Ten universal councils, which will be discussed below, were proposed by American psychologists and specialist recruitment agencies. However, this does not mean that these tips are only suitable for those who settled in the American company. In any large firms managers and HR specialists pay attention about the same, and the questions are very similar.
1. Prepare
It is extremely important appearance: men suit and tie should be in neutral tones, the woman better to opt for a formal business suit.
It is desirable to prepare a copy of your CV, list of people who can recommend you to. Good copies of your articles and books (if they have one), or publications that mention your name (if any), originals or copies handed to you diplomas, diplomas, etc.
You need to learn more about the company, in which you strive to get the job done (sometimes it is enough to visit her website). It is extremely useful to think of questions that may be asked during the interview and your answers (answers should work out in front of the mirror). Main principle: you must respond naturally and openly.
Human resources officers quickly recognize the hypocrisy and believe it is one of the serious disadvantages of a candidate for the vacant position. If the interview is carried out by the American - be sure to look him in the eye and smile. However, when communicating with representatives of other nationalities smile will not be superfluous.
2. Define your goals
Don't forget those facts about yourself that are outlined in the summary and be prepared to comment on them. Some human resources officers try to catch the interviewee on lies - so your answers should not be different from what you previously said about himself. Know what you want and what you don't want. This applies not only to wages, but also the relationships in the team, career prospects and so on, Remember that all it is impossible to get: if you want to get everything at once, you will not receive anything.
3. Your requests must be supported by arguments
For example, certificates of completed professional courses. Or stating that the work for which you are applying, you always been interested in, and while studying at the Institute you wrote kurtovic on this topic.
4. Know your strengths�
You should be prepared to answer the question: "What are your strengths and weaknesses? ". Think carefully about what your strengths are ideally suited to the position you want to get. If, for example, you want to become a sales Manager, you need to describe themselves like this: "I love to study people and is able to quickly determine how to build relations with any man." Be prepared to answer a question the interviewer: "And how we need to build a relationship with me? ".
5. Know your weaknesses�
Think carefully about how you will answer questions about your weaknesses. The statement that you have no weaknesses, describes you is not the best way. Also is not the answer, "I never thought". Build your reply thus: "I have such flaws, and I do so-and-so to fix them". Illustrate this statement with examples from his own life: "When I started working in the company N, I knew nothing about computers, but then I have studied it and can now do such things".
Second option: turn your weaknesses into strengths. For example, if you consider yourself a man does not have a stock of patience and not prone to monotonous work, this disadvantage can be interpreted as follows: "I hate monotonous work, so I was able to organize their activities in company X in such a way that monotonous operations began performing computer system that I have implemented".
6. Don't hide if you have ever fired�
It is very easy to check. So do not hide these facts of his biography and call objective reasons why you lost a job. This can be staff reductions, bad relationship with your boss, your lack of qualifications, etc. are Usually the reason for the dismissal is the sum of many factors. If you are fired - try, as far as possible, to analyze the causes of the incident and are looking for a new job. People were not fired very little - it is a milestone in your biography may not be a big drawback. Much worse if you get caught in a lie. During the interview, never, never, never remember a bad word about his ex-boss, the employees and the company. Be as tactful.
7. Consider your life prospects�
The standard question of personnel officer in American companies: "Where you are is in five years? ". This question is more complex than it may seem. The world and the economy are changing so fast that some jobs disappear, and some require new knowledge and skills. In addition, you should not seem too sassy. Instead say, "I want to become one of the leaders of your company," answer - "I plan to get the qualifications and authority that will allow me to perform the most important job in your company". The specific answer depends on the specifics of your work, but it should be simple: "I think it is not about his career and about money, and about the qualifications and responsibility."
8. Check their professional standards�
You may never think about it, but many organizations are now looking for people who formulated the standards of their professional and personal lives. At the interview you can say something like: "I struggle with my weaknesses," "I never start a project until I am 100% sure that this project will carry out", "I will learn all your life."
9. Interview with interviewer�
The employee with whom you are talking, waiting for questions from you. You should ask not only about the salary and job responsibilities, but also about the company's plans, promising new developments, corporate traditions and so on - so you have to demonstrate their interest in this company and it is in this work.
10. Know how much you cost�
Quite often, companies try to use the following tactics: they warn of the potential employee that first year (six months), his salary will not exceed X% of the wage, the old employee of this company. With such companies, it is better not to contact. The thing is that usually this is masked dishonest policy staff. So, going on an interview, keep the view, how much is your work and qualifications, and what salary you would get when you prove that you will be able to successfully perform duties on workplace that claim.
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