Sunday, June 1, 2014

Whether in the home air conditioning?

Whether in the home air conditioning? Several years ago, air conditioning was considered more of a luxury than necessary equipment in the house. But today, the air became a necessity, especially if there is a child.

There is nobody not a secret that children are very sensitive to temperature changes, and a strong summer heat affects them is not the best way. Add to the heat, the dust and dryness of the air, and you will get the worst climate for the child. Then my parents surprised how cold, how Allergy where moodiness and other troubles?

To buy not to buy?

Therefore, the air conditioning in the house need. The only question is what air conditioning to buy every beauty, every shop HVAC equipment offers hundreds of models, distinguished by the type, functionality and price. But if you choose air conditioning to ensure that the child is normal microclimate, the main criterion should be the functionality. And going to the online store of air conditioners, you should pay attention not only on price but also on additional hardware features.

What functions should be in the conditioning

Today, when possible, parents often choose to Chad combination air conditioning and humidification. This device is not just useful, but we can say, is indispensable in terms of a child's room. Ionized and moist air is, in itself, is a preventive measure against allergies, colds and coughs, which was repeatedly confirmed by European and American scientists. Although the use of conditioning device, which prevents the appearance of mold and "sweating" of the walls of the great, under normal conditions of air circulation and humidity, humidifier, at least the easiest needed anyway.

Where to install?

Before installing the air conditioner, you need to consider all options to the child while in key points of your room (in bed, at table, in the sports area), was not under the influence of conditioning. For me, this task easier: air conditioning hung on the wall adjacent to the one that is the bed. For older children the solution more difficult to find, so experienced parents recommend the day to focus on ventilation, and HVAC equipment to include only in the evening. Make sure that the air flow was not directly aimed at the head of a sleeping or engaged in child.

By the way, the Japanese are now thinking over the conditioning of the new order. The device is equipped with an electronic mind sharing a night of sleep phases, giving each of them has its own climate regime. Work such devices almost silently, so happy dream of the child is ensured.

Necessity or luxury?

Some people thought that air conditioning is a common cause of colds in children and adolescents, however, this statement is moot. Of course, if you are going to save on air-conditioning equipment, it is difficult to get a decent result.

And so the result is that the air conditioning in the nursery - if not mandatory, desirable piece of furniture. If the child needs his space, he needs to create its own microclimate, what parents can help brands whose reputation is tested by time. And the positive experience of other parents.


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