Sexual desire women are more likely to fail. It may be associated with toxicity, nausea, vomiting, perversion many gustatory and olfactory sensations. In addition, often in the first weeks of pregnancy the woman is in a sleepy, sluggish and whining condition. Dragging pain in the breast can give her is not the most pleasant experience. Women are more emotional, often inadequately react to a rather banal everyday situations. The man usually such changes in his wife very frightening. It begin to overcome the idea that it will be more difficult. Appear recriminations and resentment. The conflicts, which, let's be honest, had previously settled in bed, now only aggravated. In this situation, it seems that there is no solution. But actually not all so sad. Because oddly enough, then it will be easier.
Second trimester
The mother, as a rule, leave all fears and anxiety. Her feel much better. In addition, the stirring of the fetus, which are felt after 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, regularly tell the woman that the baby is all right. A pregnant woman has already seen protruding tummy, he is still very young and does not deliver the mother of discomfort. On the contrary, this belly is very sexy. Good health of the future mother leads to a growing desire for pleasurable sensations. The man by this time, finally comes to terms with the role of the father, so the middle of pregnancy often becomes a second honeymoon for couples.
Doctors, too, most also speak positively about sex is in the second trimester because the fetus is already permanently entrenched in the uterus, and new hormonal surges in the body is not yet in sight.
Third trimester
Desire spouses again go on the decline for several objective and subjective reasons. This is primarily due to physical discomfort women big belly already difficult hugs and closeness with her husband may bring inconvenience. During sex, a woman may have pain. Change the emotional state of the woman also leaves its mark: the fear of the approaching childbirth and uncertainty has a negative effect on libido. By the way, with the approaching childbirth for men also becomes more problems. Even if you leave the psychological aspects associated with the appearance of the child in the family, the man is still loaded organizational problems. Need to buy everything you need for baby stroller, crib and t.d.), to choose, together with his wife to the hospital, where the heir will be born, to agree to work on a short vacation to help his wife in the first days after returning home. All this is reflected in the sexual activity of the future Pope, which by the end of the third trimester of pregnancy wife can go to the downturn.
Very well, when the parabola sexuality during pregnancy coincides in men and women. But there is often a mismatch of desires, which leads to problems and misunderstanding each other. In this case, the only hope for the wisdom of each. Recommended for the man around to give a pregnant woman, to treat her patiently and gently, to show attention and affection. The woman should also remember that she needs to respect others and not to turn into a capricious and selfish being.
Now it's time to stay on the medical aspects of sex during pregnancy.
Positive aspects of sex during pregnancy
Hormones of pleasure a woman during sex with someone you love, have a positive effect on the child.
- Long abstinence pregnant woman helps her accumulation of negative emotions.
Is sex during pregnancy does not need protecting, that liberating woman.
- Expectant mother, like any other woman, need those nutrients that are contained in the semen: enzymes, male hormones, prostaglandins. The latter, incidentally, contribute to the softening of the cervix and help it better be revealed in childbirth.
- During sex the muscles of the uterus Contracting, training means, contractions in childbirth will be better and more productive, there will be weakness of labor activity.
- During pregnancy orgasm and for some time after it is accompanied by contractions of the uterus that do not have a negative influence on not ripe for childbirth the uterus. But, if the time before the birth only a few weeks or days, orgasm can trigger labor. Therefore, doctors recommend sex as a soft start in pregnancy at 40-41 week.
Medical contraindications to sex during pregnancy
active threat of miscarriage;
- bleeding or spotting from the vagina;
- habitual miscarriage;
- leaking amniotic fluid;
- low locating of a placenta;
- multiple pregnancy;
- the presence of one of the partners of reproductive tract infections.
Two of the ban in sex
1. Doctors strongly recommend to do cunnilingus (oral sex with stimulation of the vagina).
2. In no event it is impossible to come into contact with new (and possibly infected), untested partners, as there is a danger of infecting the mother and baby.
Regarding the technique of sex during pregnancy also has its own features. Appeared tummy restricts the use of certain poses, such as "man on top". More preferred are the poses "on the side", "rider" and those in which the woman kneels. And of course a woman can please a man orogenitalnyh contact.
Nine months of pregnancy is going very quickly. Now the baby has been born, and you are thinking about sex after childbirth. If the birth took place without any problems and tearing of the perineum, sexual rest is recommended for 6-8 weeks. In all other cases will be handled individually. Another question that few couples can withstand even named time. In this regard, it may be advisable abstinence at least until the end of bleeding.
You need to remember that women, breastfeeding, excitation can drain the milk from the nipple, and also need to be prepared for the fact that for the first time after giving birth will have to use additional lubrication.
Contrary to popular belief, breastfeeding is often accompanied by restoration of the normal operation of the ovaries, especially if the couple's sex life was back on track. During the first postpartum ovulation, fertilisation takes place and to come to unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, the issue of postpartum contraception should be discussed with the obstetrician-gynecologist in advance. It can be condoms, oral contraceptive for lactating women or other means.
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