The boy asked the sun:
- Honey, you ever seen the darkness?
"No, " answered the sun, " I have never seen.
- I want, I'll show you, " said the boy. I know one basement, where it is always very dark.
"Yes, " answered the sun, " this is interesting.
The boy and the sun went down in the basement.
The boy opened the door, the sun lit up the basement and asked:
- And where is the darkness?
Who raised the berry?
Once the girl found in the grass red bell berry, ate it, and said:
- Thank you, Mr berry, that has treated me.
- Why don't you say thank you? he heard a thin voice.
"Oh, who is it? - frightened girl.
- I water, I watered your berry that she grew big very big.
And I forgot to say thank you, " boomed a thick voice.
- Who says such a thick voice? - the girl was surprised.
- I am the earth, I fed your berry that was sweet preslatkog.
- Me too, no one said thank you, " came a booming voice.
"Who are you? - she asked in response.
- I am the sun, I was warming up your berry that she was a beautiful red.
- Thanks to all of you: you, the water, and you, the earth, and you, honey, for what has grown for me, the red, big and sweet berry, " she said cheerfully and ran home.
And the water, the earth and the sun again began to work and raised a lot of new berries, apples and nuts. And what else have they grown, guess himself?!
A wonderful gift
Planted Mama in the garden at the cottage a small branch. Saw the boy twig and asks:
- Why do you grow here?
To apples for you to grow, " says the branch.
- You can't do apples grow. They grow on Apple trees, large tree does not believe the boy.
The following year, again the boy came into the garden, and sprigs nowhere to be found. Grows in its place a small tree, the higher its growth. Asks him boy:
- Tree, you have not seen here little twigs?
- I am, ' replies the tree. "You did not recognize me, because I grew up with.
"Why do you grow faster than me? "wondered the boy.
"I want you soon apples to treat - meets tree.
"You're taller than me, but still you don't like the big Apple, again, did not believe the boy.
Another year has passed. The boy came back with his mother in the garden, and small trees nowhere to be found. Grows in its place a young tree that is taller than mom. Asks him boy:
Tree, have you seen a tree?
- I am, " replies the young tree, " look, I have a gift for you - three pink flower.
- Can I pick? - asked the boy.
- If you tear, you will not receive another wonderful gift, " said a young tree.
The boy really wanted to get a new wonderful gift, and he did not touch the flowers.
When the petals of the flowers showered, they have been replaced by solid green balls. They did not like the boy, and he ceased to come to the young tree.
One day in late summer, the mother called the boy in the garden and says:
"Look, son, that we our young tree was given.
The boy looks and sees: instead of solid green balls hang three large red Apple.
- Where do they come from, mother? "wondered the boy.
- Guess himself, the boy who raised you this wonderful gift, " mom said.
The tale of Sunny Bunny
Woke up in the morning sun, washed under the shower and looked down on the city. All there is in order. The city was all right. The house stood, the cars were moving, adult hurried Affairs, the kids played.
Watched the sun on the forest. In the forest, too, was all right. Trees, birds sing, and beasts in the forest ran.
Watched the sun on the meadow and saw the mess. The hares fun in the meadow grass plucked and one sat in the grass and wept.
"Why are you crying? asks sun Bunny.
"I was born blind, my eyes are always closed and not see the light. So I am very sad, " says Bunny.
The sun caressed sad Bunny rays warmed his warmth. Calmed down he told the sun his story.
Once I got to the people. They lived in a big house and often said, "you Need to turn on the light". I asked grandpa what light. He gave me a cold long subject and said that this candle. At the top of the candle was a hot spark, and I have burnt my foot.
Then I asked my dad, what is light. He gave me all hot item and said it was the lamp, but I only burned his nose.
I asked the boy what light. He did in the yard of the fire. Sticks and twigs become so hot that it burned my ears.
"I'll turn you into a sunbeam? asked sun.
"Of course I want, " answered the little rabbit.
The sun stretched out his beam to the rabbit, he jumped on him and he became light.
Since then, Sunny Bunny helps anyone looking for a light.
Can't a boy in the forest mushroom found: dark under a Bush, nothing is visible. Jump Sunny spot under a Bush, and the fungus is immediately.
Long sleeping girl, will not Wake up. Don't want the eyes to open. Warm Sunny Bunny eyes girls, and they will immediately open.
Sunny Bunny and will help you if you call him.
Good cloud
Good cloud - tales for the most Malankara mother said to the boy:
Rather dress. Today the sun is shining, and we'll go out.
But then the sky seemed to cloud, and the mother decided:
"No, stay at home, suddenly the rain.
The boy was mad at cloud and said angrily:
"Go to heaven. Thou I walk in the way.
The cloud descended lower, looked in the window to the boy and said:
- I want the sky to walk? I myself will go.
The boy was very happy, he opened the window and jumped on the cloud.
Swam boy on a cloud above the roofs of houses, on the streets, over machines.
Hears all they ask:
- Wash us rather, the cloud. We dust covered, and the rain hasn't arrived yet.
"Good, " said cloud, and poured all a little rain.
Shone the roofs of houses, streets and cars. Clean steel.
For the city field. The cloud floated over the field, and the boy saw a lot of yellow spikelets.
- Pour us rather, the cloud - rustled ears. Without rain we can't grow the seeds. Without seeds people have bread and porridge.
"Okay, " agreed the cloud, and poured ears medium rain.
Raised ears up Golden head, and the seeds in them grew and grew.
And the cloud flew away. The field was a pond.
- Pour me more water, cloud, " said pond. - I had completely dried up. My fish without water can't breathe and swim.
"Okay, " agreed the cloud.
Then went this heavy rain, the pond was filled to the brim. Fish was delighted and began to swim, and frogs Zakataly funny songs. Only the cloud became small. It says to the boy:
- It's time to return until I'm not melted.
Returned the boy home, and mother said to him:
The rain ended, again the sun is shining and you can go for a walk.
"I know, I was flying on a cloud and saw the rain all helped, " replied the boy.
- Is it possible to fly on a cloud? It is fluffy and looks like smoke, didn't believe mom.
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