Office worker
Tunnel syndrome.
All of a sudden numbness of the hands and wrists, the skin on the backs of her hands begins to pokalyvat, and then appears dull drawing pain that does not abate even on nights. Familiar feeling? It seems that you are faced with a typical disease of the secretaries called "tunnel syndrome", or, as the doctors say, the pinching of the median nerve in the carpal canal. This problem happens due to the fact that, when you are typing text on the keyboard or click the mouse, your hands are in an awkward static position and wrist constantly straining. The fingers do repetitive movements, tendons move and injure the median nerve, which controls the thumb, index and middle fingers. Of course, if you work at the computer for two hours a day, then nothing bad will happen. But if you stick with the keyboard from morning till evening for a long time, the pain will increase, but may even become permanent. And eventually will require surgery.
Not to bring the matter to the surgeon's scalpel, correctly set up your work place. Get a chair with armrests, comfortable keyboard, mouse and mouse pad with special silicone pad. When you are sitting, your feet should touch the floor and forming with the body an angle of 90°, and the hands to lie down on the armrests. This situation is considered optimal, because the load on the muscles is distributed evenly and in the hands maintaining good circulation. Every 40 minutes of continuous work at the computer do the workout. Squeeze and release the fists, roll them first in one, then in another direction, and then extend your arms in front of him and move his fingers. Each exercise repeat at least five times.
Tonsillitis. Trying to sow in the hearts of the disciples reasonable, kind, eternal, you have a lot to say. Unfortunately, the teachers, unlike singers, don't vote and don't teach proper breathing, so the big voice of the load to be their ligaments serious challenge. Moreover, during a long conversation dries quickly back wall of the pharynx, and it is devoid of natural protection, rushing hordes of viruses and germs. You and the next thing you know we'll both get a sore throat, jumps temperature and there is a weakness in the whole body. The most unpleasant thing in this situation that frequently recurring disease with serious complications. The bacteria that cause (usually betahemolytic Streptococcus), isolated in the blood of toxic substances that can damage the heart, kidneys and joints. Therefore it is in your interests not just in time to treat angina, but try to prevent it.
During lessons not to strain the vocal chords and try to breathe through the nose. So the air is not only cleaned, but also moistens the throat. The changes do internal massage of the throat. Bend the tip of the tongue back and intensively rotate them in different directions. This can be done both open and closed mouth. This massage increases the blood flow in the throat and does not allow the bacteria to multiply. Coming home, be sure to rinse the throat, to wash away germs that managed to get there. And then join in the singing. Loudly and slowly pull vowels "A", "O", "U". This strengthens the vocal cords. And remember that infectious diseases are often exposed to weakened, pereutomlenie people. So try to relax and be sure akalaitis. For the prevention of angina is very useful to eat ice cream and daily rinse feet with cool water.
The seller-consultant
Varicosity. The whole day you have to stand in one place, but still in close high heels, which requires a strict dress code. No wonder his legs in the evening swollen, numb and become heavy. Surely you realize that it's not very good. Heaviness in the legs completely fails and can develop into a life-threatening disease - varicose veins. This disease occurs due to the fact that the blood vessels begin to stagnate blood. When you stand still, your leg muscles will not contract. This means that they are not pushing the blood that flows from the bottom up, constantly overcoming the force of Earth's gravity. Because of this, it begins to accumulate in the veins. And if they are also lazy valves that do not cope with their task and allow the blood to drain down, the vessels begin to swell and rise to the surface of the skin unsightly bumpy snakes. Swollen veins themselves are not cured. You will need the injection of sclerosants that "stick together" and resolves vessels. And in severe cases the affected vein will have to remove surgically.
To Vienna did not disappoint, and they need care. During the working day very useful to periodically stand up on your toes, lift your heels from the floor to 1-2 cm and dramatically lower them down. It improves circulation. House is 15-20 minutes to lie with outstretched legs, and even better at night to put them under the pillow or cushion. Freed from having to fight with the force of gravity, the veins relax. To increase vascular tone, pamper feet cold shower. Direct the spray from the bottom up, alternately changing hot and cold water. Try to move more and exercise. Excellent prevention of varicose veins are swimming, walking, slow Jogging and Biking. If necessary, use of medical compression hosiery and shoes to wear only on medium or low heel.
Non-developing pregnancy Heaven. Aircraft. Girl. What could be more romantic. and dangerous, if this girl stewardess in position! The flight attendants are constantly faced with negative factors: change of gravitational pressure, ozone and cosmic radiation, hazardous propellants, noise, vibration, change of time zones, which leads to disruption of biological rhythms. All this negatively affects the course of pregnancy, so the female half of the crew can be difficult to bear and give birth to healthy babies. Unfortunately, regular flights in the early stages often leads to pregnancy suddenly stops its development and freezes. The most dangerous is the period between the ninth and fiftieth day from conception (especially the third and fourth weeks). At this time, the baby laid major organs are formed, the nervous system, the spinal cord and brain, the first blood cells. Due to the influence of negative factors on the formation of the embryo can be broken, and the baby will have birth defects, often incompatible with life. Usually it ends up in a miscarriage. Gynecologists say that the very nature decides to discontinue the development of the "wrong" of the embryo and allows the expectant mother in the future to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. Just next time a woman should be treated more carefully and try to protect themselves from the effects of harmful factors.
During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, the flight attendants should not participate in long-distance flights at high altitude, especially in latitudes close to the geomagnetic zones of the Earth. Ideally it is better to abandon the flight. Many airlines offer stewardess temporary work "on the ground" as soon as the pregnancy is installed.
Dmitry Krylov, physician: "There are many professions, representatives of which have to deal with the impact of negative factors. For example, employees printers regularly deal with high levels of lead, doctors-radiologists from harmful radiation, hairdressers with a variety of tools laying, many of which are allergens. But this does not mean that we should abandon his beloved work. Just be careful, most protecting themselves from the negative effects, and will never become a patient of the hospital".
Marina Khlebnikova, singer: "the Most vulnerable place any singer - throat - or rather ligaments. Imagine they suffer from stress during rehearsals, recordings of albums and concerts? To get rid of hoarseness, I make inhalations with oregano and St. John's wort, and grease ligament essential oils of peach and apricot. These procedures reduce inflammation, kill microbes, soften the mucous membrane and cause the larynx in tone".
Irina Lobacheva, figure skater: "Many skater for years can not get pregnant - we have the entire body is worn out: joints, muscles, heart, stomach. We constantly travelwise, supercooled, lose weight. I was very afraid that a similar fate awaits me. However, we ex-husband (skater Ilya Averbukh. - Ed.) finished career planned child, and all our expectations were realized: I gave birth to a son. This great miracle".
Alexander Nosik, actor: "the biggest problem Actresses and actors - sick stomachs and the problem of excess weight. All this because of the food, which is fed during the filming of TV series and movies. We call it chinacomm. First - greasy and tasteless soup, the second is a bad pasta with pieces of negausigas meat and third - juice or juice. In General, the food is poor, high-calorie and unuseful".
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