Saturday, June 28, 2014

Women their husbands-tyrants considered "reliable"

Women their husbands-tyrants considered It is no secret that many women do not sever relationships with men who abused and humiliated. A new study tried to answer the question of why a woman in such circumstances still protects his partner.

In research took part 611 low-income Americans living in cities.

42, 8% of the participants admitted that in the year preceding the study, were subjected to violence by their male partners.

The most frequent was psychological abuse. Physical frequency and regularity took second place, while sexual went to the last position.

2, 3% said that the violent behavior of men can be controlled, whereas 1, 2% said that their partners are continually demonstrate a commitment to cruelty.

However, a significant proportion of women still sees their partners good quality: 54% called their men reliable, and 21% say that their companions possess valuable traits, such as ability to love.

Scientists say that the meaning of the study is that male violence is seen through the prism of perception of abuse of women, including those who are outside the social circle, in which there are special support services to victims of violence.

"It is vital in responding to women who are victims of abuse men, say researchers. Our study of women's relation to men's violence is the first step in the beginning of a long road ahead for the woman to feel secure".

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