But any honest man will tell you that regular sex is one of the main arguments in favor of a long-term relationship with a woman. And when the lady for no reason and no reason at all" suddenly refuses love comfort, it turns it into a real deadlock.
Why do women refuse to have sex? Sometimes we simply don't want sex and that is all. But more often the refusal is motivated by some hidden reason not entirely clear to us. In other words, here are some message to the world and man.
Let's try to decipher some of them.
We are angry
Unspoken or concealed resentment of the partner is the most common reason that a woman refuses to close. If irritation caused blessed, then this method is a proven and effective - to punish the wretch, depriving him great pleasure. If the reason for dissatisfaction were the circumstances, and blessed here and nothing to do with it, you need to remember about the difference in psychology.
Angry, upset, sad or tired woman less likely to engage in erotic jumping on the mattress, while the man in the same condition it costs nothing to redirect their emotions in a different direction and enjoy hard sex simple and without fanfare, but with a guaranteed orgasm. A woman will never get to carry their negative emotions into bed - she will prefer to get rid of them before you find yourself alone with her lover. A wise man knows about it.
We self-assertive
If which day the man denied sweet, one of the possible reasons is the desire of women to assert themselves and to feel his strength and power over the opposite sex, and show who's boss. For if in a relationship and there is a thread that turns men into obedient puppets, it's sex. And the puppeteer here is a woman, and only it.
Very often a woman so unconsciously compensate for their weakness in other areas: for example, she can be fierce boss, girlfriend, all the time her suppress, or God gave her overly protective mother.
A man who wants to get to the dessert in the shortest possible time, would be wise if openly and without fear of coarse flattery, will tell my friend that in the art of seduction is not, and in the next hundred years competitors are not expected. Tested - works. Everybody remembers the fable of the Crow and the Fox? Too many times told the world...
We manipulate
Perhaps the most unattractive female trick is to lure benefits in exchange for sex. However, quite often abstaining from sex is the last tool that the woman uses when he realizes that all its arguments are not valid. And usually, the reason women fall to such manipulations, very serious - it is unlikely the bin that man forgot to endure.
The easiest way to solve the problem - just to give a woman what she wants. More utopian option is to try to appeal to her common sense and explain why it is impossible. You can also go to "settlement agreement" is offering something similar in return. If that doesn't work - well, a man can only wait. Or use the old-fashioned way. What, he has no hands?
We are bored
It is unclear why some women, who him or to see his their own sexual life, flatly refuse to discuss the issue openly with your partner, but instead are silent as guerrillas or even announce the sex boycott. Many people feel these flour when one thought about what they have to say about this, although men will forever remain a mystery why the woman ashamed "about this" say when "it" he has shown.The ordinary man is sure to be patient and resourceful. He will immediately connect the cable channel "for adults" and put on her dressing table the latest issue of "Hustler". He will try to persuade his girlfriend to take an exciting shopping in the store intimate apparel and will increase the time foreplay three times.
But the wise man is nothing to connect and will not decompose. He just buys his woman thread of true pearls. Or a ring with a modest transparent stone. And longing to die. Instantly.
We are tired
The world rests on fragile female shoulders hardly anyone will argue against it. And when tired woman wants to cover for a few minutes your eyes and be alone, and her friend actively hints that "it would be nice if... " - storm can not be avoided.
The wise man will be able to agree with your libido, and instead shake them under the noses of a friend, will prepare her bubble bath. Let her relax and sleep. Will become a good Samaritan and will devote an entire evening gentle soothing caresses. And if a woman falls asleep, then he, again, take yourself in hand.
We deceive
Unfortunately, this can also be true. As a rule, the woman who had an affair, which she is really good, very reluctantly agrees to have sex with a former partner.
A wise man will not jump to conclusions just based on the fact that the woman refuses to make love to him. But if his suspicions are growing stronger, he calmly about it talk to your partner and carefully listen. And if the conversation will be followed by the parting - he will treat it philosophically.
And finally, let us give advice to men: women stalling from sex for one reason only - when you allow them to do it. So the problem is always better to discuss than to look unhappy eyes tightly crossed legs of his girlfriend, lost in conjectures, and what actually happened.
Kotov A.
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