Wednesday, June 25, 2014

7 tips for easy Wake

7 tips for easy WakeEven if you are not a "lark", and you need to learn to get up in the morning easy and fun

1. Tune in to the best

The right mental attitude literally works wonders. When the soul is calm, sleep tight, and the awakening is easier. And Vice versa: going to bed in a bad mood, sleep or even worse suffers from insomnia. If by nature you are not the biggest optimist, learn how to motivate yourself.

What to do?
If you want easy to get up in the morning, prepare yourself for this evening. Each day in the future, you can find things that are worth waiting for: you have scheduled a meeting with a nice person; work on an interesting project; children or a loved one has promised to cook a delicious Breakfast; you are going to wear new clothes... look forward to it, lying in bed, and try the first thing to remember about this, opening eyes in the morning.

2. Be seated
Morning sex is a great start of a new day: it helps to run and organize the work of the endocrine system, provides the release of "hormones of happiness" endorphins, increases the overall tone as well as fitness. One hundred percent awake refreshed guaranteed.

What to do?
To initiate the contact, and not to reject the offer of a partner, even if at first I don't want to Wake up. Sexologists believe that morning sex brings a lot of people more satisfaction than night and evening, because the body after sleep perfectly relaxed. If you Wake up alone, at least dance to your favorite music is quite 5-10 minutes.

3. Relieve stress
Somnology (doctors treating sleep problems) argue that the revival must be as less stressful. First of all this means that it does not need to stretch for a long time. Even if you don't get enough sleep, don't move the ringing clock 10 minutes later to a little bit more sleep. Make an effort and Wake up at the first signal. It is better to deprive yourself of a few additional (dubious pleasure, by the way) minutes of sleep and Wake up cheerful than pull and climb broken.

What to do?
Place the clock so that it is turned off you have to stand up or even sit up in bed. To mitigate the process of awakening pleasant place familiar melody. If the TV or laptop, you can watch a good video clip or episode from a movie. When you finally woke up, it is possible and even desirable for a moment to lie and how to stretch like a cat.

4. To catch his breath
Often up in the morning is hard because the bedroom is not enough oxygen. Surely you aerate it before going to sleep, but according to estimates, even in a perfectly ventilated room where they sleep two adults, the air becomes stale after 2 hours. Remember that when my mom came to Wake you up, she opened the window. Not by chance - a breath of fresh air perfectly adapts the body to transition into wakefulness.

What to do?
If it is not possible to sleep with open window, waking up, the first thing come to the window, open it, and a few deep breaths. This will encourage and help you to finally Wake up. By the way, very useful at this point to pozivati - this helps to maximize the oxygen to the brain.

5. Love the water
Water is not only a catalyst and a direct participant in all processes of our life, but... excellent service. Nutritionists recommend not start the day with food and drink. Liquid tones and gives the correct start of the digestive process. Best morning drink a glass of water, and then, at Breakfast, green tea, or juice. It is better to drink coffee at the end of the Breakfast, so as not to cause a pressure surge.

What to do?
Start the morning with a glass of water without gas, but not very cold, so as not to cause additional stress and not have a sore throat. Not drink in one gulp, and in small SIPS. And immediately get in the shower. If you don't like the contrast, it is at least cool.

6. Keep the rhythm
Alas, most of us - the so-called aramaki, i.e. people living in discord with its own biorhythms. Go later than it should, and forced to stand before the body. But it wears out and makes you look older before time! And, of course, is not conducive to cheerfulness in the morning.

What to do?
Do not miss any opportunity to sleep (the time needed to do this, individually, perhaps, you need not 8, and 7 or 9 hours). To listen to themselves, to develop their "program": to go to bed when I feel sleepy, while gradually accustoming himself to lie down and get up a little earlier.

7. To see the light

The darkness of the night is a natural signal to rest. So to Wake up in a dark room especially difficult. In the morning we need about 50 000 Lux light intensity is roughly give bright sunlight. Their light suppresses the production of "sleep hormone" melatonin and activates the production of anti-stress hormone DHEA.

What to do?
Immediately upon awakening spread out. When the weather is gloomy, light light. Rescuetime interior: put next to the bed a couple of Mandarin oranges or apples, put a bouquet of bright flowers in the kitchen get orange or red curtains, tablecloth, cups. In addition, DHEA perfectly produced per night, if for a few hours before bedtime (but not right before bedtime! actively work out.

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