General recommendations known and relate primarily to rational nutrition, adequate physical activity, Smoking cessation and alcohol abuse. By the way, in many areas in recent years there have been significant changes. Scientists say that the load may be less than previously thought, and alcohol can be useful. But it's not about that.
Recently, doctors have started talking about one factor. About an active sex life. Of course, this was known by the ancient sages, but as you know, science takes nothing on faith, not having a pre-to a severe test. Now, however, about the benefits of sex for health, said many of the luminaries of the world of medicine. For example, a prominent heart surgeon Christian Barnard, who made the world's first heart transplant.
In his 79 years, he gives the sex and romance of great importance, considering that lonely people are likely to die earlier than their more fortunate peers. He calls sex the most healthy and enjoyable way to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. This he said in his book "50 ways to maintain a healthy heart" which was presented last week in Cape town.
By the way, Barnard's not just a regular sight and the role of stress in health. According to the cardiologist, stress creates motivation and promotes self-esteem. What is really bad, it's always in a hurry, which became a constant companion of the modern man. Christian Barnard recommends that all men did not hesitate to take viagra if they have problems with potency. After all, sex is the cure.
If we can be skeptical of statements albeit famous, and very experienced cardiologist, you cannot deny the results of scientific research. And they prove that men who have sex three or four times a week have a 50 percent lower risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. Data were obtained in a survey of more than two thousand Britons.
However, sex protects not only from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists from Greece assure that orgasm protects against breast cancer. They examined patients and healthy men (male breast cancer also occurs, though less often than women) and found that those who in the month experiencing less than six orgasms, cancer occurs much more frequently. This is attributed to the level of male hormones.
Another interesting observation was made by the Scots. They found that people love at least three times a week, are on average 10 years younger than those who have sex twice a week. According to scientists, the reason here in a smaller amount of fat and that in the brain of these people make more specific substances - endorphins, which relieve pain and eliminate the anxiety.
It is obvious that you have an active sex lots of advantages, just do not forget about safety precautions. And we don't talk about protection from sexually transmitted diseases, although the importance of this moment of intimate relationships is not denied. As was established by the English doctors, sex, like Jogging, accompanied by a great loss of water, but rarely reimburse her. So they are advised to drink after sex a glass of water to prevent dehydration.
Med Media
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