Once warned: in two weeks you have to completely excluded from the diet of butter, fats of animal and vegetable origin, sugar and sweets, flour products (bread, pasta), potatoes, dried vegetables, rice, milk, alcoholic beverages.
If you can live with these limitations, scroll to "Chinese diet 14 days (excluding holidays and other dinner events). In addition, in these two weeks you should not dig the garden, to submit an annual report to do with your child to College, to treat teeth and swear with the head, in short, should not expose themselves to physical exercise and stress! And another condition of success: free time (so it's best to take a vacation at your own expense), you'll have to buy the necessary food and prepare yourself apart from all family members. "Chinese diet", as well as any other, does not tolerate vanity.
And now a bit of theory from avlyn Bros.
From ancient times the Chinese use food as a tool for prevention and treatment of many diseases. This approach can be called "the art of right living", when the body and soul coexist in harmony. It is not enough to buy a book with recipes of Chinese cuisine, you should still follow the basic diet rules, i.e., to nourish your body "good elements" and reject the bad. The success of this diet is based on the observation of the correlation between tastes (sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, salty) and five kinds of energy that are released under the influence of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water).
Therefore, the ideal meal should include all five taste differences, in order to saturate all the relevant bodies and release energy. Following this rule, you will always be in good shape. Take, for example, lunch on Monday.
- fillet poultry curry,
steam carrots,
- fruit (3 apricot).
Bird: sweet flavor.
Carrots: sweet bitter spicy.
Salt when cooking: salt.
Curry and parsley acute.
Apricot: sweet bitter sour.
So, this menu contains all five taste sensations, consequently, all the energy is released, and the appropriate agencies are necessary. All menu 14-day diet is designed on this principle.
Wake up, drink a large glass of orange juice or water at room temperature is the rule. Any liquid that is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, gives the body strength and courage.
General rules
- Breakfast (always the same)
- Coffee or tea, two or three of toast with a thin layer of jam.
- If you lack the sweet, add a drink sugar substitute. Keep in mind that the sweet drink nourishes "sweet taste", i.e. the Earth and the relevant authorities. While the drink without sugar because of its bitter taste develops the energy of Fire. As for milk or cream, you can substitute soy milk.
- In the morning if you take your time, prepare yourself for a Breakfast supets.
Soup with egg-Italian (a quarter of a liter beef broth, one egg, grated cheese). Boil the broth and pour into a bowl. Add the raw egg, whisking with a slotted spoon. The finished broth sprinkle with cheese.
Oriental soup with shrimp (a quarter of a litre of chicken or vegetable broth, a handful of peeled shrimp, half of the lemon and a few leaves of mint and coriander). Bring the broth to a boil. Add the prawns and leave to boil for a minute. In the finished soup squeeze in the lemon juice and crumble the herbs.
The Broth Evelyn Bros (1 carrot, leek, 1 turnip, 2 branches of celery, tomato, onion, clove of garlic, a sprig of thyme, Bay leaf, sprig of parsley). Put all the ingredients in a pot of water, salted with coarse salt. Cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft and the broth is a little boil. Drink only water.
The flavors | The elements | Bodies |
Sour | The tree | Liver |
Bitter | Fire | Heart |
Sweet | Earth | Spleen |
Sharp | Metal | Light |
Salty | Water | Kidney |
In every religious tradition there is a period of fasting or fasting. Temperance in food facilitates mental activity, releasing energy from the hardships of digestion. Therefore, any diet should be present in the stock, which helps the body to start the recovery, to change eating habits. However, often take liquid food should not be, because it gives the body the signal to accumulate extra pounds. Enough to drink the broth once a week.
So the energy was over the edgeeat vegetables : eggplant, broccoli, young carrots, mushrooms, cauliflower, zucchini, green beans, green salad (cooked), onions, spinach, leeks, peppers, tomatoes; fruit : apricots, black currants, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, red currants, kiwi, melon, blackberries, blueberries, nectarines, plums.
Tricks of the trade Evelyn Bros
- Cut the vegetables into cubes or thin slices.
Slowly chewing the food. This facilitates the digestive process faster and gives a feeling of satiety.
- Under no circumstances do not skip a meal.
- Watch your weight, but never reproach and do not blame yourself. Weighed enough time in two days, because the weight loss never occurs evenly.
- Get a full length mirror is a necessary thing to watch your silhouette.
- The rule is to drink a glass of herbal infusions after dinner (except Sunday, when you put the broth).
- Drink plenty of water or tea. Coffee should be avoided as it hinders the process of digestion.
First week
Lunch: fried poultry curry, carrots steamed seasonal fruit.
Dinner: 2 eggs, spinach, yogurt or cheese.
Lunch: grilled steak, green beans with parsley, yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: fish fillets in foil with seasonal spices stewed green peas, fruit.
Lunch lamb chops on the grill, stuffed vegetables, tomatoes, yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: baked fish, vegetables, fruit compote.
Lunchbraised meat with cumin, cauliflower steamed, yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: baked chicken with herbs, eggplant or zucchini, stewed fruit.
: steamed fish with tarragon and lemon, broccoli, fruit.
Dinner: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, roasted peppers, yogurt or cheese.
Lunch: stuffed tomatoes, zucchini steamed, yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: oven roasted duck, vegetables, fruits.
Lunch: lean grilled meat, carrots, yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: broth evlin Bros (see recipe).
The second week
: fillet poultry on the grill, vegetables, fruits.
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable broth, yogurt.
Lunch: steak on the grill, steamed eggplant or tomatoes, yogurt.
Dinner: fried fish fillet with capsicum, carrots steamed, stewed peaches.
Lunchlamb chop, broccoli, yogurt.
Dinner: baked in foil fish fillet, steamed vegetables, peach compote.
Lunch: pork chop with lemon, green vegetable, yogurt.
Dinner: baked chicken, fried mushrooms, fruits.
Lunch: scrambled eggs with spinach (see photo), yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: fried fish, green beans with parsley, fruit salad.
Lunch: poultry meat with curry, green steamed vegetables, yogurt or cheese.
Dinner: sautéed veal with carrots (see photo), baked apples with cinnamon.
Lunch: oven baked roast beef, steamed vegetables, fruit.
Dinner: broth.
How to behave after diet
Gradually, one by one, in small portions enter the products that you have courageously refused. Try not to eat them more than once a week.
- Start with those products for which you were yearning.
- Do not eat more than two raw fruit per day. Bread eat in homeopathic doses. Butter use solely in kind (never cook with it).
- As for the sugar, let it will remain a luxury.
Lose weight together
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