Swoop miracle will not do. But to lose weight for a couple of weeks before the wedding is still possible. For this purpose you should assign itself a strict diet, exercise and find time for a few SPA treatments. Smachno.ua asked the dietitian how to eat to 2 weeks to get rid of 6-10 extra pounds and become slim bride and stay skinny wife
- Food must be hard, but at the same time and balanced, says dietitian Hope Melnychuk. Restrictions should only be in the calories and it must be all the food groups and nutrients that provide the body with necessary vitamins and minerals.
Caloric intake should be 1100-1200 calories a day. More to cut dietary calories should not be, otherwise after these 2 weeks, returning to your normal diet, you will begin to recover.
You should eat 5 times a day: 3 meals - basic, 2 - snack. Such a fractional power will allow you to tame your hunger during the day. The portions are small.
Chewing food thoroughly, you are helping not only society, but also themselves. Eat slowly in a relaxed atmosphere. The meal allocate at least 10-15 minutes.
Breaks between meals about 3 hours, but not less.
Foods that should be in your diet every day
- 600-800 g of vegetables;
- 70-100 g fish. 2-3 times per week of fatty fish (fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, essential for beautiful skin, hair);
- 50-70 g of meat;
- 1-2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (30-60 g);
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (but not more). Better if it is the first pressing of olive or vegetable ghee;
- low-fat dairy product such as yogurt or drinking yoghurt (1 time a day at bedtime). Fermented milk drinks should be natural flavor (without additives type of strawberry, raspberry, apricot, etc.,);
- liquid a day you need at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight (including all products and dishes).
In addition, in the day, you can also:
- 10 g butter;
- 2-3 pieces of bread (1 slice - it is half of a slice of bread-"brick"). The bread is better to take the type of arnaudi or hops (and other dietary variety, but not necessarily traditional baking, without adding special funds).
How to cook
- Meat, fish and poultry should be boiled, steamed or in the microwave (but not baked in foil). Combine meat with vegetables - together they are better tolerated.
- Eat vegetables in their raw form (such as salads, seasoned with vegetable oil or boiled. Well prepare them in a double boiler with oil.
- Cheese - in-kind.
- Tea, coffee and other drinks without sugar. Tea is better than green, rose, herbal or vitamin.
Is better to drink coffee in the morning.
- Sweet soda is taboo.
- The potatoes should only add to the soup (the day of 50-70 g gross).
Serves salt in moderation, and better nedolivat.
Option menu for 1 day (average 1200 calories)
Fresh 1 Cup. For example, Apple or carrot and Apple, which should be alternated. Fresh juices should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.
8.00 - 9.00 Breakfast (about 350 calories)
- A portion of the fish or fillet birds 70-100 g;
salad from fresh vegetables with herbs vegetable oil (vegetables should be finely chopped) - 150-200 g; dressing - 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
- kasha (buckwheat, rice, oats) - 100 g;
- 1 slice of bread;
- 1 walnut.
11.00. The first bite (about 200 calories)
The snacking is better to arrange dairy or fruit.
Can apples, berries, even sweet fruit - 150g
- Yogurt 1% - 150ml
- Savoury cheese - 1 tablespoon, unsweetened tea.
In the morning you can arrange and fruit-dairy snacks, such as cheese with peach.
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
(about 400 calories)
Vegetable soup seasoned with oil (vegetable or butter) - 250 ml;
- cooked meat (beef, lean pork or poultry) - 50-70 g;
- vegetable stew (carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, onions and other vegetables, except potatoes);
- 1 slice of bread;
- non-carbonated mineral water - 1 Cup.
16.00 - 17.00 the Second bite
(about 200 calories)
Is required if you are: cottage cheese, Apple, tea, vegetables.
18.00 - 18.30.Dinner (about 250 calories)
- Seafood salad (crab, shrimp, mussels) or cottage cheese, fish;
- fresh or unsweetened fruit, tea unsweetened.
Dinner should consist of easily digestible foods, better protein.
It will be good for dinner, eat fish, poultry with vegetables, egg, cheese. They give a feeling of fullness.
21.00 - 22.00
The fermented beverage
Expert advice
Hope Melnychuk, dietitian:
"This diet was actually built on the principles of food combining and contains elements of the Kremlin diet. It is not balanced - contains few carbohydrates - but a short time on it you can lose weight.
Diet calories in 1100-1200 calories is quite possible to lose per week 3-5 kg. But it must be combined with physical exercise. 2 hours a day to devote to exercise, and 2-3 times a week to go in the pool. And, if health permits, sauna and do massages.
Another important point is to properly get out of this diet. In the future, your diet should be balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as a percentage (14-15% of the total diet of proteins, 11-12% fat, the rest carbs).
During the transition to a normal diet should not immediately saturate it with calories, otherwise you can again gain weight. Better if the diet will be within 2000-2200 calories".
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