"And I'll understand all in the eyes..."
1. Eyes watch!
First of all, you can see the deception in his eyes, which, as you know, the mirror of the soul. Remember the popular stereotype that the alleged liar never looks in the eye? In memory immediately servile the phrase POPs up police workers: "eyes to see! "
Now - forget about it. Potential deceiver knows this trick, so it will be hard to staring at you. Among lgunishek this technique is called "watch honest eyes". Admit it, you haven't once resorted to this stratagem, looking at the hapless gentleman the eyes of a fawn, Bambi (i.e. opening them in half face) and "filling" that can't go to the cinema, because the night is busy. But there is one nuance that will issue head - on voltage liar will often often be blinking. Incidentally, this fact was proved by agents of the U.S. national security after numerous interrogations. Was promorgali, what can I say!
2. Step to the left...
The eyes are capable of something else to give during the test of honesty. Mentally divide his opinion on three levels: upper, middle and lower. It's simple: your opponent looks up, straight ahead or lowered eyes down". Asking the provocative question, in the first few seconds follow the direction of gaze and know - how only looked to the left lied. Know why there is such "dependence" on the left side? The fact that our emotions and imagination controls the right hemisphere of the brain, but according to the law of nature communications management overlap, and as a result all you think about, reflected on the left side of the face. And now about this more.
The top-level view is responsible for visual information. The right angle - it's a real visual images, memories, things that people have actually seen, and left - all from the realm of the fictional. And when the question of annoying you a fan of girlfriends "yesterday You met with Andrew? " she looks to the left, you can be sure she's lying. See, even if he swears otherwise.
The average level
is the so - called auditory area. Right that was heard of your "subjects" in reality, but the left is from the realm of fantasy". In General, the principle is the same: "Ivan Ivanovich, chief really praised my project at yesterday's meeting? " A quick glance to the right and the answer is: "Yes, the feedback was very flattering". Well, feel free to take it at face value.
The lower level. And here is a bit more difficult, "in the basement" look inhabits information about emotions. It may not be unrealistic, however, if in the right corner, there are true feelings, what people believe than "lives and breathes", then left the crowd of doubts and fears. And if the question that the other person feels for you (any other entity or phenomenon), he looks down and left - looking, as if to smulevici. Alas, sincere answer is better not to wait.
"He who has an ear, let him hear..."
You don't have all the time to closely observe the direction of gaze of someone suspected of lying. Listen to his speech - the words and the voice you will discover whether you can trust the other person.
1. Needless detail...
First, there is reason to be suspicious, if your question is "comrade" is responsible surprising detail, and the event that you are interested in, happened not an hour and not a week ago, and, as they say, is "the past". So, people knew that "foggy" the works of that period will be of interest, so I've prepared the soil, having acquittal history and tightly memorizing its every nuance. This feature know the investigators, therefore skeptical of overly detailed indications of suspected (and other actors) regarding questionable moment.
To be sure, lead the experiment, asking a friend (not "guilty") to explain how he spent last weekend in what is called the "minute". Surely "experimental" is confused in his narrative, which is quite understandable - if you have nothing to hide, what to remember, in that hour he went out to the store and when I saw him a colleague? But if you ask a boyfriend, fidelity which you have doubts, as he spent the evening two weeks ago (when he cancelled a date supposedly because of an important meeting, you will hear a detailed account of his impeccable behavior, however, can appear are entirely strangers, and to check the validity of words will have no chance. Disingenuous, that's certain!
2. Not my!
"Homo sapiens" is so arranged that a lie is uncomfortable for them the state, so they try to guard against it. It is so deceiving, the man is trying to distance himself from the situation he describes. For example, he calls you and says that today's trip to the cinema breaks, as broke the computer, and he is waiting for the wizard. "Legend" will sound like "that fucking piece of iron again broke! " And the truth: "my computer is broken again". You feel the difference? Lies man tries to avoid the words "I", "my", "me".
On the same principle deceiver prefers not to mention the name of the person that he is lying. A famous example is bill Clinton during testimony about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. He never called her "Monica" or "Miss Lewinsky", stubbornly insisted (to the delight of the psychologists): "I did not Have sexual relations with that woman".
3. When sums voice
In a stressful situation (and to tell the truth - too stress) we can summarize the voice. Inexperienced liar risks "to give the rooster, to break the falsetto. And yet, according to psychologists, liar "without experience", caught off guard by the sudden question, talking quietly, often with a conciliatory smile. So, if the voice of the person questioned, suddenly soared to the top of the register or, on the contrary, the person squeaking like a mouse - it is unclean.
Body as a lie detector
There is a good invention as a lie detector. The principle of its action is based on the fact that "the process lies in man quickens the pulse and sweating increases. The device is undoubtedly useful, but in everyday life difficult to apply would not you check the "subject" pulse and blot his forehead with his napkin on the subject of high humidity. But you can emotions "to read face, and first assistant in a smile. A real smile (that about which we speak "from the heart") is symmetric, appears quickly and melts slowly. Fake smile, on the contrary, appears slowly, soon fades and "slightly skewed".
Another "lie detector" on the face - the nose. The fairy Pinocchio he had property to grow, as only revived Palance was made to "fill in". So here we are susceptible to this quality! When the "crown of creation" nature lies under the influence of adrenaline to his face surging blood, and the nose increases in size, although the "gain" is able to detect only the microscope. And yet it does not go unnoticed - fibber feels delicate herbs on the nose and touches him. Of course, by unfortunate coincidence, the person may simply zacheshetsya nose, but to distinguish these movements (touch and, sorry, intense scratching) you are quite capable.
Another sign of raging doubt" - touch person. American specialist on relations and author of "body Language" Alan Pease argues that people in General tend to touch a person in the moment when they are lying because they are subconsciously trying to "close your mouth, eyes and ears from the word "abomination". In early childhood, kids instinctively clamped his mouth when lying. Growing up, we do not, for example, touch your chin or corner of the mouth cherubim earlobe.
The most obvious gesture of lies - hand covers her mouth, the thumb is pressed to the cheek, as it sends the signal to contain spoken words. Next rubbing century. Men lie RUB the eyelid very vigorously, and we, ladies, delicately hold your finger under the eye. And watch out, if your partner pulls his shirt, he tells a lie or suspects that his deception is revealed.
However you will not become known and if the partner is "closed", that is, took a defensive or negative attitude. The most universal "closed" position - crossing arms. However, this gesture can mean peace of mind and confidence, but only if the conversation is not of a controversial nature. And anyway, watch the hands "suspect". Clenched fist or folded "house", his fists at chin - attention, now would be a task with many unknowns".
Catch up...
And finally a bitter pill: some comrades to catch in a lie is almost impossible. It is likely that deception will remain unsolved if "client":
- has solid experience in part "hanging noodles on your ears", that is, the deceiver with experience;
- for your trouble, have a good memory on the details of his catch;
- smart, quick-witted, has a fast response and a rich imagination and also a born actor and orator;
"that's a lie without any benefit for themselves;
- does this professionally, that is familiar with the special techniques of recognition lies.
Semenov, Yu
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