We met only two months. And we all know: meet the parents men the strongest stress. You need to prepare mentally and physically and in any case not to rush. However, claims L. were logical. Judge for yourself, I managed to invite her to spend with me a New year for a few thousand miles from home. My mother L. appeared justifiable desire to get acquainted with the mysterious stranger ("suddenly maniac? "), ovozasi daughter's eve family celebration.
I began to wrestle with how to make a good impression and with a clear conscience to go to the shores of the sea. Some practice I was. With the parents of her friends had met more than once. But two. For the first time through the ritual took place in seventeen years. However, it was my neighbor, so familiar it could be called the purely conventional. Not sure that the second time can be counted, because the communication with the mother of the girl was held by telephone. Even if we consider this modest experience in the microscope, nothing useful in it could not be found.
So I decided to act consistently. First of all it is necessary to decide on the meeting place. I knew one thing for sure - in the familiar home environment" course ordered. If you go home to HP, the laws of hospitality will not allow her mother to sleep all night. Cutting salads, washing crystal, wiping dust from the figs in a moment of cute women will make nervous, tired and picky. And here I come...
To invite is not an option at all. To impress adult woman bachelor apartment unlikely. Still a decent family restaurant - this would be it. To choose the right table, where we will feel at ease and look more at the plate with delicious food, and half the job is done.
The more important question: how to behave? Not the most common, but as it turned out, an effective tactic is to take the pressure. Friend colleague was hand made ladies heart: come to the meeting with parents, unceremoniously locked beloved in the room, and went into the kitchen to talk with the future mother-in-law and father-in-law. Put the passport law, the keys to the apartment, they say, here I want to marry your daughter. And it worked! Parents appreciated the nature of the future son-in-law positively. Arrogance - it is the city takes...
Stop-stop. What passport, what wife? I just have to "light up", to convince the adequacy and go with HP to relax. Excessive activity to anything. Maybe go on the contrary, prefer "easy" way communication: in disputes not to join, to mitigate conflicts, all of the questions in the affirmative nod. Or not bother at all?
For example, my nephew believes that the right to decide for himself when to introduce a new passion to parents. By the way, this overgrown kid still did not dare to move from them. Girl six months living in his room. Parents on "circumstantial evidence" guess about the presence of the lady in the flat: shoes in the hallway, the jacket on the hanger and the classics - hair in the shower drain. But to see it - can't see (except fleetingly in the mirror), comes in late, leaves early, in a word, the girl Ghost. This focus nephew had done three times already. Relationships with parents at him peace, although such freaks they do not approve. After a certain amount of time, arranged a dinner at which all officially recognize the names of each other and see if for the first time. Sedately sitting, pass each other salads, associating with, shutter speed, and acting talents gathered could be envied by many.
Why do we get nervous before meeting with the parents? Mentally scroll future conversation: "And you, actually, who will?.. Oh Yes... don't be embarrassed, I of the common interest... Where you say you met?.. Yeah, yeah... Tell me about yourself... Well... no, No, here just a moment... wouldn't want to talk about it?.. Well, you are not questioning... it is Curious-curious... L, who is he, anyway? Where do you find them?.." The horror!!!
It is impossible to get rid of the feeling that you appreciate on the "promise". Perspective typically seen in the material condition of the person questioned. The number of questions is reduced in proportion to the welfare of her spouse. And it is difficult to understand how parents would react to the man who is never seen on TV.
On the other hand, parents - they are the same people. Older, with his position in life, his responsibility for that which you meet. In the end, decide to imagine her parents as new friends... at least as friends of friends... with whom you can easily be yourself. Parents L. - my friends. What a nice and calm thought. But nothing turns out. Nightmare! And to meet the need. It is important for HP, so it is important for me. And like hell you will know how to behave.
A year later: "You never met my mother. Do not insist, but still?! "
Of course I remembered, but in my heart I was hoping for intelligent L., forgetfulness of her mother, so who knows what else. Certainly, I did not lose time in vain and for the past year has made a thorough preparation. Brought from travel cute Souvenirs passed on occasion, when L went home (after the rest she left to live with me). On the Eighth of March gave the tickets to the theater. He wasn't - seems to have worked, but with HP they went, they liked it. Once we almost met, has appointed day, and then I looked in the mirror and realized that the hairdresser in my life did not appear for a long time. Had to postpone the introduction, I could not seem to improper form. For some reason HP was sure that I come up with excuses. But I knew it was wrong. About to cut their hair and are going to meet. He shows character. Will call her mother to arrange a meeting and say, "Hello, I'm the boyfriend of your daughter... "
A. A.
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