The hula Hoop was officially invented by Dr. Richard Carrom in 1958. But this idea was borrowed, and the hula-Hoop was a descendant of bamboo hoops for rotation long before its appearance. In the tombs of ancient Egyptians found the hoops, buried together with other household utensils, Greek vases depicted flights with shells, like hoops, which the Greeks made from vines. In England hoops for rotation were known at the time of Shakespeare and was very popular.
What a hula-Hoop to choose
Let's start with the choice of model. Since then, as first appeared hoops for practicing at home or in the gym, the original model has undergone many changes and variations, and you can now select the following types of hula-chupov:
- The usual Hoop is made of iron or polyethylene, is relatively easy because of the emptiness inside.
- Foldable Hoop (Health Hoop) - technical characteristics is more common, more convenient to store at home, as it can be folded twice or even four times.
Hoop with weighting - this projectile weighs about 2 kg, when it is turning more effort is required, therefore, you burn more calories and actively train the waist and hips. Also provides a massaging effect - the first two kinds too easy for this result.
- Hula-Hoop with massaging elements (Massage Hoop) On the inner perimeter of the Hoop placed rubber balls (usually 35 pieces) that during the execution of the torque exercises actively massage the area of the waist and hips and provide the acupuncture vozdeistvie on the active points of this area.
- Gymflextor (complexer) - universal wrap-trainer from heavyduty reinforced rubber with nephalem for pumping air up to 10 bar). Is used as a fitness trainer for training the major muscle groups.
How to deal with a hula Hoop
The exercise technique with simple Hoop. You do not need to engage with the instructor in order to learn all the exercises. All you need is enough free space to practice, so that when the maximum amplitude of the rotations of the Hoop you did not touch any pieces of furniture. The main recommendations for classes:
Starting position - stand straight, feet shoulder width apart with the weight raspredele on the whole foot, the socks are deployed from each groomsman. Hoop grab and hold at waist level.
- Begin the exercise will release the Hoop and give it a spin in a circular motion of the waist and hips. Should work your entire body from neck to knees.
- Continue to rotate - don't let the abdominal muscles, waist, hips relax: they must be uniformly strained throughout the workout.
- Select the intensity - it should not be thought that the rotation of the hula-Chuppah will be beneficial for your body, if you will do a thousand approaches once a month. If you are limited on time, can work only in the evening, when tired - it is better to make fewer spins, but do regularly 3-5 times a week for 5-10 minutes!
- Observe caution - do not overload the muscles during the critical days of pregnancy, immediately after delivery. About the possibility of a practice Hoop during pregnancy and after childbirth you should consult with supervising physician. Also needs to be clarified at the doctor the opportunity to study and selection of hula-Chuppah after various injuries of the back, legs, neck.
Be vigilant and will not harm your health!
What is the use of the hula Hoop
- Has a beneficial effect on the heart and respiratory system, constant training with controllable load will strengthen the heart muscle and improve lung ventilation.
- Is an excellent addition to any system for weight management - when properly balanced diet, the intake of all essential vitamins and microelemental, exercise with Hoop to achieve and maintain optimal weight.
- Rotational motion perfectly affect your vestibular system.
Not only simulates the shape, but thanks to the massage effect, a positive effect on the condition of the skin in the affected area, helps to get rid of cellulite.
Thus, it is possible to recommend lessons with hula Hoop for everyone to do at home to improve health and control figure! The wrap is easy to use, convenient to store and transport, does not require hours of exercise or presence of the instructor in order to begin to benefit.
Maxy Baby
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