Sunday, June 1, 2014

The interrupted act: pros and cons

The interrupted act: pros and consAccording to statistics, one of the most popular methods of protection for today is... coitus interruptus (PAP).

Even my grandmother told me a "secret" wedding day, the birth of children can be delayed using a handkerchief. This method is practiced and my parents (we, by the way, they have three). The main motivation is to have sex in the Soviet condoms anyway that swim in rubber boots.

Our generation also did not avoid the urge to have sex with stop halfway. So why many of contraception most of us still prefer to interrupt the fun? Do rubber item # 2 or hormonal pills worse? I'm not talking about the patches and spirals...

Antiquated method: the indisputable advantages

The popularity of interrupted intercourse among lovers of all ages can be explained by many reasons. Firstly, it is, of course, availability. We all find ourselves in a situation where passion overwhelmed so that to stop simply there are no forces. If none of the partners, no condom, the only way protection will become PAP. Passion passion, but children is something you don't expect.

Secondly, pleasure. Unfortunately, many of the fair sex with a condom is lost lubrication and arousal quickly fizzles. Yes, and men, despite the emergence of various hyperfine gum, recognized that the sensitivity of the penis in the condom slightly lower than without it.

Third, conditional security (not from sexually transmitted diseases, of course). Why many women prefer not to use hormonal drugs? The answer is obvious: they can be much better, their prolonged use has some impact on the work of the ovaries, and get pregnant then it will be much harder. Finally, in order to find a suitable hormonal drug, you need to consult a specialist, possibly a blood test. All this fits secure and extremely conscious women, the percentage is not very high. Besides the hormonal drugs involves the breaks, during which it is advisable to abstain from sex. The situation is similar with the helix. All of these disadvantages deprived of the PAP. And it is a definite plus.

Fourthly, the attractiveness of the PAP is explained by the awareness process. We all hardly imagine how does hormonal pill or candle. Of course, much has been written about this, but not everything is clear. Even more difficult to realize how mysteriously works miracle patch or helix. To the last there is another question - but will not grow it? Coitus interruptus is a process controlled by you. If the partners have been together for a long time, they both feel the approach of the point x and can control the process. Say, of course, that protects this method is only 70%.

And, finally, fifth, the same relative security. For most desperate women coitus interruptus - the phantom hope still to become a mother.

"Not me! "is the obvious cons

Pregnancy. No pregnancy when using the interrupted sexual intercourse during the year is the reason for the diagnosis of "infertility" - so say the doctors. And all because the sperm enter the uterus not only during ejaculation, but in the course of sexual intercourse - the content in preseminal liquid is measured in tens of millions!

In practice, thousands of couples have protected this way for years and quietly become pregnant, going to normal sex. What it is, hard to say. But the doctors insisted: the PAP is not a method of contraception. In addition, seminal fluid for a long time, so if your favorite fast enough go to new caresses, without removing from the penis traces of the previous, you also run the risk of becoming a mother and already far more likely.

Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases

. Here without comment. Any contact with the mucous membrane of the infected partner can cause your infection. Of course, that coitus interruptus is the perfect way to get an infection. That is why it is only suitable for couples, fully trusting each other.

Frigidity and impotence. According to statistics, among women who have not experienced an orgasm, about 50% of the regularly resort to the interrupted sexual intercourse. In addition, sometimes the excitation of men is so great that a woman is not enough to get full satisfaction. And if this situation repeats again and again? Most likely, this pair is destined to part.

Matters are not much better with men. As you know, under normal intercourse the process of ejaculation is a reflex, without the participation of the will of the partners, and ideally even in the light of the passion, when the excitement is at the highest stage. Kind of sex we see in a good porn and candid erotic cinema. About this sex dream Teens and I remember in old age.

What do we get when interrupted sexual intercourse? At the moment the highest feelings of voluptuousness man has will power to intervene in the natural course of things, to remove the penis from the vagina and also to finish the process outside of "home, sweet home". In medicine, this process is called "an abrupt change of sexual arousal sudden braking". According to doctors, this leads to "error main nervous processes, violates their mobility, leads to a disorder of the Central nervous system, the development of neurosis, malfunction of the internal organs, premature ejaculation and loss of erection".

Of course, the process was interrupted intercourse no acute discomfort we feel. So, a little bit annoying. Well, if we, the women were able to have time to enjoy the picture and is presented in a favorable light. Men, as being more selfish than we would have long since ceased to engage in the PAP, if they had even the slightest feeling of dissatisfaction, comparable with the described consequences. Because the method is so popular. But the medicine disappointing: among men after age 30, who came to the doctor with complaints of prostatitis, half regularly practiced coitus interruptus.

So, what is the result? As you can see, this method as a method of contraception, there is more than one century and probably ineradicable. It is simple, convenient and quite dangerous. Therefore we recommend to use it only in pairs, constantly living together, leading the overall economy, but for some reason wanting to protect themselves from seed.

By the way, psychologists say, if a man decided to switch from condoms to the PAP in family relationships, most likely, after some time, he consciously wants to be a dad. This is sort of a compromise with nature - until I can firmly say "want", but "not ready" almost got rid of. As for the beautiful half of humanity, remember: coitus interruptus is only possible with a partner whom you trust as myself. Take care of your health and don't be surprised if after nine months of such protection in your family still appears the third!

Expert commentary

Tikhonova Maria Mikhailovna, a physician of the highest category:

- Interruptus plays a huge role in the appearance of such male disease as impotence. Unfortunately, even more than sexual excesses, that is, frequent sexual intercourse. Most experts regard coitus interruptus as a factor causing pathological changes in the genitals and, as a consequence, the inability to have sexual intercourse at all. The fact that the long-term practice of PAP reduces the tonus of the blood vessels of the sexual apparatus, which, in turn, leads to disturbances of the circulation.

Subsequently may develop inflammatory changes in the prostate gland, posterior urethra and seed tubercle. Largely contributes to incomplete emptying of the blood the cavernous spaces after ejaculation because when interrupted sexual intercourse muscles of the sexual apparatus is reduced less vigorously than normal current process. Cessation of intercourse before ejaculation also leads to disruption of the normal flow of the process of excitation reflex centers in the spinal cord. As a result, the irritation of the genital centers continues and after intercourse. All this causes excessive burdening of spinal sexual centers. If this is done regularly, it is likely the onset of sexual impotence. Impotence may be preceded by another attack - the result of the PAP premature ejaculation.



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