On these and other common questions answers obstetrician-gynecologist, Elena Sergeevna Medova.
The functional cyst is the norm or disease?
Functional cyst - this is a characteristic of the organism. There are women who are prone to this. Others never with such problems not faced.
On a certain day of the menstrual cycle in the body, you receive the kind of education. After maturation of the egg cells it itself disappears. It should be so.
However, if it initially has a large size or in the right moment does not disappear from the field of view, then we are talking about a functional cyst.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not a disease. But the norm of such a cyst to call too. Its status is somewhere in the middle.
On women's health, it has no effect. Many are not even aware of its existence. However, in some cases it can cause unpleasant pain.
What could be dangerous this cyst?
Most women are afraid, do not cause these cysts cancer. I want to say just " no, no connection between them and malignant tumors no.
The only thing that may be partly a "guilty" of such a cyst, problems with conceiving a child. As its very appearance is already a sign of possible problems with the ovaries.
So if you plan to become a mother, I advise you not to delay this issue. It is not excluded that in the future can be difficult. But on the pregnancy temporary cysts does not affect.
Whether the cyst from age?
Temporary cysts may appear as very young girls and Mature women. But with age they are, of course, declare themselves more often. The older the woman, the less "work" ovaries, so after 30 years, you should regularly every six months to do an ultrasound.
But the ladies of Mature age 50 and older with temporary cysts virtually no encounter. Together with menopause and the cessation of functioning of the female reproductive system "taper off" and such cysts.
How to find a type of cyst?
It is enough in the first phase of the cycle to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
If the doctor suspected a cyst, then you need to undergo yet another ultrasound, but a month. If it is significantly reduced in size, it might be just a functional cyst, and not any other. If its size has remained the same, an additional examination and consultation of the gynecologist-endocrinologist.
In some situations, the doctor sends blood tumor markers in order to exclude malignant nature of the cyst.
Does it need to be treated?
Generally, these cysts appear and disappear by themselves for 2-3 months. And this is without any treatment.
However, if the cyst is uncomfortable - pulling, or painful sensations in the lower abdomen can make your life easier by using drugs. This used pain relievers in tablets or suppositories and antispasmodics.
In some cases, gynecologists recommend to take a more serious drugs, such as hormonal therapy, a short course of 1-2 months. This treatment helps to normalize the functioning of the ovaries and significantly improve health.
But remember: the independence of irrelevant here, before taking any medication you should consult with your doctor.
How to behave when there is a temporary cyst?
As we have said, these cysts treatment does not require. However, and let things "slide" is not worth it. So they as quickly as possible and without problems "disappeared", shouldn't overwork during this period. It is advisable to avoid heavy exercise and active sports. It is better to limit measured sports: swimming, Pilates. But aerobics, and in particular the load on the press, it is better to exclude.
Yepifanov N.
Women's health
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