But one day, when my stomach is not too gently hinted to me that my new life doesn't suit him, I wonder: is it really useful fresh juices? And all it helpful? Maybe there are contraindications for some juice?
I delved into the literature, and here is what I found.
Senor Tomato
Everyone's favorite tomato juice is extremely useful! Why, because when its nizkokaloriynoe he has practically no contraindications. Except that when pancreatitis and cholecystitis should not be particularly fond of. But it reduces the risk of cancer, inhibits processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines and creates in the stomach optimal conditions for good digestion. Women during pregnancy and lactation must drink tomato juice, because it contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals.
it is not necessary to salt tomato juice, though many believe that so much tastier. Sol seriously reduces all of the above useful properties of tomato juice.
Beet passion
The blood, the nervous system, intestines in these areas beet juice really works wonders. He is a wonderful antidepressant which can instantly relieve fatigue and to solve the problem of insomnia. One problem: few people dare to drink it in its pure form. Beet juice is concentrated and saturated so that some people can cause even nausea and vomiting, and dizziness and bouts of weakness. That is why drinking it is divorced and to start small portions: one to two tablespoons per day. By the way, this is practically the only juice that is not recommended to drink freshly squeezed: before use, it needs to stand in an open container in the refrigerator.
: renal disease, peptic ulcer disease is a serious reason to abandon beet juice forever.
A clockwork orange
Our favorite citrus juices can uplift due to the high content of vitamin C. and potassium, and folic acid, and vitamin P. It is therefore recommended in the morning instead of a Cup of coffee to drink a glass of orange juice.
But with citrus fresh juices should be more careful, because they are absolutely contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines due to its acidity.
Remember: grapefruit juice compatible with many types of drugs.
Rejuvenating apples
Apple juice refers to the acidic juices, and therefore people with a sick gut and digestion is better with him not to experiment. But the vitamin and mineral content of the juice of apples is so diverse that it is often as medications prescribed for atherosclerosis, liver, bladder, kidneys and urinary stone disease. Athletes drink Apple juice to quickly recover from injuries and severe physical exertion. This is especially useful juice with pulp, in this case, the pectin is stored maximum and absorbed better.
people concerned with the problem of excess weight, Apple juice abuse is not worth it, and especially to drink it before a meal, because it is rich in glucose and is able to kindle the appetite.
Royal carrot
Carrot juice is one of the most useful vegetable juices, king among nectars, but to abuse them, however, is not necessary. Beta-carotene, which is so useful for our vision, can seriously overload the liver. B vitamins, potassium and a number of mineral substances contained in carrot juice is useful for any manifestations of immunodeficiency. Young people doctors recommend to drink Morkovkina juice with skin problems.
: a drop of vegetable oil added to carrot juice not only desirable but even necessary - without it, beta-carotene is not digested by your body.
Nectar for Halloween
Queen of the feast of All Saints pumpkin contains so many nutrients that its juice should be taken whole medical courses. Pumpkin juice is very helpful for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and liver, especially now drink it with urolithiasis. In combination with honey the juice has proven itself as an excellent remedy for insomnia.
Pumpkin juice is useful for everybody, nobody is contraindicated, but not all of them love it. And sorry, but that is the fount and sucrose, pectin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, copper, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, beta-carotene.
Remember: for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, there is no better way to cope with weakness and edema than pumpkin juice. If you don't like his taste in its pure form, you can mix it with other juices, it tastes better, and twice as useful, especially combined pumpkin juice all fruit, fruit and vegetable juices.
Healing vine
Grape juice can significantly reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, so it is very necessary hypertensive patients. For nervous exhaustion, anxiety, stress or depression grape juice is to drink regularly. In addition, this magical drink has antibacterial properties, is a good diuretic and choleretic agent and is also used as a purgative, sudorific and extraordinary.
At the same time, grape juice is very high in calories and in its pure form is contraindicated in young children: it can cause fermentation in the gut and flatulence.
Remembertoo tart and concentrated grape juice should be diluted in half with boiled water, then all his attributes are stored, and the acidity is reduced, making it a meeting with the stomach and intestines more friendly.
Whatever juice you prefer, in any case it is necessary to follow a few rules competia:
- don't drink the juice right before a meal or immediately after it: for 20-30 minutes before meals drink Politechnika juice and he'll give you all my favor as effectively as possible for your body
- a mixture of fruit and vegetable juice not only tastes better each of them separately, but it is much more useful and better absorbed by the body. You only need to know what mix
- do not add fresh juice, no salt, no sugar: nature has enriched it with all the necessary components and gave the best taste, which he must have
Oparina M
School of life
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