How to choose
Astral quality stone (his power) is determined by the transparency and purity of color. Therefore, choosing the stone, to see his "into the light": defects, bubbles and dimming reinforce negative properties of the stone. In addition, the stones are divided into male and female. Transparent and translucent, with warm colours and shades of the stones - male and opaque stones with cool tones and shades, and can also change its color female. If you buy the stone yourself - trust your instincts: "your stone will attract the eye, you will want to touch it.
How to wear
Buying adornment, don't put it directly on the body (let it sit for a week in the box): wait until evaporate negative information. Do not wear the stone permanently, or of the "medicine" he will turn into a "poison". The most powerful stones donated from a pure heart or inherited: they are strong positive charge. However, bought jewelry not take effect immediately: for example, the diamonds will need 7 years to purchase medicinal properties. And the most dangerous jewelry is stolen. It is also not advisable to borrow jewelry - so you run the risk that the stone will be back with other people's illnesses. And if somebody still dressed before putting on, put the decoration for 3 hours in water with sea salt stones to be cleared.
The most powerful healing stones
Stones that have different properties depending on the color. Blue agate normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, yellow - treats respiratory and digestive organs (especially the liver and biliary tract), red - kills viruses and supports the cardiovascular system. Moss agates (stones with a pattern resembling moss) have a healing effect on the skin and respiratory organs, help with prolonged cough, sore throat and play the role of "viagra". In addition, if your family lives in an area of high background radiation is good for you not only to wear this stone, and to store home products made of agate, which effectively protects the body from exposure to radiation.
Keeper of the peace of mind and balance. This stone strengthens the body's defenses, coping with diseases of the skin and lungs. If you can't tolerate long journey, take the aquamarine and sea sickness not afraid of you.
Kind of stimulant: it stimulates metabolism, cerebral blood flow, reduces fever, relieves fatigue. So if you are impulsive or suffer from hypertension, to wear jewelry with this stone you is not recommended.
Blue turquoise
One of the most powerful natural stones. It's like no one else "feels" his master: if the jewelry turquoise faded, it may be a warning about the beginning of the disease. Small turquoise stone restores eyesight, relieves insomnia, headache. In order turquoise regained its color and medicinal properties - it is enough to defy any healthy member of your family.
Has long been considered a stone of blood. He quickly stops bleeding, heals wounds. This stone restores all the organs in which the formation and preservation of blood cells: liver, spleen, spinal cord. However, before you wear hematite need to remember that it increases blood pressure, poet hypertensive patients to wear it.
The stones of motherhood. They provide women easy pregnancy and a safe delivery. And the stones are yellow or brown color is useful for skin diseases (allergies).
The Dolomites
People with weak bone structure, osteoporosis, injuries, bone fractures need to wear jewelry with dolomite. This stone is a source of ionized calcium, which is completely absorbed by the body. It is the ionic form of calcium optimizes the acid-alkaline balance, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system and reduces the formation of kidney stones.
Beads of pearls perfectly reduce blood pressure, so for anyone who suffers from hypertension. To this end, not only can you wear jewelry made of pearls, and for medicinal purposes to use "pearl water". To do this, simply place the stones in clean water overnight and drink throughout the day. This water has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial: helps with bleeding gums, conjunctivitis, acne.
Are eye doctors. Their green color calms the nervous system and relieves eye strain. In addition, emerald jewelry is effective in diseases of the excretory system: helps with inflammation and infections of the bladder and urinary tract.
Cat's eye
Has powerful healing properties due to its ability to activate cellular metabolism and "Wake up" in the body dormant resources. The stone helps with bronchial asthma, anemia, rheumatism, diseases of the throat (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis).
Removes energy blocks and opens the energy channels. The most powerful stones - light shades. Wearing malachite need on a long chain that he was at the level of the solar plexus. Thus, malachite able to absorb negative energy and create for your body's protection. In addition, this stone has beneficial effects on the hormonal system and many glands (pancreas, thyroid, pituitary and pineal gland).
Protects against the most serious diseases. Assists in treatment of blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine and joints, prevents epileptic attacks and helps to fight depression.
It was called the stone of the nuns, because it is believed that the manifestation of its healing properties, the owner must have virtue and kindness. The fact that this stone is very susceptible to any energy and if you are unbalanced personality - sapphire will start to work against you. It lowers blood pressure, helps with insomnia and colds. Bracelet with sapphire on the left hand helps with asthma, heart disease and neuralgia.
The best remedy for poisoning. With the ability to quickly restore cells, this stone heals the digestive organs, liver, gall bladder and spleen. However, you should not wear jewelry made from Topaz to a Banquet or a party: this stone sharpens the sense of taste, and many dishes you will seem tasteless.
Suitable for all weather-sensitive people: it smoothes out all the negative impact of magnetic storms on the body. Amber jewellery-inflammatory effect, a positive effect on the thyroid gland, spleen and heart. In addition, amber has anti-cancer properties and inhibits the growth of tumors. If your spouse smokes, give him the mouthpiece of amber: it reduces the likelihood of cancer in smokers.
One of the strongest tools for cleansing the internal organs. This stone should be worn to prevent gynecological diseases. Jasper red stops bleeding and relieves toothache.
Expert commentary
Tatiana-in-chief, the head of the Committee of traditional and alternative medicine, Ministry of health of Ukraine: "This method of treatment as a therapy in alternative medicine really exist. Another thing - who is practicing. The fact that specialized lithotherapie no, and no documents confirming that the person is the expert in this. But in the hands of a good master they will give a good result, so before you go to this doctor, ask what results he has achieved in other patients. But, in any case, do not expect to cure serious diseases or to use the therapy as the primary treatment method: maximum - as an additional".
Stones weekdays
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