"Nonsense! Capillaries have burst due to the heat. Go through a couple of weeks". Don't be so hasty to dismiss the problem. Especially if Shin your mother "decorate" ugly varicose veins. The disease is inherited, and stars - her first symptom. 'll deal with them now, you will not be able to forget about the trouble, let go and after a couple of years will have to lie on the operating table.
Varicose veins has a long history. The speakers of the "rope" veins "decorate" many ancient Indian and Egyptian sculpture. This disease is mentioned in Egyptian papyri, in the Byzantine set of laws on medicine and even in the old Testament. In ancient times, the disease was called "the sickness, shibusa feet." To heal her tried Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen, Paracelsus, but, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. A mystery to the doctors left and the reason that causes this disease. Significantly, it was known only that the varicose veins applies to "family values" and willingly inherited, and, as a rule, through the female line. Why is this happening, still no one has explained. But today a well-known mechanism of the disease development.
At his feet lies an extensive network of vessels through which blood returns to the heart. Its only slightly pushing pressure from the arteries and decreasing when moving muscles, which for this system is a kind of pump. In the same vein there is a cascade valve, not allowing the blood to drain down. If the muscles do not work too active and the valves no longer cope with his load and get rusty, scarlet liquid stagnates in the veins and stretches them like a balloon. You wouldn't be able how the surface will come out bizarre twisted bluish spots varices, and legs begin to swell, to be sick and tired.
Talk show
If your leg broke reddish-blue stars-the spiders, not treat them lightly. It is an alarming signal. Often, these patterns are not just a cosmetic defect, they indicate the initial stage of varicose. To declare war on him is now. To remove the finest capillary mesh diameter less than 0, 3mm, your doctor may advise you to undergo the process of microthermocouples. In the affected vessel entered the thinnest needle electrode with a special gold or Teflon coating, through which pass the high-frequency current. It is sensitive but not painful. The procedure is performed without local anesthesia, not to mention the anesthesia. Only 0, 1-0, 2 seconds is enough to "warm up" and "brew" advanced capillary, without damaging the surrounding tissue. Depending on the size of the mesh will need about 30-40 "pricks". All will take no more than 10-20 minutes. However, if many stars, 5-7 days you will have to re-enroll in the session, and possibly not even one.
The only reminder of such treatment will be redness and tiny, covered with crusts holes to place the remote capillary mesh. After 2-3 weeks they will disappear completely, leaving about yourself and track. To take medicines to wear compression stocking, use of elastic bandages and hemostatic bandages after this procedure is not necessary.
When the legs appear swollen blue veins on the effectiveness of microthermocouples count no longer necessary. But on the operating table under the surgeon's scalpel yet don't hurry. The problem can be solved using sclerotherapy - traumatic injection techniques. In diseased vein syringe with a fine needle, sharpened in a special way, we introduce a special drug sclerosant, which occludes the vessel lumen, or "sealed" inside, gluing wall. Soon he falls out of the circulatory system and gradually dissipates. The number of injections for each patient individually. The procedure is almost painless and requires no anesthesia. In the office of phlebology need to spend about 5-10 minutes, and after that you can safely go about their Affairs. However, most likely, one session is not limited in the clinic will have to visit several times. Doctors say that most people sclerotherapy gives excellent results, but there are the lucky ones who didn't get the desired effect even after repeated administration of the drug. However, such patients are not so many, about 10%. But do you get them in advance will not be able to say no specialist.
After the procedure the injection site red, tissue edema, which usually takes 1-2 hours, but can last up to two days. On the epidermis along the glued vein occurs pigmentation and may receive the seal, and the skin can lose sensitivity for a few days. After the procedure you will have 2-4 weeks around the clock to wear a compression garment to the vascular wall spacewise veins quickly closed. And, most likely, you will need to drink a course onotonicity drugs.
To cut unnecessary
If the complex non-surgical techniques is ineffective and the disease has gone too far, have to pay a visit to the surgeon. Nothing wrong with that. Case may be limited to "repair" a bad valve, and if this is not possible, swollen veins just remove. This manipulation is completely safe for the body and does not interfere with normal blood flow, as through the saphenous vein (which is precisely what amazes varicose veins) in the norm is not more than 10% of blood. The remaining 90% is transferred deep and so-called "connection" veins. They after removal of the affected vessels take the load off circulation. But most likely, they don't even have to do someone else's work, because during the operation clean not all saphenous vein, and only the most swollen. On the operating table will have to spend on average 1-1 .5 hours. At one time, usually operated only one leg. For anesthesia is usually used spinal anesthesia, during which disappears sensitivity to pain in the lower extremities, the patient is fully conscious. Sometimes, if the amount of the transaction is small, it can be done under local anesthesia, using highly effective modern drugs. But if you're a terrible coward, ask the doctor about General anesthesia. Most likely, he will be going towards you.
The next day after surgery you can go, but the hospital still better to spend at least 3-4 days. For the first time possible load and with poor bleeding from wounds. This "rebel" small subcutaneous vessels that were not tied up during the operation. Natural bruising and redness along the remote veins. Legs can even ache, but this problem is easily solved using ordinary painkillers. The stitches will be removed not earlier than 10-12 days after surgery. To have around the clock to wear an elastic bandage, and then a month on 24 hours a day to flaunt in compression hosiery. Then the stockings can be worn only during the day for several months and then abandon them forever. In memory of the operation, unfortunately, will remain the scars that take a long time to be visible on the skin and can even pigmenting. But their will be quite a bit: in the groin, above the ankle and another individual for each patient places. The scars are very small, a maximum of 1, 5 cm in length, and over time they will become almost invisible.
5 varicose rules
Don't use tan. In the summer of veins often remind myself. Ultraviolet light reduces their tone and creates favorable conditions for the appearance of spider veins that heat can grow to as much as "constellations".
Don't eat fatty. The condition of blood vessels depends on your tastes in food. Fatty, sweet, salty and smoked foods will reduce the tone of the veins, and the vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins a, b, C, E and P, on the contrary, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
Do not make your peace with the "orange peel". Modified cellulite subcutaneous fat impedes the outflow of blood from the lower extremities and contributes to the progression of "star disease".
Do not be lazy to exercise. To insidious varicose veins have not caught you in their networks regularly do sports. Muscle pumps are well trained swimming, Biking, running and even a leisurely walk.
Don't forget hardening. Regularly masserey feet with water. Start with a little warm and every day a little lower temperature. When you go on a cold, the effect will be the strongest.
Expert opinion
Gregory Habas, K. M. H., surgeon, phlebologist
- If you notice the first symptoms of varicose veins, do not hesitate to address to the doctor. Seek the advice of phlebology and go through the process dopplerography vessels. This modern method of ultrasound is completely safe, painless and requires no prior preparation. Most importantly, he gives a very accurate assessment of the condition of the veins and their valves. Based on the results of dopplerography, phlebology will be able to assign you a competent and effective treatment.
Women suffer from varicose veins in 6 times more often than men. Typically, symptoms occur during periods of hormonal changes - puberty, during pregnancy, during menopause and illiterate hormonal contraceptives.
Moreva E.
Arguments and facts
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