Before the laughter was part of the culture as Slavic and Western European. The carnival, a fun youth games, calendar holidays with mock ceremonies, games, antics and darkavenger were essential component of anyone's life. Now the old ways were forgotten, out of fashion. And we, in our everyday life is usually lack of laughter. For example, children 6 years and laugh about 300 times a day, adults - 15 times. That is 20 times less than the children!
The lack of positive emotions is one of the reasons for the development of depression, poor health, inability to withstand failures. And just without laughter fade the colors of life, which turns into a dreary existence. Therefore, modern people just need to learn to enjoy life and laugh.
Laughter instead of tablets
Why should we laugh? First of all, laughter is good for health. When we laugh, the muscles shrink, increased pulse and breathing. Due to the increase in depth of breath faster gas exchange. The blood is saturated with oxygen. Laughter activates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improves blood flow to tissues and organs. In addition, it produces hormones of happiness - endorphins, and the level of stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline - on the contrary decreases.
Positive emotions improve the immune system. Special studies have shown that laughter helps to increase the number of killer cells that kill viruses and destroy cancer cells.
Laughing is not a sin
Laughter reduces the level of hormones cotisol and adrenaline helps the person to relax, and so is a great cure for stress. These properties laughter noticed Hans Selye - the scientist who first formulated the concept of "stress". By using smehoterapiya doctors rehabilitating victims of plane crashes, natural disasters, help to return to normal life those who have been sexually abused, to survive the loss of loved ones.
Besides, gay people are easier to deal with your own problems. One who is able to laugh at their failures, can see them from the side, and, therefore, faster to overcome.
Laughter and kindness help to build relationships with others. We subconsciously perceive smiling person positively. Wrote another famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie. "Smile" is one of the main tips.
If the time to indulge in a sense of humor, can prevent the development of conflict: fights between friends or even family scandal. It is pleasant instead vain to quarrel with a loved one, to mock severity.
Even better, if you are not just a cheerful person, but also can share your smile and laughter with others. People who can create an atmosphere of fun, is the soul of any company. Of course, to Shine sparkling humor is not given to everyone, but just enough talent to tell jokes and funny stories that you always gladly waited for friendly gatherings.
The science of laughter
For centuries, physicians use laughter and positive emotions as the indispensable help in the treatment of various ailments. Modern doctors also say that laughter helps the patient cope with faster disease. There is even a special science gelotology (from lat. gelotos - laughter). It examines the biochemical and neurological mechanisms underlying the laughter.
The idea is to use laughter in medicine itself is not new. However, the popularity it has gained relatively recently - in the 70-ies of the last century thanks to the journalist Norman Cousins. He was able to overcome a serious disease through watching comedies. The cousins shared his experience in an article for the magazine, and soon published a book.
In the 1980s, thanks to the head of the American circus Michael Christensen widespread medical clowning. Today this area is actively developed all over the world. In Europe, the USA, Ukraine and other countries of children undergoing treatment for cancer clinics, laugh professional clowns and volunteers. In Austria in clown suits clothe doctors coming into the chamber to young patients.
Not so long ago - in 1995 - a new kind of yoga - hasya yoga - laughter yoga combines traditional yoga relaxation exercises and stretching movements that mimic laughter. The founder of this direction - Indian physician Madan, Kataria - began to conduct special classes where taught people to laugh, and actively promoted the benefits of laughter. Later he developed breathing and physical exercises, by which man acquires the ability to laugh easily and naturally.
In the beginning of XXI century the laughter therapy is gaining popularity, embedded in the mass. Appeal to smarterest and visit smartercities training is no longer regarded as something exotic. The laughter therapy becomes a full-fledged method of psychological correction along with psychoanalysis, Gestalt psychology, and other fields.
Doctor, will you teach me to laugh!
If abroad laughter therapy appeared in the late 60-ies, in our country up to 2000-ies such direction was not. But although she came to us later, she developed quite dynamically. About ten years ago we had laughter yoga.
In our country also have the opportunity to consult smarterest or to attend special training. Using these classes you can solve many psychological problems: to develop communication skills, learn to forgive the offense, to harmonize personal relationships, reduce stress, get rid of the accumulated negative emotions: anger, irritation, hatred. But learn to laugh is not so easy. To create a "natural laughter", under the guidance of a psychologist patients perform physical and breathing exercises, stress relieving and stabilizing the nervous system, participate in special games.
His own smarterest
What if special training you can't afford or simply do not want to work with a psychologist? Very simple: have used yourself.
Fun at life
Joy is always somewhere nearby, just let it into your life. See Comedy, watch humorous sites and collections of anecdotes. Include in your social circle as much as possible happy and cheerful people. Often get together with friends, able and love to joke.
Positive emotions and joy bring romp with Pets and communication with young children. It is very useful to laugh along with the kids. You will not only cheer up yourself and the child, but will also strengthen your bond with him will become best friends. Remember the book by Astrid Lindgren "the Kid and Carlson." Is not fond of the Kid of a friend of Carlson (although that sometimes souls Baby) that it was possible to have fun and to laugh at the antics of the "men in the Prime of life".
Don't let the comic to pass you by. Write down in your diary joyful events, funny stories, funny stories. For this purpose, you can have a separate diary or blog. Start collecting you would like to make jokes or funny sayings friends, children, teachers, bosses (only careful, careful not to offend anyone).
Funny problem
Some smartercities techniques can be applied in everyday life. For example, bringing problems to the point of absurdity. For example, the child broke the vase. Imagine that he broke all the vases in your home, all the vases in your city and even fell for it in the Guinness book of world records... Draw on the face of horror: "He broke the vase! "that tear from despair on his hair: "Oh the horror! What to do, he broke a vase! ", jump on one foot, while repeating "He broke a vase! ". In the end, there will be laughter. When you laugh, the problem is devalued and no longer seem such a terrible and insoluble. Reassured, you can have no excess negative emotions to decide how to cope with it.
Joy every day
Let the smile and laughter will be your constant companions, decorating every day of your life.
Waking up in the morning, smile, even if you don't get enough sleep, you have a bad mood and to do that you absolutely do not want. The brain receives a signal to and you will start producing endorphins. Looked at myself in the mirror, smile at her reflection, charging too with a smile, brush your teeth and smile. If you'll be smiling for ten minutes, even the bad mood will improve.
Learn to rejoice everyday, to see the bright side of life. Stop nagging for any occasion: "What kind of weather: rain and slush. Ugh! "; Isn't it better: "it's Warmer at last! Slush, puddles, but spring is in the air! " It may not work so immediately gratifying to laugh, to laugh just because it is spring outside. But it's not terrible: the road by walking. Start small: smile: smile will give you good health, good mood, will come to you around and make you more beautiful. Smile right now!
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