Reliable protection
Our brain is a very delicate and sensitive to mechanical stress the body. Therefore, nature has not only defended its strong skull, and placed in a protective fluid - CSF. This fluid, performing cushioning function, circulates through the special structures of the brain: the ventricles, the water, the vertebral channel. The pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid on the brain and is called intracranial pressure. But why is the pressure increases?
There are situations, when this happens for quite natural reasons, for example, when we cry, cough, sneeze. This condition quickly runs by itself. However, if the fluid pressure on the brain substance is constantly, it is possible to speak about the pathological process. The CSF is secreted in some parts of the brain, then flows through the ducts in other departments, where absorbed into the bloodstream. A full update of this fluid is on average seven times a day.
In order intracranial pressure was normal, and people feel good, it is necessary that the volume of produced liquor was optimal.In addition, it is very important that this fluid does not met on their way no obstacles, moves freely between the ventricles.
The three most frequent causes of chronic increased intracranial pressure:
- Liquor stands out too much.
- This fluid is absorbed into the bloodstream not completely.
- Broken cross paths circulation of the liquor.
Any of these reasons may be due to:
- moved traumatic brain injury (even a very long-standing up to birth trauma);
- meningitis or encephalitis;
- innate features of the structure of the Central nervous system;
- violations of the outflow of venous blood from the cavity of the skull;
- hypoxia;
- strong poisoning.
Often moms sick children blame all the troubles of himself: he had to give up coffee during pregnancy, try to protect a small child from the stress, spend more time in nature, not to burden the student with additional practice. However, doctors believe that despite the absolute health intracranial pressure the child to climb can't. This requires very serious conditions.
As the disease manifests itself?
Increased pressure on the brain substance may disrupt the Central nervous system. Hence the typical symptoms:
- Heaviness in the head or headache.
In some cases nausea and vomiting in the morning, and vomiting brings temporary relief.
- Dystonia (sweating, drop or rise in blood pressure, palpitations, presyncope state and others) is almost obligatory symptom.
- Fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, nervousness.
- "Bruises" under the eyes.
When a person lies, liquor stands out more, and absorbed more slowly, so intracranial pressure and its symptoms tend to peak in the second half of the night or towards morning.
The diagnosis of intracranial hypertension is established by experts on the basis of characteristic symptoms and data special studies, until tomography brain.
There is only one direct way to measure intracranial pressure. For this purpose it is necessary to take a puncture: to enter into the liquid cavity of the skull or spinal canal special needle with attached pressure gauge. It is clear that to be subjected to such tortures a child suffering from headaches, no doctor will take. This research method is justified only in extreme cases.
Other diagnostic methods are indirect. But the most accurate of these is the examination of the ocular fundus. Ophthalmologist buries in the eyes of the child special drops, pupils dilate, and the doctor on the condition of blood vessels and drives the fundus of the eye determines how "feels" the brain itself. In addition, the child will likely be sent for x-ray computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound Doppler.
I would like to mention that echoencephalography (Echo-EG) gives indirect and not always reliable data on increased intracranial pressure, therefore, to focus on the results of this study should not be.
The diagnosis is made, what's next?
To live with increased intracranial pressure and unpleasant and harmful to health. The brain in such conditions normally cannot work, moreover, is the slow atrophy of the cerebral white matter, and this leads to a decrease in intellectual capacity, disruption of the nervous regulation of the internal organs. Therefore, the child's need as soon as possible to treat.
The most important thing in the treatment of intracranial hypertension is to reduce isolation and increase the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. Traditionally assign to this end diuretics (diuretics). They are divided into potassium-sparing and neoliberalismo. When assigning neoliberalised diuretics treatment should be accompanied by additional intake of potassium.
In some cases, permanent diuretics drugs is unacceptable for the patient. Therefore, experts suggest the patient to learn special exercises to correct drinking regime and to undergo a gentle manual therapy. However, prescribe treatment and to choose the product that best suits your child can only be a doctor.
Children with increased intracranial pressure should be more attentive to their well-being and to carefully control the load. They cannot go to the sauna and bath, to take a hot bath. You should try not to jump, somersault. In the acute period of the disease the child is given an exemption from physical education.
Halesova A.
The health of the schoolchild
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