Adherence to the diet is very important for a child of any age. But as is often the case that the baby, seeing food on the table or in the hands of adults, stretches for tasty morsels, even adults enjoy are treated the baby with something tasty in between meals.
Such indiscriminate feeding contributes to defective digestion, poor liberation of the stomach, improper functioning of the digestive organs and poor appetite. In addition, the lack of mode leads to a violation of the organized work not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also other systems, including such important ones as the endocrine and nervous. With regular failure mode of feeding of the child is formed pathological eating habits and the imbalance of the nervous system, which will be manifested in his capricious behavior.
It also happens that a child enjoys eating all he has to offer and all that he sees, and often in his diet a lot of bread, biscuits and sweets. This "mode", as a rule, leads to overfeeding and excess body weight, which is a risk factor for obesity in the future. Therefore, if the child is really hungry between meals, then you can offer him a fruit or vegetable, you can make a slight supplementary feeding (for example, yogurt with fruit), and it is possible to shift the feeding and feed him before.
The quality and quantity
As soon as the child was introduced to complementary foods, many parents, not to mention grandparents, there is a desire to pamper your baby with something tasty. Indeed, it is so nice to watch as a kid with interest tries a new treat or pleasure primative something sweet. Sometimes adults are addicted and can feed the baby in such amounts that exceed the normal for their age. And if the kid tries it for the first time, the possible failure in the work of the digestive system - the child may experience vomiting, abdominal pain, disorder a chair and allergic reactions.
Adults often forget that there are products that you need with great care to give children an early age, and some of them don't need to enter early in a child's diet. However, often you can see on the street or in the guests as a small child treated this food. It can be chips, smoked meats and fish dishes, marinades, side dishes with spicy sauce, salads with mayonnaise and various hot spices, exotic fruits, all kinds of "adult" sweets - cakes, pastries, chocolate, nuts, soda, Fanta, Pepsi-Cola... All of these products contain harmful for the baby's health substances, many of them correctly called the "pollutants" power, they overload the digestive system, can cause allergies and toxic effect on immature bodies.
The formation of liver, pancreas and other organs of the baby are not yet completed, it is necessary to spare, so in early and pre-school age need to feed the baby products intended for baby food.
A special place among harmful products take sweets with their excessive use of. Of course, a certain amount of Sugar is necessary for the development of the child, and it provides fruits, compotes and a moderate number of children's sweets (baby biscuits, fruit jellies, jam, candy). However, adults often can't resist the temptation and fed the baby with candy, cookies, cakes, sweet rolls with sweet drinks and t.n. Thus, they form their child's incorrect gustatory habits and addiction to sweets And excess sugar leads to a very General concern consequences, such as increased load on the pancreas, allergies, obesity, tooth decay, weakening of the immune system. Excess refined foods limit intake of other nutrients, the result is that the child loses vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.
Therefore, one should not forget that there are rules of introduction of lures, age norms of products, as well as lists of foods that can and cannot be consumed in the diet of young children.
Another spoon
Every mother tries very hard, preparing food for her baby, and how it is a shame when the baby wants to eat your portion or even refuses to eat. The best of intentions, thinking that the child needs all of it to eat, the mother begins to persuade him, then make, and then force feed. All this will cause a negative reaction from your baby, you may experience vomiting, and, of course, the mood of both will be spoiled. In the end, the food is poorly absorbed.
If the child refuses to eat, you should try to understand the reasons for its failure, which can be varied. He might not like the proposed dish, he may not love any type of product or want this product right now. In these cases, you should not make the child have a least favorite food or what he currently does not want - we need to respect his needs.
Often moms whose children eat poorly, offer several dishes to choose from: don't want it, here's another. No? Then the third... And this leads to the fact that the child becomes very Moody and often it is impossible to please, So it's best to offer your child one or two dishes. Other meals can be offered only during your next meal.
If your baby is very interested, it is not necessary sharply to tear him away from classes, it is possible to wait a little longer; if the lesson is delayed, then try to gently shift his attention to the need "to eat". Children may not eat during illness, when they are offended, upset, and sometimes there are times when they don't want. Often the child's body itself regulates the necessary intake of food, and forced feeding will violate its state. Besides, the kid very well remember these situations, and all his life he may remain negative relationship with food, which he was forced to eat in childhood.
More complicated situation, when a child regularly refuses to eat. But in such cases, forced feeding will not lead to favourable results.
Then you need a quality review of their child's diet, to find necessary and favorite products, develop stereotyped feeding that the child was his place, my favorite spoon, Cup, plate, it is possible that he himself participated in cooking. During feeding, you can tell the kid about what he eats, what are all delicious and healthy, you need to feed mom, dad, favorite toy, etc., But to entertain children "TV" or to arrange a home show masquerades during the meal isn't too good, so he distracted on such fun and it produces the wrong attitude to feeding.
To the violation of the rules of feeding is wrong hygienic measures. Children who do not have their own eating utensils, which are not taught to wash their hands before eating and to eat neatly, not formed the concept of hygiene. Subsequently, it is fraught with the development of infectious diseases.
The adult mouth inhabits a huge variety of microbes, some of them are harmful to the child, so no need to feed the child with the same spoon, with which you just ate themselves. The kid had his composition of the microflora, and do not need to make an adverse microorganisms.
Food culture
Correctly resolve to indulge in at the table, there is sloppy, allow to eat with my hands when the child can use the Cutlery, throw food or pour it on the table. You need to teach the child the rules of behavior at the table: learning to use a spoon, fork, knife, napkin, etc., the child must be a certain place to eat - a little table or a seat at a communal table and a special chair on which the baby can sit up independently. Do not try to feed the baby during the game.
It is very important to understand that from a very early age, the child formed the right nutritional behavior and habits. In order to avoid various health problems and the child's behavior it is advisable that parents from birth, fed the baby, and this is a great role to play not only the child's education, but the right example from adults.
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