Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What hurt? Or signs of pain in children

What hurt? Or signs of pain in childrenSmall children are not able to assess their health. In their minds there is no concept of health, so the feeling of pain for them is very vague. And the child is often simply not able to explain to his parents that he has something hurts, because I did not understand what was happening to him. How to understand, ill do anything in a child?

As a rule, through careful observation it is quite simple to detect signs of pain in children. When it comes to babies, you should be especially vigilant. After all, does not cry does not mean healthy. About pain may indicate the position of the baby's body bent, arms and legs close to the body. Pain may be accompanied by a specific facial expression forever zamorani, eyebrows frowning, and wrinkling of the skin on the side of the upper lip which is creased. The reason for suspicion can also be inflated lips, trembling of the chin or wide open, as if distended mouth.

The older kids there are other signs. First, the disease can change the mood and behavior of the child. Usually active and curious toddler suddenly becomes depressed, becomes irritable, aggressive, lose interest in the game, could not concentrate. In addition, poor health can cause lack of appetite, insomnia, timidity, tearfulness. If the child feels pain, it is reflected on his face, which becomes a serious expression with unusually poor facial expressions. Eyes are wide open, but instead of the lively glance they can see the frozen tears, eyebrows pushed together over the bridge of his nose.

When the child has pain, he can feel fear, which does not dare to reach out to parents. In this case, the kid is trying to cope with pain - presses on the sore spot, tightly his fists or jaw, disposing itself lips, grinding his teeth, biting his finger. Notable in this case can be quiet moaning or sobbing, muffled cough, wheezing, rapid breathing, or, on the contrary, its delay.

About the General deterioration of health of the child can testify signs such as pallor or redness of the skin, goose bumps, cold fingers and feet, fine tremor, cold sweat.

If You suspect disease, without delay, examine the child, if possible - talk to him on trust colours, to find the cause of certain symptoms, if necessary, consult a doctor. After all, the sooner treatment starts, the less we risk the health of our children.



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