Listed below are the main recommendations kindly provided by the author for our customers.
System "-60". How to eat?
I randomly wrote - "how do you eat" and not "there". In fact, if you decided to follow my system, you no have to give up. However, first of all, you have to "fix bugs" in the system of its power. What I mean?
If a product is not in the list of allowed foods for lunch or dinner, then it is impossible!
Breakfast and more information on diet
If a product is not in the list of allowed foods for lunch or dinner, then it is impossible!
12 it is possible to eat everything, not counting the portion size, and even more calories (they do not need to count)
- You can drink water as much as you want. Do not force yourself to drink as much as you can.
- Salt is not limited, however, do not eat too salty, it provokes swelling.
- Sugar and derivatives (including honey) - up to 12!!! I advise you to try to replace sugar for brown, or even fructose. White sugar does not contain anything useful, why not to give up. I am against artificial sweeteners.
- You need to eat in order to activate metabolic processes in the body. Not necessarily to eat something succinct. You can just pair rye crackers with cheese and tea/coffee/juice.
- Should drink as much as required by the body.
- Calorie count does not need
- There is no optimum quantity of food that you can eat at a time, from a person depends on his needs. All people are different, the activity they are different, the processes of exchange.
- A large number of fruits can prevent weight loss (e.g. 0, 5-1 kg of apples during the day). If you eat throughout the day, you slow down the process of metabolism.
- I do not advise to clean the body and to arrange fasting days. I am against any violence against the body. I believe that this increases the likelihood of recession.
- Vacation. In all inclusive. I do usually eat Breakfast, lunch, dense, and then four or five lunch second. At dinner with his walk, drink a glass of wine and eat a couple of slices of cheese. In this case the weight is not obtained. When all other - 100 % will go up, no matter how much you swim and neither worked.
- I do not recommend the use of sugar substitutes. It is best to use brown sugar, or fructose, at least:)
- In guests bring a bottle of dry red wine, not to think, what to drink. During the evening and night events, snack usually nothing, if only a couple of small pieces of cheese, if not too late.
On the saucers don't need to shift, but dishes with buffet is also not necessary. In an article in the journal "Lose weight correctly," I talked about it:)
- We eat mostly three times a day, grab a snack permitted fruits, vegetables.
How to deal with the fact that you have to cook my husband dinner? The main motivation. Most wanted to return to the original size, for myself, but also a little bit for my husband! Drinking green tea mugs. Girls, here is one recipe: patiently endure "Sistema" about two weeks, and then goes addictive. And in any case not try that prepare, you get used To it very quickly. I now smell easily determine what seasoning is not enough, even the saltiness of the dish. It's all a matter of habit:)
- If you missed dinner, you have to forget about it. A couple of passes and subsequent skipping dinner and forget to stop!!! About myself I can say that my stomach is already very methodically reminds us that it is time for lunch or dinner...
- Why not milk chocolate, and cake? The principle is to get used not to eat excess sugar in principle. Cookies without sugar and so does not exist. But if it is possible to keep the amount of sugar without sacrificing taste, then why is the milk chocolate? Those who love milk chocolate, just got used to its taste (also about dry wine). The transition to the dark chocolate is addictive to get pleasure from not too sweet food. It has allowed me to rebuild their dietary habits. I don't like, for example, cream cakes, or honey, they seem too sweet.
Doctors support system. My system is not contrary to any diet
- The system can be used when breastfeeding, with the only caveat is to enter all the principles very gradually and carefully monitor the amount of milk. In principle, losing weight on my system, problems with GW does not occur, because you can have it all and physical activity are encouraged only to a reasonable extent.
I entirely for receiving additional funds vitamin. In our time to eat balanced is impossible. How much to eat oranges, for example, the greenhouse to get your daily dose of vitamin C?! I regularly drink courses multivitamin preparations, better looks and skin and hair and nails. By the way, some vitamins help restore skin elasticity, which is also very important. In the book I also recommend taking vitamins.
- Many successfully use the system and during pregnancy, however, before you begin, consult with the supervising physician.
For lunch all boil or simmer, mayonnaise, sour cream allowed to 14-00 in small amounts (about a teaspoon), soy sauce and vegetable or olive oil in small quantities.
Soups or on the water and potatoes, or soup without potatoes, can of beans and peas. But remember that the soup does not saturate for a long time, so I do not recommend them to get involved.
Can sushi in all forms.
Any sour-milk products.
1. Apples (1-2pcs per day),
2. Citrus,
3. Plum (not much),
4. Kiwi,
5. Watermelon (1-kusocka during the day)
6. Prunes
7. Pineapple
Any, but:
1. Potatoes and beans (the beans, not green) without meat (fish etc),
2. Frozen peas, but not canned
3. Frozen corn or corn on the cob.
4. Mushrooms cooked or raw
5. Vegetables bake, boil, stew, or use raw.
6. Salted and pickled vegetables in small quantities, it also applies to any Korean salads, seaweed.
Meat and fish products
1. Boiled sausage and sausages,
2. Burgers (not fried!!! )
3. Meat, offal.
4. Jelly (aspic)
5. Fish
6. Seafood
7. Crab sticks
8. Skewers, if not very greasy, and not very pickled
9. Boiled eggs
10. The General principle for meat to prefer baked, boiled, stewed, at worst - roasted in a dry frying pan.
1. Figure
2. Buckwheat
3. Pasta without meat (fish) dishes (you can add up to 30g of cheese)
4. Rice noodles.
1. Tea any
2. Coffee
3. Dry red wine
4. Fresh juice
5. Milk and milk drinks.
All simmer in the water, you can't cook. You can use seasonings. Soy sauce - in very small quantities. Salt is permitted, sugar is not.
Select one of the following:
option 1: Fruit
1. Apples (1-2pcs per day),
2. Citrus,
3. Plum (not much),
4. Kiwi,
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces per day)
6. Prunes
7. Pineapple
Can be combined with dairy products
option 2: Vegetables
Any, except:
1. Potatoes
2. Peas
3. Corn
4. Mushrooms
5. Pumpkin
6. Eggplant
7. Avocado
Can be combined with dairy products, cereals
option 3: Meat and fish products
1. Meat and offal.
2. Fish
3. Seafood
4. Boiled eggs
Do not mix with anything!
4 option: Grits
1. Figure
2. Buckwheat
Can be combined with vegetables or fruit
5 option: Dairy
1. Cheese
2. Unsweetened yogurt (not fat, in the amount of one or two small cups, with cereals and muesli cannot)
3. Live yogurt
1-3 can be combined with vegetables or fruit
4. The cheese tasted (up to 50g)
What can you drink?
1. Tea (if green, without sugar and milk, then after 18-00)
2. Coffee (after 18: 00, but without sugar or milk)
3. Sparkling water (very carefully whets the appetite) or without (after 18-00)
4. Freshly squeezed citrus juice
5. Milk and milk drinks (for compatibility see paragraphs vegetables and fruits)
6. Dry red wine (after 18: 00 in small quantities)
More detail will become familiar with the system "-60" on the site pages of the author
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