My journalistic career began before sexual life. It so happened. So I, being innocent (but not naive) girl, wrote of the investigation "about that", informative articles about sex toys and even something like "checked" about erotic whims. My editor had no idea that the texts he gives inexperienced maiden, the reader faithfully followed the precepts of the printed letters, and the parents had no idea under what alias I hide. So now I will tell you about the simulation of orgasm. Moreover, what is the most I did not. Not that I was too honest or too passionate. Just so happened.
All girls do it?
According to various sources, not less than 70 percent of women simulate orgasms. Sexologist Eugene Kulhavy ( to which I asked for competent information, advised to distinguish between a single simulation from the total and cited a figure of 95 percent. Just as many women at least once in their life rolled their eyes and uttered strange sounds, for no apparent reason. "Although, he told the doctor, " reliable data in this area can not be. Because this requires extensive research among different segments of the population. And given the fact that people often lie to themselves, I, as a scientist, would have put doubt on all previous such studies".
I'm not a scientist, but also doubted that such things can be checked. In the sense that the instrument is analyzing the brain activity at the moment of orgasm and imitation. With his help Dutch scientists have found that during simulated orgasm work cortical structures of the brain, and in the present moment - there are no oscillations in the brain is not fixed. Simply head off - we are no scientists knew. That's just how many people will be able to experience ecstasy, if their heads are wrapped wires around the bed are attentive Dutch in white coats? By the way, the only practical result of the research: the probability of orgasm in women increases if her feet are warm in wool socks or hot tub. Well, thank you.
Meanwhile biased poll girlfriends revealed some more honest or deprived of actors girls. One different categorical judgments, explained it this way: "But nothing! Let him know that he is incompetent". Another told the horrific blood story: "I got married early, right after school. The husband was studying in the same class and, according to my grandmother, who taught us both chemistry at the competition idiots would take second place. Because you idiot! Actually Andrew is a wonderful person, responsible, serious. But that's not an eagle. Not a soul of the company, is not easy, with sense of humor very mediocre. In the first year of living together I got pregnant, had the baby hard, then recovered. It was not until orgasms. But when all was adjusted, Andrew, as a loving and thorough man, decided to get my orgasm. And produced. We almost divorced. It turned out during the peak moment I start gomerites to laugh. Well, someone cries, someone cries, I laugh. And importantly, this low laughter nor at the time of sex, nor at rest, I can reliably reproduce can not".
A few girls in response to my question about the simulation burst into such a terrible tirade! To summarize: to burn in the flames of hell I and log if we are discussing such an unworthy subject. In relations should be honesty, integrity and only honesty! And imitation of orgasm - the most terrible lie. So not only do harm to the partner, but also depriving yourself of pleasure in the future. I know that one of these obligately always cut tags from clothes, so her husband will not know the price. Well, God will judge them.
I personally believe in a white lie: "Yes, Yes, the hamster just ran", "Article? Ready! Right now we press "send", "of Course, I'm a natural blonde! "
And talk about saving the pride of men, and about their personal salvation. "If a good man, we don't want to offend, admits girlfriend Nastya. And at least one dog caught! Not that I'm a great actress and is ready to act as master classes for simulating orgasm at the Bolshoi, but just in lies a woman can hardly be suspected, there is less external signs, you know. Here's another one - to the question "why? " - there are also such, no, not sex-terrorists, and minimally brain. Which, if I had not finished, will eat alive the question: why not? and what did I do wrong? let's try it on the window/elephant/on the roof of a speeding train".
"Shem... I mean, one of my friends faked. Because her man demanded orgasms and continued until she had finished. And sometimes lazy and sleepy. That person upset? Maybe he had some doubts, but she lay firmly on course," confirmed the idea of generosity Alina.
"Well, I was pleased, I thought it was an orgasm, and began to behave as "must". And then I met my current man and realized that was the same, " no and no orgasm. So, imitated," he pleased revelation Eugene. Well, let's say. Anything can happen.
"But I have a very temperamental neighbors. More precisely, neighbor - adds history to the Treasury Anna. "No, don't you think, I have not tested, I am with neighbor friends. But first quarreled. Went to arrange for the dismantling. So as you can: I have a small child, and they each night sex marathon satisfied. And most importantly, they have a bed stood by the wall, where my wardrobe. So here's the first Cabinet waving, and then begin OHI-Ahi-soup. And so three, five times per night. Thought the brothel, I swear! It turned out, Arsene, neighbor, very passionate. And Vick, his wife, is moderately passionate. When Vika began to feign a headache, Arsene started to wither on the eyes and only whispered: "You don't love me anymore". Had to portray orgasms. She agreed that she will make it quieter, and Arsene has helped my husband move the Cabinet to the other wall".
So the choice is this: what is worse - to be brescou-Accentor or insensitive selfish petty girl? And if a lie is a crime, then we must be consistent and tell your child that the hamster died and my dad threw it in the trash, because, first, winter and grave him not to dig, and secondly, to bury hamsters is kind of absurd. Personally, I have two hands "for false in General and simulation in particular.
Dr. Kulhawy favor of simulation confirms: "I would call it a kind of horse bedding delicacy that in small concentrations helps to smooth out the inevitable rough edges, especially on the background of inflated expectations. You can consider imitation as a biological compliment is something like a "thank you". It is important to make this phenomenon is temporary. And over time, gently take her fully. Moreover, I do not recommend to make a "confession of the evening" in style, "you know, all my life I had simulated an orgasm, but after reading forums on the Internet, I decided to fight for their rights, and now we really live, getting my orgasm." Such conversations can be just a moment to destroy life".
However, not all imitate from a sense of gratitude. Some of the revenge. On one holiday party at my eyes evolved drama: Lisa was hopelessly in love with Cyril, Cyril - mutually in the Light, and Boris was just drunk and sexually active. As soon as Light with Cyril retired, Lisa rushed into the arms of Boris screaming to prove Cyril, what a passionate woman he blew. Most were amazed at Boris, who from the terror of what is happening, it seems, he imitated, if only to escape from the embrace of the furies.
Islamia O.
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