Saturday, May 3, 2014

Why it is better to remain unmarried: explanation men

Why it is better to remain unmarried: explanation menUs girls, it is unclear: well, if he lives with me for five years, if she says she likes, if I see that he is not lying, why is he not married?

Responsibility afraid? Unlikely: there cares as inferior, sacrifices, saves... Freedom is afraid to lose? I'm not restrict... Why?

Men explain it this way:

First plus prolonged contact with a particular woman for the man - he has a permanent sexual partner. No need to waste time on long courtship, doubt "Yes-no", do not be afraid of any infection-in most cases it is assumed that the friend is correct. And when needed, it is on the first call.

But why not marry? Because it is very important to feel independent. Yes, they constantly meet and regularly make love, but nevertheless the man is not obliged to remain faithful to the woman, suddenly even where the case will turn up! And while he is not bound by ties of marriage, it is not devoid of self-independence (which, let's be honest, it is much harder to maintain in a "lawful marriage"). So do not hurry to the Registrar our men...

The second plus long-term relationships for men: there is always someone to ask for routine household care. A rare woman, visiting "bachelor den" beloved, do not instinctively grabs the broom and duster. Yes, and you can cook too, like as not disdain. In General, wanting to feel at least for some time the mistress of the house, the woman is cleaning the apartment of a friend comfort and order, and unwashed dishes and dirty clothes disappear like themselves.

But why not marry? Because in this scenario, the primary owner of your "lair" is still the man. He has a right to namport immediately after the departure of a friend, to walk in the shoes cleaned the carpet, to fill the entire sink of dirty dishes - words do not tell anybody! Of course, if you're nasty. He can put socks on the table, and they'll lay there for at least a week. He's so convenient! But my favorite will soon come and do the cleaning...

The third plus long-term relationships for the stronger sex: no need to spend too. The woman is familiar with and shared a bed for years, not as demanding as the one which just decide - Yes or no? And its solution can sometimes depend on rates presented bouquet... When a long relationship a man with something to hide, able and birthday girlfriend to forget, and the Eighth of March, not to congratulate... And most likely will not hear specific complaints, as always in the hearts of reply: "But I am not like you - go away! " And there is clearly seen the third argument, "why not marry".

A man wishes to be the master of your wallet. Making a friend a gift, he does not confirm the dependence on women's whims, as it stimulates the woman these gifts to match. He brings gifts on personal choice and personal whim, and not out of obligation...

And finally,

fourth plus long-term relationships is that... man just really, this woman LOVES. Because men are not only able to change, to spare the money and litter on the carpet! And sometimes that love from their partner due to the fact that for many years the man gives close contact with one woman. And tells her about his love... But then all the more, why not get married?!!

Dare to be responsible for the majority of men: a woman does not want. At least she him so she said, I swear! When they started "life together". He was telling her something about the feeling of independence, and she has a sweet smile was convinced, saying, don't worry, dear, live and without printing, I'm so with you well... However, since then much water has flowed under the bridge, but unless something has changed? So why impose favorite so hateful to her marriage?

This is the kind of honest confessions.


Belarusian women's portal

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