What is mastitis?
The breast is a benign changes in the breast tissue, a condition in which they are sealed unevenly. The main symptom of mastitis is, as already mentioned, breast tenderness for a few days before menstruation, growing up from cycle to cycle. Most often, this disease affects women aged 25 to 45 years.
Another striking symptom of mastitis is well-defined on the touch seals and nodules of different size, shape and consistency. May also appear pink or dark red discharge from the nipple, and the darker the selection, the greater the likelihood of precancerous lesions or other serious pathologies of the breast.
If the breast is already running order, when palpable nodules pain may be given in the arm or shoulder, and regardless of the menstrual cycle to touch the chest becomes impossible. It is clear that such better not to lead, because just like any other disease, breast better treatable in the early stages.
Causes of mastitis
Causes of mastitis are not yet finalized, but one of the main factors are the so-called "hormonal swings". With the onset of puberty they are started and stopped only after some time after menopause. Fluctuations such "swing" depends on many internal and external factors. The inner can be attributed to the imbalance of sex hormones and hormones of the thyroid gland, usually resulting in pathologies of the thyroid gland, the ovaries, adrenal glands, liver, and various endocrine diseases such as diabetes.
External factors we provide for themselves. First of all this is, of course, abortion. After fertilization, the female body begins to actively prepare to childbearing, childbirth and breastfeeding, completely changing hormones. Abortion is not only infanticide, but also stressful for the female body, which can't go unnoticed. Moreover, the probability of mastitis increases several times, if a girl made the first abortion at the age of 16-17 years. But early in 20-25 years - pregnancy and subsequent childbirth can protect a woman not only from mastitis, but also from breast cancer!
Also important is breastfeeding. The risk of mastitis is greatly increased if the woman aborts the milk immediately after birth or breastfeeding less than 3 months. In addition, the long break in sexual life can also cause the development of mastitis.
It is also important hereditary factor, in particular, the presence of benign and malignant tumors with relatives on the maternal line. Also it is well known that female hormones affected by stress, nervousness and depression, because women are much more emotional than men, they are sensitive to respond to personal problems and conflicts. They have more frequent nervous breakdowns, sleep disorders, exhaustion of the nervous system, and all of these reasons can also cause mastitis.
Stress is a powerful factor contributing to the development of diseases of the female reproductive system, they cause hormonal disruptions and General imbalance of the body. And, of course, not to mention the injuries of breast, even insignificant. Crowded buses and slimming underwear pose a serious threat to the delicate female breast!
In most cases, the breast can be diagnosed independently. Undress to the waist, stand directly in front of the mirror, arms along the body, relax. Take a good look in the mirror on his chest. Breasts should be symmetrical, although a small asymmetry is quite acceptable, correct form, of the same size. The nipples of the Breasts, and the lower edge of the breast should be at the same level. A pleasing symmetry should be preserved as when lowered his hands and raised up.
You should be alerted to any changes in the skin of the mammary glands: swelling, redness, presence of bulges or depressions. After visual inspection start palpation standing or lying down, as you wish. If the breast is large, it is easier to palpate both hands from the nipple to the periphery. Strongly do not push! You should alert the following symptoms: change the consistency of the nipple, nipple discharge, presence of seals inside the breast.
At the conclusion of the inspection do not forget to check the status of the lymph nodes in the armpit, neck and the supraclavicular fossae. Upon detection of any of the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Based on your complaints, the doctor will prescribe you a breast ultrasound, mammography, blood tests to determine hormone levels and other tests, and then formulate a treatment system.
The breast itself is not life-threatening, although some doctors consider it to be a precancerous condition. However, the breast gets worse over time, which can cause severe pain and the need for surgical intervention. Treatment of mastitis should be aimed at eliminating the causes of hormonal imbalance in the body.
There are hormonal and non-hormonal methods of treatment of mastitis. This means regulating the activity of the thyroid gland, and oral contraceptives as drugs, regulating menstrual cycle, useful vitamins and medicines that support and improve liver function. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe homeopathic remedies such as EDAS or Mastodinon".
To facilitate States in mastitis can be recommended "folk" remedies, herbalism, hirudotherapy. However, self-medication to deal with very dangerous: deciding, for example, to reduce the swelling of mammary glands using diuretics, you may unwittingly contribute to the increase of cysts in the Breasts. So before you try the next tip mothers or girlfriends, consult with a specialist.
In the early stages of breast disease responds well to conservative treatment, running in the same conditions, you may need to resort to surgical methods: puncture of cysts or even removal of the affected part of the breast. By the way, when mastitis pregnancy is not only harmless, but even desirable: there were cases when women wynosi and vicrmin breastfed baby, completely got rid of this nasty disease. The child would "cure" her.
It is known that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In the case of mastitis it would be good to follow some simple rules. For starters, if you care about the health of their Breasts, avoid tight bras and push-UPS with metal "bones". Such bras disturb the blood circulation in the breast and lead to microtrauma.
It is useful also to give up Smoking, excessive consumption of coffee, chocolate, strong tea, pickles, marinades, fatty foods. Include in your diet a sufficient amount of iodine, fiber, fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about sports and healthy sleep.
And make it a rule to attend yearly breast physician for a routine inspection. As a rule, the last advice we neglect the effect of employment - which is really no secret - banal laziness, but in vain. If you manage to catch the disease early, treatment is not as long. The female breast is tender body, responsive to the state of our health, and possibly contacting a specialist, we will be able to timely diagnose not only unpleasant mastopathy, but something more serious disease.
Stogniew M
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