"Do not forget that I am a woman"
"I recently experienced quite a severe break with a man and now not ready to build any relationship. But as you know, without male attention woman languishes and fades, so I don't deny yourself the pleasure to be surrounded by admirers.
One of them, the most persistent and married, became a leader and now periodically meets me with work, invites to dinners and giving flowers. This allows me not forget that I am a woman and that I am worthy of love. I don't see in these relations perspective, but I think that as a temporary measure, this option can be considered". Maria, 27 years
"On its own"
"In 27 years I realized that it's time to give birth to a child. The man she loved at that moment I was not, but was a great friend, with whom we occasionally had sex. His name was Vadim, he had a family, so we did not meet often, but each of our date we both had a lot of fun. I decided that he was the most suitable candidate for the role of the father of my unborn child.
When Vadim learned about the pregnancy, he said that it is not ready to change something in his life: he already has a son, wife, and in the second set he doesn't need. I replied that I was not going to ask to marry and that he only helps me to fulfill my biological program. He calmed down and said he would take care of everything related to Finance. By the time she was born Dasha, I had my apartment, medical insurance (for yourself and the child) and the full confidence that I will provide.
Now Vadim, as before, continue to meet. This option arranges all: the child understands that he is the father, the father is not worried that he will hurt to live a usual life, and I'm happy that I don't need hysterically to seek work and to give the girl the nurse. In short, I myself mistress and I am very happy that everything turned out this way". Elena, 32
"All the best to me! "
"I like to be mistress. I see adultery as an ideal form of relationship between men and women. After all they don't spoil any domestic squabbles, no washing socks, no mandatory cooking dinner... It's like a marriage, from which he removed all superfluous and unnecessary: we have time together, making love to travel, but don't lose our individuality and not suppress each other.
I look at couples, and I'm scared by how much it changes people family life! They are locked into their own little world, becoming interested in some small issues, swear because of the stupid and fight for the leadership. Don't want to stand in their orderly rows! Even if it sounds selfish, but I want to get flowers and gifts, and wives may remain family squabbles, budget planning and endless Laundry and cooking". Faith, 26 years.
"I do not have before him any obligations"
"I don't like when I connect any obligations. I'm not sure that love is one and for life, and I don't think I ever marry and be faithful to your faithful. Every time I start Dating a man, understand that regular sex with one partner is absolutely not for me. Just a couple of months I'm starting to want something new, I go on about my weakness, and men most to put up with it not ready.
But I found a way! My current man calmly looks at all my adventures taking place on the side. And all because he leads a similar lifestyle. He is married, but the marriage did not give him the sense of freedom and permissiveness, so he periodically gets due on the side that give it the necessary range of feelings and sensations. So he understands me and my desires". Alina, 23 years.
"Not otherwise"
"It's eleven years I meet with a married man. During this time, I no longer perceive their situation as unusual or beyond the limits of decency. I believe that in our case simply could not be otherwise: we met half a month before his wedding, and he felt that he could not throw a pregnant bride at the altar. We madly love each other, but he was forced to live for two families, because he can not leave his wife and daughter, who, in fact, innocent.
At first I thought the world turned upside down: I always dreamed of a normal strong family, and received the most perverted version of it. Cheating has always been for me a terrible sin, but when we had to choose between love and principles, I chose to abandon the last." Tatiana, 32 years.
"Leaped living research interest"
"Man I changed. I thought I will not survive this betrayal, but after some time gradually started to feel better. I had fans, and among them was the guy who already lived a long time with his girlfriend. I looked at him and realized that I want to try yourself in the role of mistress. I want to understand what it is to sleep and to meet with a man who does not belong to you. Rose up in me living research interest, seasoned with a good dose of revenge: I wanted other women also suffered from the fact that in the lives of their men there was another.
It was a very exciting novel. I don't know what it was more revenge or true passion. He lied to his wife that he was forced to remain on the job, and he at that time was lying in my bed. I reveled in the triumph and as he washed away the hurt and pain that I caused my ex with his new girlfriend.
It is logical that these relations have been exhausted very quickly. When I got fed up with feeling of self-government, this specific man stopped me interested. Now I think that my behavior was too hard, but I realized that I never intend mistress. And you know why? Because of this relationship is a shame, but not for himself, but for a man who quite deliberately deceiving one another, and perhaps even unknown to you a woman who is waiting for him and loves". Oksana, 25 years.
"I found love and comfort"
"Recently I met a real Man. Such what was waiting for all my life. He is strong and smart and behaves like a fairy Prince, I dreamed. Unfortunately, in my dreams I did not realize one thing - that my hero can be married.
From the first meeting it became about me to care. I have never felt so loved and happy. We are ideally suited to each other in bed, and together we have so much fun. We can discuss everything and anything from each other, not hiding. The most important thing is I almost never feel that he is married: we'll see each other at any time, and he will never come nervous SMS, after which he jumped up and ran home. His wife is constantly on the move, rarely in Moscow, so no problems with his "double life" no.
Recently he asked me to move closer to his work so that we could often be seen, and, of course, I did not refuse, especially as it is located in the city centre. What will happen next, I don't know, but today is absolutely fine by me: I love a beautiful man, live a very comfortable life and I hope that in the future everything will be solved". Margarita, 25 years.
Belobrova M
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