Sunday, June 29, 2014

10 myths about marriage

10 myths about marriageThere are many myths and stereotypes about marriage. But only married people can say how these stereotypes are true. Let's find out whether to believe common myths.

Myth 1. Men get from marriage more benefits than women.

Fact: Both men and women derive the same benefits of marriage, although this varies. Most men and women have a longer, happy and fulfilling life, if they are married. Men gain more benefit in terms of health and women financially.

Myth 2. Children usually bring spouses and family fill life with happiness.

Fact: Studies show that the appearance of the first child often associated with stress and parents away from each other. However, the divorce rate is lower among couples with children than for childless families.

Myth 3. The most important thing in a happy family life is luck and love.

Fact: The main causes of a happy marriage is the ability to give, the ability to take responsibility and similar values. The happiest couples are close friends who have similar interests and priorities in life.

Myth 4. Than more educated a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to marry.

Fact: Today, a woman who has a higher education, more likely to marry than her former classmate, not enrolled in College, although educated women marry later. In the past, educated woman were less likely to marry.

Myth 5. Couples who lived together before marriage, much better than people that never lived in a civil marriage.

Fact: Many studies suggest that people who lived together in a civil marriage, not so happy after legal registration, on the contrary, they are more likely to leave. The main reason is probably not that, undertook and faced with difficulties, one seeks to get rid of them. The mere fact of cohabitation, household, can lead to relationship difficulties. According to a recent study, couples in civil marriage, less motivation to resolve conflict and support each other.

Myth 6. Currently, people can not live a long life together, as before, because now people are living much longer.

This opinion does not justifiable. The increase in life expectancy is due to the sharp reduction in child mortality. And despite the fact that the life expectancy of adults is greater than that of their grandparents, marriage is happening in their lives much later.
In addition, the typical duration of marriage without divorce rates have not changed very much over the last 50 years. In addition, many couples end the relationship long before the Golden wedding: half of all divorces are couples who have lived less than seven years.

Myth 7. Once married, a woman is much more at risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence.

Despite the assumption that the official registration of marriage literally unleashes the man's hand, studies show that, not being married, and especially living in a civil marriage, the risk for women to become a victim of domestic violence is much higher. One reason for such results may be the fact that married women hide the facts of domestic violence. Moreover, a woman would rather divorce aggressive, cruel man, than to marry such a marriage.
In addition, it is possible that living in a formal marriage, the man is more concerned about the welfare of your family and more open to society.

Myth 8. Married people are less satisfied with their sexual life and have less sex than people outside of marriage.

According to studies, married people have better sex and more of it than their unmarried counterparts. Sex in their lives is not only more often - they get more pleasure, both physical and emotional.

Myth 9. Cohabitation is the same thing as marriage, but without a stamp in the passport.

Cohabitation, as a rule, does not bring those positive aspects in terms of health, material wealth and emotional States, which are characteristic of life in marriage. If you compare, the people living in a civil marriage, more similar to singles than to married people.

Myth 10. Due to the large number of divorces that destroy unhappy family, the people remaining in the marriage, have a much happier family than our ancestors, who lived together, no matter how bad the marriage.

The results of a recent study show that the General level of happiness in the family is not increased and even decreased slightly. Some studies have found that in modern families, compared with marriages 20-30 years ago, more stress, work-related, more conflict and less understanding between the spouses.


Library of erotica

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