We daily harm your skin and not even realize it. It turns out that intense exercise and steam baths lead to premature aging and sagging skin. Dermatologist Dennis gross talks about the killers and the rescue of our skin.
Old glasses and contact lenses
When your old glasses or contact lenses cause you to squint, for example, when reading in a dimly lit room, it leads to more and deeper wrinkles around the eyes. Agree, it is better now to go to the optometrist rather than later to take a futile attempt to get rid of deep wrinkles.
Steam baths
Many people like how to take a steam bath or sauna with confidence that this procedure is extremely useful for the skin. But Dr. gross recommends to limit the impact of extreme heat on the skin, because this impacts the skin loses elastin and collagen.
Running (or exhausting exercises)
"Although this activity can benefit your heart, but it causes loss of the fatty layer, and hence the loss of collagen and elastin. Prefer running to walking," advises Dr. gross.
Sleepless nights
No news that after a sleepless night, the skin looks, to put it mildly, sadly. But did you know that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to chronic problems? "Lack of sleep can be very stressful and lead to various disorders, including can cause the skin to produce more free radicals," says Dr. gross. And the more free radicals produces your skin is, the older you look.
Tap water
Chlorinated water can cause dryness and irritation of the skin, especially in winter when humidity is low. "Realizing this, personally I bought a new shower with built-in water filter. And you know, after a while I noticed that the skin on my feet has become less dry! "
Of course, if running is your passion, then no one will force you to abandon it. But, you may be able to force myself to go to the optometrist or to give yourself a good night's sleep, why not?
In addition, do not forget that the skin requires different care. And it is not necessary to wait until a real problem with the skin, and only then to run to the beautician. Take preventive measures today, armed with what you can buy at the store. We are talking about the ingredients of the face mask.
Used during normal, dry, aging facial skin and neck. Honey contains a variety of valuable nutrients (vitamins, amino acids and others), yolk and vegetable oil fatty acids and vitamin F. preparation Method: one egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (corn, olive, stone fruits), 1 tablespoon of honey mixed and ground to a homogeneous mass. A cotton swab or soft brush the mixture onto the skin layers: when podnikani the first layer is applied a second, then a third. After 20-25 minutes, the mask gently removed with a cotton swab dampened with warm water. Recommended mask 1-2 times a week for 1-1 .5 months. The course may be repeated in 2-3 months.
Honey-glycerin mask
In the composition of the product includes :
1 teaspoon of glycerin
1 teaspoon honey and
2 teaspoons of water
All the components are mixed and gradually add 1 teaspoon of oat or wheat flour, the mixture is well stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass. Glycerin can be replaced by vodka (3 teaspoons). In this case, do not add water. The mask is indicated for dry and normal facial skin. The duration of the mask for 20-25 minutes, apply 1-2 times a week for 1-1, 5 months. Repeat the course after 2 masaza.
Lanolin mask
Shown for normal, dry and aging skin of the face and neck. The composition of the mask contains: lanolin (anhydrous) - 20 g vegetable oil - 10 g, Boer - 0, 5 g of water and 40 ml Method of preparation: mix the lanolin and oil and gradually add the water in which the dissolved borax. The whole mass whisk to obtain a white smooth and thick. Masks apply 1-2 times a week for 1-1 .5 months. The course may be repeated in 2-3 months.
Yolk-fat mask
A mixture of egg yolk and vegetable oil. The mask is indicated for dry, normal, Mature skin, and prone to irritation and peeling. To prepare the mask, take one egg yolk and RUB with 1 tablespoon of warm peach or sunflower oil (unrefined) oil, then I add a teaspoon of water mixed with lemon juice. The mixture is put on the face layers (3 layers) and to keep from drying. Remove the mask with a swab dipped in warm water, then rinse a person warm and then cool water. The amount of yolk fat masks is the same as the previous one.
Cottage cheese-salt mask
Has a tonic soothing and slightly bleaching action. Apply for normal, dry and oily skin, prone to aging and pigmentation. One tablespoon of curd grind with 2 tablespoons of sour cream, add 1 teaspoon of salt. The mixture is put on the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm, then cold water. It is recommended 1-2 times a week for 1-1, 5 months.
Yeast mask
Yeast is rich in b vitamins, have a tonic effect, increasing blood circulation and metabolic processes of the skin, reduce sagging, cleanse the pores. Recommended for normal, oily, dry and aging skin. Method of preparation: grind 12 sticks of yeast and gradually add to the consistency of sour cream warm milk (for normal skin), vegetable oil (for dry skin), 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (for oily skin). The mixture layers applied on the face. The mask is held for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. In the course of 20 masks.
Cucumber mask
Has a slight whitening, refreshing effect. Apply with any skin prone to pigmentation and freckles. Cucumber RUB on a small grater and mix with 1 tablespoon of any nutritious cream. For oily skin pressed cucumber juice mixed with equal quantity of water infuse for 24 hours. Gauze cloth moisten prepared juice and apply on the face, leaving open the eyes, nose and mouth, three times for 15-20 minutes at a rate of 30 masks.
Cucumber juice can be prepared for a long term (up to 6 months). To do this, 100g finely chopped fresh cucumbers pour 100 ml of vodka, insist 8-10 days in a dark place, then filtered and stored in a closed bottle in the refrigerator. In the future, this juice if oily skin can be used as a lotion for cleansing, and for dry and normal skin to add in any Nourishing cream for making masks.
Lavender mask
Recommended for normal, dry skin with pigment spots or freckles. The composition of the mask contains: lanolin - 20 g vegetable oil -5 g, lavender oil and 5 g borax - 0, 5 g of water and 40 ml. is Prepared and applied as lanolin mask.
Honey-lemon mask
Used for whitening skin prone to pigmentation and freckles. Two tablespoons of honey (not candied) is mixed with pre-pressed and filtered juice of one lemon. Gauze wipes impregnated with the mixture and put on face for 15-20 minutes. Napkins change during this time 2-3 times. The mask is washed off with warm water.
In the course of 15-20 masks. The mixture may be stored for up to 7-8 days in the refrigerator.
Peritonea mask
Apply with enhanced skin pigmentation (tanning), freckles and pigment spots. For dry skin for making masks take 80 g of lanolin and mixed with 20 g of perhydrol.
The mixture is put there for 10-15 minutes. Removed wet swab. The course is 10-15 masks.
Mask of almonds
Has a slower batting action; it is used at a moderate pigmentation. Half a Cup of almond grains pour nod (1 Cup) and after 3-5 minutes, drain the water, let the almonds through a meat grinder. In the resulting slurry add the juice of 12 lemons 1 tablespoon of boiled water, all grind until smooth. In the course of 30-40 masks, 2 times a week. The mask is washed off with warm water.
Cream-mask of wax and fresh greens
10 g beeswax and 50 g of margarine to melt for a couple. Then, stirring constantly, add to the mixture 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of oil solution of vitamin a and 10 g of a slurry of fresh herbs For cooking gruel to take equal weight parts of nettle leaves, Rowan, hops, parsley, black currant, Jasmine petals and roses. The cream is applied in the form of a mask. Do 10 masks through the day.
Vitamin cream mask
Pre-prepare a tincture from the dried peel of 2 lemons. Then half packs of margarine mix with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Gradually add the lemon juice, 10 drops of oil solution of vitamin a, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise and finally dropwise to 1 table spoon of camphor alcohol and tincture of lemon peel.
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