Monday, June 30, 2014

How to protect the child from allergies?

How to protect the child from allergies? Allergic diseases belong to the most common childhood illnesses: according to statistics, every fifth baby faces this trouble.

There is currently no method that would be with a 100% guarantee allowed to say, is the child allergic or not. However, it is possible to assess the risk of its development by examining the genealogy of the baby. For example, if the Allergy one parent is sick, the risk of allergies in children is about 20-40%; if both parents are ill - risk 50-80%. This is inherited is not the type of Allergy, and the predisposition to allergic reactions. In the absence of allergies in the pedigree likelihood albeit minimal, but still there and is about 15%.

Think about the prevention of allergic diseases in the baby needs even before his birth. During pregnancy, expectant mothers, it is desirable not only to avoid cigarettes and alcohol, but also to reduce the consumption of foods that may cause an allergic reaction: citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, some species of fish. Worsen a child's immunity and, consequently, increase the risk of onset of allergies, can catarrhal diseases of the mother during pregnancy and lactation.

But after the baby is born, do not relax - there are a number of moments, not paying attention to which risk parents to see their child in numerous rows of Allergy sufferers. Let's try to deal with them.

How to feed baby

Food allergies, especially to cow's milk protein, is a major cause of Allergy development at an early age, so proper feeding of the child with the Allergy risk is the key of success of prevention.

The first rule: to keep breastfeeding as long as possible, at least during the first year of life.

Nursing mother, it is advisable to limit the consumption of milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, wheat, citrus, nuts (especially peanuts and hazelnuts), soybeans and soybean products, celery.

What does it mean to restrict? Is not every day and in moderation. However, it is important to remember that the diet of the nursing mother should be first and foremost a full and balanced, so be sure to consult your doctor before going on any diet.

Second rule: not to Supplement a child's risk of allergies conventional milk formula, and if necessary, make use only special hypoallergenic mixture such as NAN HA 2.

The third rule: not to introduce solid foods until 4-6 months.

After 4-6 months of age a child's diet gradually expanded, however, children with a predisposition should expand the diet gradually, adding to its menu no more than one new product per week.

This way You will be able to quickly identify and immediately remove from his ration of food, which he hates. That's all you need to do in this case.

To start complementary foods better with simple products (i.e. products that contain one ingredient, such as apples or pears). Start with a few spoonfuls, and then gradually increase the number.

Make some kind of a "positive list" of products that the kid carries well. With its help You will be able to develop its menu, providing the diversity and without any difficulties.

It is recommended to delay the introduction in the diet of the baby products, the most often cause allergies:

- up to 1 year not to give whole milk (both cow and goat) and it is better to enter it after 2 years;

- up to 1, 5 (and preferably up to 2 years to exclude eggs, fish, seafood;

- up to 3 years - nuts, peanuts, honey, citrus, chocolate, cocoa, tomatoes, celery.

This delayed the introduction to the power of the most allergenic foods helps to reduce the risk of developing allergies.

External allergens

Although, on the other hand, with regard to external allergens, the doctors do not consider it necessary for their categorical exclusion - it is so formed, the immunity of the child.

So, the scientists found that children with a birth in contact with domestic dogs, are less likely to develop hay fever and other types of allergies.

This regularity could be attributed to the early contact of the immune system of the child with other allergens, which are offered in the house on pet hair.



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