Adherents of the theory of food combining believe that if in the stomach at the same time are incompatible with each other the products, their digestion is difficult. And undigested products are deposited in the body as fat and toxins. The reason is that for the breakdown of proteins require an acidic environment, and carbohydrates - alkaline. That is, the conditions necessary for the digestion of different types of products, are radically different.
If we eat food that contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates, some of these substances are digested worse. So, eaten on an empty stomach fruit leave in 15-20 minutes, if you eat them after meat, they will linger in the stomach, causing fermentation and putrefaction. As a result, the products arrive in the lower gastrointestinal tract poorly treated, which leads to fat deposition and increased load on the pancreas. Undigested food particles accumulating in the colon can cause constipation and other diseases. The transition to a separate power supply must resolve these issues.
According to the principles of food combining, all the products are divided into several groups. Products belonging to the same group, are fully compatible with each other. And interoperability of products of different groups is determined by a special table.
According to the rules of food combining, between the use of incompatible products must pass at least two hours.
Advantages of a separate power supply. Due to the rapid passage of compatible products through the digestive tract in the body does not undergo the processes of fermentation and putrefaction, which reduces intoxication. Health during the transition to separate nutrition improves, well reset the weight. The result of this method of weight loss, tends to be quite persistent, especially if you use it constantly. Useful separate nutrition in gastrointestinal disorders and diseases.
Disadvantages of a separate power supply. For compliance requires a special mode of life and willpower. To get used to the diet of a separate power supply for many people is not easy, and although the body gets all the substances necessary for normal functioning, many experiencing hunger. Pleasure from such food is difficult to obtain.
Not all doctors agree that a separate power supply is useful. According to critics, the application of this technique - artificial disruption of normal digestion. Since its emergence as a species, people always eat mixed food and to digest it mixed food our digestive tract are perfectly balanced by nature. If you long to follow the rules of food combining, the digestive organs will "learn" to deal with meat and sandwiches, salads and nourishing soup. And storenike new methodology will have a lifetime to abandon delicacies and traditional dishes. Eating delicious pies for the holiday can lead to the fact that the holiday will be spoiled.
The combination of foods at separate meals
Meat, fish, poultry
(post.). The first graph is the most important, since it is easier to break the rules of compatibility of products. Meat, fish, poultry must be lean. During processing of these products, you must remove all external fat. For meat of all kinds favorable combination of green and non-starchy vegetables, because this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal protein, helps their digestion and excretion of excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with alcohol, brings a lot of harm, because alcohol brings the pepsin needed for the digestion of animal protein.
Cereals, pulses. It's beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils and so on features of compatibility legumes with other products explains the dual nature. As starches, they are well combined with fats, especially easy to digest vegetable oil and sour cream, but as a good source of vegetable protein with greens and starchy vegetables.
Butter, cream. Butter can only be called a product made from cream and meets the requirements, the fat content of not less than 82, 5%. All that is not produced according to GOST and TU (technical conditions) or fat content of less than 82, 5%, not butter, even if the package and it is written: "Butter", "Oil with reduced content..." and so on, in No event it is impossible to store butter in glass butter dishes - being in the light, all the vitamins in the oil lose their quality already during the first day. Butter is recommended to use in a limited number.
Smetana. The cream obtained from cream by mixing them with starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria. It contains sufficient amounts of vitamins a, D, K, b, C, nicotinic acid PP, as well as valuable for our body trace elements cobalt, calcium, copper, manganese, molybdenum. Recommend limiting its use.
The vegetable oil.
Vegetable oil is a very useful product if it is used in raw and unrefined form.
Sugar, confectionery
. This sugar, jams, syrups. The use of sugar and confectionery products should be avoided. All sugar inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. For their digestion does not need any saliva or gastric juice: they are assimilated directly in the gut. If sweets are eaten with other foods for quite some time lingering in the stomach, they very soon cause it to ferment and, in addition, reduce the motility of the stomach. Sour belching, heartburn - the results of this process.
Honey is excluded from the category of sugars, because honey is a product that is already processed by the digestive apparatus bees, absorbed into the blood after 20 minutes after administration and no load on the liver and all other systems of the body.
Bread, cereals, potatoes. Starchy foods: wheat, rye, oats and products (bread, noodles, pasta, etc). Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc. all foods rich in starch, it should always be treated with great attention, because the starch itself, in its pure form, is extremely hard to digest product. A ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods - this is the first and perhaps the most important law of a separate power supply. Bread is considered a separate food (e.g., oil), and not as a mandatory addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of their composition.
The sour fruit, tomatoes
. To the acidic fruits include oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries, sour taste: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes. Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables with high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.
Refractory fruit: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, sweet taste: apples, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches.
The sweet fruit, dried fruit.
Acceptable combination of milk and nuts, but in a small amount, because it's hard for digestion. But better fruit (sour and sweet) is generally better, with no less than to combine, because they are digested in the intestine. There should not less than 15 - 20 minutes before a meal. Particularly strict about this rule must be in respect of watermelons and melons.
Vegetables green and non-starchy
. These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, turnip radish, beets, salad, wild "table" herbs and cabbage, green onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, green peas.
Radish, rutabaga, radish and turnip is "polynomiality vegetables, which in combination with a variety of products rather join green and non-starchy.
Vegetables starchy. This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley roots and celery, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes severe fermentation, the other combinations or good, or valid.
Milk. Milk is a separate eating, not drinking. Once in the stomach, the milk should curl up under the influence of acidic juices. If the stomach is another food, the particles of milk envelop her, isolating from gastric juice. And until not digested curdled milk, food remains untreated, rots, the digestive process is delayed. Recommend milk it is better to eat separately from other products.
Cheese, dairy products. The cheese is indigestible protein. Products that are homogeneous with sour milk (sour cream, cheese, cheese) compatible.
Cheese, cheese. The most acceptable cheeses - young cheeses home type, i.e. a cross between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheese is a product of unnatural, significantly revised. Cheese is a useful protein product, requiring, however, soaking in cold water from excessive salt.
Eggs. This protein product is not easy learning. However, eggs are not so bad: a combination of green and non-starchy vegetables will neutralize damage from high cholesterol in the yolk.
The nuts.
Thanks to the rich fat nuts akin to cheese. However, the cheese contains animal fats, and nuts easily digestible vegetable.
We recommend you to eat more plant foods than animal.
Melon. Melon is incompatible with any other products. Strictly eaten separately from other products in the span of 3 hours.
My diet
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