Sunday, June 1, 2014

Love: you should start with yourself

Love: you should start with yourself"I have crooked legs", "if not my stomach...", "and how it was possible to be born with that nose, "why are they on the cover... and I..." - you can endlessly to list the most commonly used phrase by women in front of the mirror. The list of what we don't like it rarely consists of a single point, but is it a reason to spoil your life? It is much easier to try to be a little more favorable to your unloved parts of the body.

The fear or reality?

His body unhappy about 90% of women, it is a consequence of the fact that people increasingly pay attention to their appearance than on internal quality. The cult of success, which occupies a leading position in social life, dictates rules, what requirements must meet the "ambitious". And in this race the slightest "defect" appearance can cause in us the sea of negative emotions that interfere with a person to be truly happy.

Indeed, the current standard of beauty body virtually eliminates the right to physical imperfections. Moreover carefully reviewing photos of stars before and pictures "after", you can be certain criteria that the "ideal":

Thinness and smartness in the body.

Elongated oval face, high and rounded "puppet" forehead.

The line of the eyebrows the perfect shape.

The nose can be in profile straight.

Lips should be large.

Eye color bright or, in extreme cases, with not a dull hue.

And although most women understand that to be a "template" is unrealistic, they are still confident, continue to follow the "vnosimogo way". And all the matter in the fear of the "outside game" of this life, with the fear of aging or fear to be thrown.

By the way, on this occasion, a very interesting thing says psychotherapist Michelle Freud: "least favorite body part is chosen so that it unconsciously transfer dissatisfaction with life, discomfort or suffering".

Why do I all of this?

Remember the famous phrase: "You must love yourself, then you will love and the surrounding". Of course, it's silly to say that it's the truth, but you just consider the fact that because there are people who are much worse than you and don't think about it. Do you think that Mary Poppins was "perfection, if a hundred times a day did humming: "You are perfect, you are perfect, from the smile to the gesture - above all praise". Try to take advantage of its way - the result will not take long.

"Love yourself for who you are"

People with good looks does not exist. If "disassemble" a beautiful woman or handsome man "detail", it will appear that their appearance consists of imperfect from the point of view of the proportions of the fragments. Because it so happens that one wrong trait - for example, the nose duck - gives the face more attractive, without which it would be bland.


Women's Magazine

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