains in the liquid state and is evenly distributed between the crystals. Honey containing more fructose, crystallize slower and after crystallization they Slovenia (acacia, Heather, raspberry, melilot). The nature of crystallization can be: Slovenia, fine-grained, coarse-grained. Coarse-grained crystallization - buckwheat, sunflower and honey herb.

Fans of honey should also be aware that liquid honey from our bee plants appears in July and the final crystallization of all varieties of honey occurs in early October. May honey is very rare, and if there was, in small quantities. This honey collected from willow, garden, dandelion warm spring.

Out of line you can evaluate density (viscosity), as well as the nature of crystallization. Mature honey viscous - what determines when taking a spoonful of honey and a lump sum of its rotation when the honey should be screwed on the spoon, and immature flows. Evaluation of honey for crystallization of detecting various defects. For example, if in the winter in a glass, we see that secretaryshall third of the honey, and the rest is liquid, then it suggests that honey is pumped out immature. Immature honey crystallizes loosely and unevenly, whereas benign crystallizes tightly and evenly. And, of course, in winter and early spring honey is not liquid, in addition to the factory of canned packages. In this case, the crystallization does not occur, because the banks are closed tightly.

The quality of honey and determine its aroma. And it depends on the presence in honey of essential oils of plants. For types of monofloral honeys inherent flavor of one plant (melilot honey has the smell of this plant, buckwheat flavor of buckwheat honey plant and t.d). Polyflame honey have a bunch of different scents, as this teams honey (forb meadow, field and t.d.). A spoonful of honey should be carefully sniff, inhaling the scent of honey. This may be the following defects: abnormal smell (smoke, combustible substances, odors due to the improper storage of honey in the garage, cheese cellar and t.d.or suspected counterfeit, which has the smell of old combs taste fresh, the texture is initially liquid and glassy, without air bubbles during storage - thick, sticky, sticky, gelatinous, crystallization - Slovenia, very poor pollen composition. Not only the smell, you can smell, especially when weak or delicate aroma. So honey, you need to taste to taste, enjoy the aroma.

Almost all the existing varieties of honey have any flavor (from weak to strong, the taste is mild, sweet, pleasant, with a weak flavor. If swallowed call a feeling of sore throat is the result of irritating enzymes of honey on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which is characteristic of natural honey. Sugar honey not possessing these properties. Unpleasant taste may be due to the presence of impurities; the taste of caramel can be warmed honey; the sour taste of honey immature with signs of fermentation.

When selecting honey, you can follow the above methods of assessment of its genuineness. And only when questioned or suspected counterfeit applied laboratory research on meat and dairy and food control stations, in city and regional veterinary laboratories.

Unknown, H. Andersen

Unknown, H. AndersenPreviously unknown tale by Hans Christian Andersen found in the hometown of the writer - Odense on Funen island, wrote in Thursday Danish newspaper Politiken.

Danish historian found a handwritten copy of the tale "the Tallow candle" (Taellelyset) on the bottom of the box archival papers in early October, however, scientists were not in a hurry to announce the opening of publicly decided to conduct a thorough review of the text.

The tale tells the story of the candle for a long time did not recognize their inner beauty, and then realized it when ignited. May, H. K. Andersen wrote it while studying in 1820-ies, and in this case it is his first tale.

"This is a sensational discovery: in part because it must first Andersen, and also because it proves that she began to write in the genre of fairy tale in my youth," said one of Denmark's leading experts on Einar Andersen Stig Ascher. He participated in the examination of the document and there is no doubt that the author of the text is H. K. Andersen.

Poetic fragments of authorship Danish storyteller periodically find who starred in them apartments. However, such a large text in recent times found back in the mid-1920's, when the lecturer Hans Brix discovered memoirs of H. K. Andersen in the Royal library in Copenhagen.

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) is the author of hundreds of world-famous fairy tales, including "the little Mermaid", "the Ugly duckling", "Flint". His work has been translated into 125 languages, giving on this option, only the Bible.

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs killed and these creatures!

It is believed that dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid that fell to Earth. He also destroyed many species of snakes and lizards. According to new research from Harvard and Yale, the catastrophe was the cause of the disappearance recently found a new species of lizards called "Obamadon gracilis".

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs killed and these creatures!

In early studies it was assumed that some species of lizards and snakes (as well as most mammals and plants) became extinct after the fall of the asteroid on the earth about 65, 5 million years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula. New studies show that the consequences of the accident was more serious than previously thought, according to "news from Ukraine".

