Any trip in the company of his child should begin with a clear understanding of where and why you ride. Here are some recommendations.
How to go from winter to summer" with infants, cannot be and speeches. Such changes no matter impact on the adult organism, let alone children! The best time to holiday by the sea with baby - summer and autumn. For acclimatization baby will take time, remember this. And that trip was useful, it should last at least two to three weeks. Not worth looking at exotic country: wait until the baby grows. Better pay attention to European resorts, where the climate and natural conditions are not too different from the Russian ones.
Choosing a hotel, probe, whether not too it is very noisy. Don't forget to ask about the child's infrastructure: what is the situation with children's pool, Playground and Babysitting services. Just as important will be the availability of chairs with high backs, baby cot and a special menu in the restaurant.
Usually in the travel agencies are willing to tell about hotels for "family friendly": it is a quiet, relaxing hotel, usually located in remote places and on the first line from the sea. The beach you need sand and with the ability to hide from the scorching sun. It should present canopies, umbrellas or vegetation. The descent to the sea should be smooth, so that the child could make himself go in the water, if he already knows how to walk.
From what you first see the sea from your child, it depends for its future on its performance, as well as your peace of mind and mood during the holidays.
Madly want to see the sea, despite the fact that you just set in the hotel? Do not do this, because the baby probably very tired during the flight or trip, so he could scare the sound of the waves and the "big water".
If the kid refuses to go into the water, do not force it! Standing in the surf strip, show how waves are selected to the legs, saintereso it with warm water. After a day or two the child will be comfortable and will make friends with the sea. And hygienic problem solve special panties diapers for swimming.
Of course, first of all the documents. Biometric passports to the right person since birth. Going to a foreign resort, take care of it in advance. Of course, you can write the baby in his passport, but only if he's a normal, 63 series. But better still arrange for the child's own document, because then he can travel not only with parents but also with their grandparents.
If you are travelling alone, you and your baby, do not forget to establish the consent of the spouse to take the child abroad. Do any of the notary in the presence of passports of both parents and birth certificates crumbs.
In order to check in don't knock the legs in search of pharmacies and supermarkets with baby goods, everything necessary for the baby it is better to think in advance. And don't forget the children's first aid kit! It must be antipyretics, antihistamines and antiseptic agent, activated carbon and special medicines, if your child takes them. Definitely bring sunscreen with maximum protection and ointment for sunburn just in case. Better choose simple over-the-counter medications with them, no problems at customs inspection.
If the baby is fed breast milk, the problem with food is solved. But if the baby is bottle-fed or already receiving complementary foods, take care of the power needs of the house.
Feeds, which are used to kid, puree in cans, instant porridge - all you need to bring at least the first time. The child may not accept unfamiliar food, and local food can easily cause allergies. Don't forget about your favorite dishes and the nipple: this is important for your baby!
Wash the baby things you will likely need to manually, so packing a proven detergent does not hurt. Disposable diapers typically are sold everywhere, but a few pieces in the road better grab.
Small inflatable pool is a very handy thing, if you're going on vacation with your baby. In the Luggage it does not take much space, and the rest will serve as the arena and, of course, the safest "body of water" for the baby. The individual will be fun assembling and filling the pool with water.
The airport is a simple activity, but not when in the hands of a child. It has its own nuances.
For example, calling a taxi, be sure to probe, whether the machine is equipped with child seat. If the taxis do not have such services, the chair can take, and at the airport to pass into the storage chamber. Ideally, if you with your baby will take a friend or relative.
On most flights baby strollers are permitted to bring on Board. At the entrance you will give it to the flight attendant, and he will take her to the end of the salon. But on some flights have to take the Luggage at once, for this stroller, you need to pack. If the stroller is still necessary to pass, the child can be transported in the sling if it is not sitting, or in a special carrier.
Lightweight buggies are usually allowed to carry on Board, but it is best to check beforehand that nothing could spoil your trip.
So, the Luggage is handed over, all registration procedures are completed, and the kid was kind of hungry. In this case the bag that will be with you in your hand Luggage should be all that is necessary. With mashed potatoes and cereals problems will not arise, but with the liquid can: don't forget that allowed not more than 100 ml
Warm water in the mixture can be asked in any cafe or flight attendants.
As a rule, at many airports there are rooms for mothers and babies, where you can wait for a delayed flight or heat up food for the baby: there is a shower, toilet and changing table.
Diaper changes will not cause trouble, if the hand is wet wipes, disposable diaper and a fresh diaper.
In the plane often lays the ears during takeoff and landing. Adults in this case handing out candy but don't forget: with you baby. He keeps the bottle with warm water. In advance, ask for warm water, hostess.
The flight went well, and now you've landed. Customs come in without a queue: in many countries, this privilege allows the presence of the child. Upon arrival at the hotel immediately ugovori housekeeping rooms. And baby equipment - cot, highchair, necessarily, treating antiseptic wipes or gel.
Successful holiday!
Women's Magazine
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