The sounds, the child begins to issue from the first minutes after birth. Gradually they are expressed in conscious speech. At the end of the first month of life the child can talk about the violation of language development, if the baby never cries before eating. By 4-5 months, the child should babble, smile in response to a speech addressed to him, to listen to music and other sounds around 9 months to babble and repeat for older single syllables, and by the year - individual to speak simple words. Further development of coherent speech is that at the age of 2-3 years, the baby starts to speak whole sentences, to understand complex requests, to tell more and more complex cuocci text, narrated parents.
In the absence of any of these signs of language development, you should contact a specialist children's speech therapist. He will be able to diagnose the child and to propose methods to correct the problem.
Causes of speech disorders
- anomalies of development during pregnancy;
- birth trauma;
- lack of attention from parents and teachers;
- heredity;
- some diseases;
- infection and injury;
- anatomical features of the structure of the jaw.
From early childhood, even if your child develops absolutely normal, you need to follow some rules when dealing with it.
The rules of communication with the child
not suscite.
- do not deliberately misinterpret words.
- do not create words substitute teach by example the child's right to name objects and people correctly.
errors in the speech of the child correct gently, but firmly, do not scold him.
- go and talk with your child as often as possible. Even if you are doing your chores, and the kid play, he can hear your speech, remember the features of intonation, correct sound of the words.
- try to keep all family members observe those rules and interacted with the child, not only taskas.
- build communication with your child in the form of discussion, dialogue. Discuss the events of the house and in the garden, make comments, ask the child to Express his own opinion.
- as much detail as possible explain to the child the meaning of the new words introduced in his lexicon.
- reinforce the explanation of the pictures.
Exercises for language development
A great help in speech development is the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Exercise with your child creativity and design. For example, in the article the Development of fine motor skills using embroidery examines the impact of this type of needlework on the development of motor skills of the hand.
Play with your child in words. For example, you can use the popular game "in town", when the player must name a word beginning with the last letter of the word, called by the other player. Another option word games - ask the child to identify characterize for the current season weather patterns, colors, flowers, plants, actions. Learn how to form the plural of any noun, diminutive-rastitelnoe the name of the item.
Develop your child's hearing. Ask to say what sounds he hears on the street, to find out what animal makes a specific sound, what music instrument sounds like.
Learn by heart CIHI and songs. Teach your child to recite nursery rhymes and sing songs. Good exercise zakluchetsa that verse tell you, omitting some words, and the kid complements passes right words.
Charging for language
A set of simple exercises to improve pronunciation child.
"Tasty jam" - child licks tongue lips in a circular motion.
"Nut" - pushing the tongue by alternately in the inner part of the right, then the left cheek, as if to show what a cheek you have the nut.
"The clock tick-tock"
to protrude the tongue and led them from side to side, from the left corner of his mouth to the right, and Vice versa.
"Swing" to protrude the tongue and led them up and down, as if trying to reach the chin and nose of the queue.
Brush your teeth - locking lips, hold tongue on the outer part of the upper and lower teeth.
"Horse" to produce a clicking sound with his tongue, mimicking the sound of hooves.
"The painter" - whitewashed sky language, spending across the sky, trying to start as deeply as possible and to bring the tongue to the base of the upper teeth.
The vibration of the tongue with a finger language tip applied to the upper sky and uttered a quick sound "d-d-d", leaving teeth open. When this finger Rebenko "vibrates" language as soon as possible. This produces the utterance of the sound Works.
Do not try to diagnose the child's self - refer to a specialist, children's speech therapist. But even if it your child is developing properly and in time, remember the vital need for constant communication, dialogue, development in relations with adults surrounding the child.
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