Guess my name
Instead of presenting the player gives a hint:
My name starts with the letter "O";
My name ends with the letter "A";
It consists of 6 letters (Oksana).
The one who correctly guessed the name that receives the token.
Who? Where? When?
Players stand in a circle. The signal conductive children are rebuilt so that the names were located:
In alphabetical order;
By month of birth;
The signs of the zodiac;
For Hobbies, etc.
The recognition of love
Called a boy and a girl. Call each other their names. They need to play a scene from a movie about love. All feelings can only be expressed by facial expressions and gestures, say you can only names. Wins that pair, which will be the most original and artistic.
The signs of the zodiac
Players are grouped according to their zodiac signs. Cook about yourself messages to other players about the characteristics of their characters. You can use popular literature. The main thing is that all the performances were original and each was attended by all team members.
Each player is given a card on which is written the name of each of the participants. At the signal, the host needs to find a mate whose name is written on the card, and to interview him. The list of questions is determined by the organizers of the game. All the information you need to write on the sheet. All notes are placed in the newspaper "Let's get acquainted! "
The winners are those who will cope with the task before the other players.
My emblem, my motto
Each player receives a paper and pencil. At the signal, each leading
comes up and draws what may be the emblem and writes the phrase or
a word that can serve as his motto (it may be a proverb,
a phrase from a song, a popular expression, the name of the movie and so on). then
do an exhibition of works where everyone talks about himself, about his work.
Vanity of vanities
Each participant received a list of 10 items:
loves to fish...
loves to sing...
loves to read... etc.
Lists of different players. Contents lists of favorite cases the organizers in advance to know the players personally or through questionnaires. The signal conductive players begin to fill the lists, writing opposite the favorite cases that match the names of the players. All begin to learn from each other what one loves to do. The winners are those who never will be able to complete the entire list.
My companion
Children are divided into pairs. They are given 3 minutes, for which they have to learn more about each other. Then all sit in a circle and each player talks about his companion. The writing style is any. Encouraged originality.
Each player is prompted to select 1 of the cards. Each contains 2 job:
About Hobbies, friends, pranks.
Name, age, school, class.
Sing a song, tell a joke, recite a poem, etc.)
Street familiarity
All the players are divided into pairs. Task one of the participants in pairs: to meet the second, absolutely unfamiliar person on the street. For this, he applies the effort, all of his resourcefulness. You need to know the name and hobby. 2nd player tries to get away from acquaintances, not saying a single harsh word. At the end of the game all the participants identify the most successful "seducer" and the intractable "stranger".
Guess himself
The players sit in a circle. The facilitator announces that a sudden accident crafted by the mouth of all players. And they can't just appear and get acquainted with others. Only allowed to do tips that have 2 words-Association, or historical person, by which you can know your name.
The root of my name is similar to the word for the female decoration;
I am the sister of Olga Larina (Tanya);
I am the namesake of Mayakovsky, Vladimir (Russia);
My name means a great feeling (Love), etc.
The Central name
During the disco dancers form a circle. In its center turns are all called Sasha and Lena, who dance in the center of the circle, and the rest are referred to by their names in time to the music. After some time, the Central dancers change. This continues until such time as all players do not visit the center of the circle.
Players sit in a circle. The first calls your name, second name first and their third - names of the first and second, then his, and so on until the circle closes. In the end, the last in the circle says the names of all the players, and then his own. Easier, of course, to be first, but the latter is more useful.
I'll take a hike...
Single game. Everyone should give their name and some item (my name is..., I vazmu with me... I will go on a hike? ), which he would take a hike. The facilitator should say, does he this man with him or not. The point is that the name of the subject was started on the same letter as the child's name. Ask the guys who would suspect to remain silent until all will not understand logic.
Propoi your name
Each player takes turns singing his name. All others must repeat the name, i.e., to sing it the same way, with the same intonation, etc.
Let's meet
Players form two circles. Standing in the inner circle face to the outside. The music playing in the circles move in opposite directions. After the cessation of the music, the players stop to each other, are introduced by name. Then again the music is only now moving in different directions and ran past friend, waving his hand. The music ceases to play, and new friends. The game goes on.
Who is faster
The squad is divided into 2 teams. Between teams of assistants to hold the screen (such as a blanket). One person from the team approach the screen and sit down, they should not see each other. On the master screen down and the players sitting around it, must name each other. The winner is the one who calls faster. The loser goes to the opposing team. Etc.
I never...
All sit in a circle and put his hands on his knees. The first player says something he never did. For example, he says: "I never flew on a plane". If some of the players flew, he bends one finger on the hand. Then tells the next player and so on around the circle. The winner is the one who is most likely to bend all the fingers.
Players sit in a circle. The instructor says, "My name is..., I love..." love can be anything and anyone) and cuts the Apple to someone from the circle. He picks up the Apple and also says: "My name is..., I love...". And Apple is rolling to the next. The game continues until the moment when all players have submitted.
All sit in a circle on chairs and are calculated on the first-third.
The first numbers will be, for example, apples, second bananas, third
the oranges. In the centre is conductive, which begins the story of his
and once in his story mentions one of these fruits, you
these players must quickly be swapped. If conductive says:
"Tutti-Frutti" - that places change all players.
Participants form two circles - one in the other, with an equal number of people. The circles rotate in opposite directions, facing each other, under the words:
"My shaggy grey dog
The window sits.
My shaggy grey dog
On my looks.
B-I-N-G-O (2 times)
Yes, Bingo is his name".
The words " B-I-N-G-O" are pronounced separately by letter, with each letter standing in the outer circle hit in their hands standing in the interior. Each letter - the hands of a new person. The last letter "O" says drawl (surprised - happily) and the last words ("Yes, Bingo calling him" a pair of says together, holding hands. After that, the participants introduce each other by name. This continues until, until everyone get acquainted.
And I'm going, and I too, as I hare
The players sit on chairs in a circle, one place is not occupied by anyone. In the center - conductive. All participants in the game are moved around the circle counterclockwise. The player sitting next to an empty chair, straddles him with the words, "and I go". The next player is saying "me too". A third participant said, "I hare" and the left hand striking the empty chair, calls the name of the person sitting in the circle. The one whose name is pronounced, shall as soon as possible to cross to the empty chair. Steering problem - take a chair faster someone called. Who didn't, become " it". The game starts from the beginning.
I snake, snake, snake
Participants stand in a circle, through one - boy, girl. Starts the driver, approaching someone with the words: " I was a snake, snake, snake, want to be my tail? ". If the answer is Yes, then ask crawls under the feet of the master, to get acquainted, and his right hand takes the left hand ask through the legs. In case of negative answer is the phrase: " And you!" "and go grip. Thus, each time the snake is increasing more and more. The game continues until all members are joined to each other.
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