According to scientists, has been extinct for more than 83% of all lizards and other animals, so the majority of species have disappeared forever. Such findings are made, an examination of the fossils of lizard found in the southwestern United States.

The researchers studied 21 previously known species of snakes and lizards, as well as investigated recently found 9 species. They found out that in the past there were many species of reptiles. Some were very small and some are huge, that could swallow deferred eggs of most species of dinosaurs.

"Lizards and snakes can compete with dinosaurs for a place in the top for the number of varieties, and of course, by age," said the study's lead author Nicolas Longrich.

Also conducted a detailed study of extinct reptiles and found that most of them died at the end of the Cretaceous period, after the fall of the asteroid.

The disappearance of most reptiles paved the way for the development and evolution of the remaining living beings, elimination of competition and struggle for survival.

"In our day lives approximately 9000 species of lizards and snakes", say the researchers. "They survived because they were better adapted to survive in different habitats, including our".



Allergies brought special geranium

Now people suffering from allergies, you will be able to plant flowers. Using genetic engineering, scientists were able to create a new cultivar of geranium, not producing pollen, reports

Allergies brought special geranium

For this Spanish researchers modified the flowers at the gene level. In DNA plant biologists have added two genes, so that, firstly, geranium lost the ability to produce and distribute the pollen that causes allergies. And secondly, by increasing the level of cytokinin, hormone has anti-aging effect, modified pelargonium increased the flowering period, besides the petals of the plant became more colorful.

"Flowers do not produce pollen, not only will please people suffering from hay fever, but also can prevent the accidental release of transgenes in the environment. Such biotechnological approaches can be used in relation to other ornamental and cultivated plants," says study author Dr. Luis Canas from the Spanish Institute of molecular biology.

Hypoallergenic geranium cannot be purchased in any flower shop. Given that this plant is modified at the genetic level, it is necessary to go through a complicated process of testing for mass distribution.

According to Dr. Canas, the results of the research may have commercial interest, both for consumers and for producers of ornamental plants.



The five most expensive things in the world

Women's magazine wants will acquaint you with the five most expensive things in the world.

1. The most expensive item of clothing in the history of mankind was not created by Giorgio Armani, not Gianni Versace, and even Richard Jewels and Stuar Hughes, the so-called "luxury". The suit cost $9 million belongs to the hands of the engineers and designers at NASA. And as you guessed, this is not a simple suit and a space suit is one of the most expensive things in the world. It consists of more than 2 thousand parts, for the manufacture of armor takes more than year. But a lot of money that's required for the creation of one such suit, is not the point. Most important of all is life a cosmic traveler, which he protects and provides.

The five most expensive things in the world

2. Some people make the mistake of assuming the most expensive book in the world project "Birds of America" by John James Audubon ("Birds" first, if we take into account only the printed edition). Today, the leadership among the almost priceless books holds the Leicester Codex. The author of this unique manuscript of the great artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. In the manuscript the book of 18 parchment sheets we are talking about "water, earth and celestial bodies". To read records can only be got to the pages of the treatise mirror, as da Vinci loved to encrypt your thoughts. Belongs to a book to bill gates, who bought it at auction in 1994.

The five most expensive things in the world

3. Of course, the list of the most expensive things in the world will be incomplete without Apple products. The most expensive iPhone 4 Diamond Rose is worth about $ 8 million due to the fact that his body is made of white gold and decorated with diamonds weighing 100 carats. Features the gold iPhone is no different from a regular "cell phone". At the moment this phone there are only 2 instances.

The five most expensive things in the world

4. The Italian company Ferrari broke its own record by selling the next most expensive car in the world. Like last time, it was a model 250 GTO. Only now the car was a year older (1962) and cost a couple million more expensive ($35 million). Once this racing car was designed specifically for the famous racing driver from London Stirling moss (he is the most unlucky pilot in the history of Formula 1 race). As it turned out, the fate of the car was much kinder to the car than to its first owner. Today the happy owner of the legendary sports car is an American financier Craig Macko, which has expanded their luxurious collection.

The five most expensive things in the world

5. Quite an unusual way and decided to spend their $2 million unknown collector. He put them in... the first issue of the comic book Superman. Edition of 1938 was worth at the time of its release just 10 cents! And, they say, that the former owner of this copy of "Action Comics" was Nicolas cage, who stole it twelve years ago. Recall that the Superman comics out today.

The five most expensive things in the world

