For most young men's fear of fatherhood is feeling kind of inexplicable panic primitive horror. They are afraid of children about as well as sharks, grizzly bears and other dangerous creatures. In General, the male fear of children is a classic fear of the unknown.
So you just have to reassure and encourage her frightened boy. Show him 9 simple tips from us, following which, he will be the best dad in the world.
Stop thinking about how to become a good father
The trick is that anything special "paternal" to become the best dad in the world, to learn you do not need. You do not have to be the best Planalto and best poteralski birds. What is really needed is to be a good husband. Everything you need for your child, this house is full Cup and a loving family. But in this you are already a Pro! Continue in the same spirit.
Live a normal life
Most of the parents after the appearance of the first child are locked at home for a year or two, forgetting about all the joys of old, childless life. How could it be otherwise? What if that child? Peace! It is the child, not the RDX. Nothing is going to happen. After a couple weeks you can start to take the baby with you to where you used to visit cafes, shops, tours.
Modern children industry has gone much further than you can imagine. Fixtures for comfortable transportation of infants invented enough. Your baby will enjoy exploring the world and your family to live a normal, happy life.
Let mom relax
If you heard somewhere that the Pope is just as important for a child as the mother, then forget about it. In all circumstances the mother of a newborn baby lies much more care and responsibility than happy dad. So make your beloved could from time to time to relax and enjoy yourself. Even if she is not aware of this report, it is very necessary in this period of hour or so to chat with friends or to spend the evening with her own mother. And just take a NAP.
Stand up together with her mother at the night feeding
Yes, it will not be easy. But you'll like it (of course, then, when night feedings will be gone, and not in the process). To get up at night difficult. But it's even harder to get up in the night one. And your wife is also not like it. Just think how great it is to overcome all difficulties together and how it will bring together, in the end.
Hug your children tight
For a child there is nothing more important than love. However, the word "love" for him means little. Endlessly repeated, "Daddy loves you" is absolutely meaningless. Children do not understand. But that better than any words, so it is kissing, hugging and fondling. Many fathers are ashamed to show affection to the children. Get over it, and you never, never will never regret it.
Please contact with your child as you would like them to treat you when you were a kid
It's so simple and simply brilliant. Remember how your father raised you, encouraged, criticized, punished, played with you. If he was the best of fathers is the time to follow a good example. If all is not so rosy, then try to correct his mistakes.
Do not lift a hand on the child
To hit a child or a woman is the height of cowardice and meanness. You will never be a good father, if - for whatever reason - will be able to raise a hand on a child or his mother.
Not mindlessly follow everyone's advice on raising children who receive
Various benefits for parents not to consider. And all of them are conflicting. In one written - if your baby cries, pick him up; in the other, leave the rest; in the third - first take on his hands, but then not take; in the fourth... That is true, you can not guess.
So you have to conduct its own investigation. Books, Internet forums, magazines and friends to help you. Getting maximum information, you will be able to come to the arithmetical truth. And never do what you think is wrong. Instinct is a great thing.
Have fun - after all, it all passes so quickly
Now it may seem incredible, but next time with children literally flies. You will not know it, your newborn baby will go to school, and then... So try not to lose time, and time is most interesting - together to have fun in the amusement Park, play football after school to collect the car from the designer. Then, when the child waving you handle and move to live with her boyfriend, didn't have to say "it is a Pity that we have so little time together".
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