Thursday, May 29, 2014

Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart diseaseHeart disease - a disease in which the important thing is not to lose time. As early identified heart disease, when treatment is started, how long you want to spend surgery is the answer to these questions often depend on the child's life. Diagnosed with heart disease should encourage parents to immediate clarification of all details of the disease and possible treatment.

In the ZHEK time really before the birth to take measures to reduce the risk of a child with congenital disorders.

Among all congenital anomalies in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) is one third. The mortality rate for this high - 15 babies on 10 thousand newborns.

To operate or not?

CHD occurs in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus due to improper formation of the heart and large vessels. As a rule, the presence of a congenital heart defect, pretty easy to install the child immediately after birth. Signs are noises in the region of the heart, paleness or blueness of the skin at rest or during exercise, easily resulting shortness of breath. If the child survives to old age, he usually less active, tired faster than healthy peers. Depending on the nature and severity of the defect, the disease may be different. In some cases, the presence of complex CHD incompatible with life without emergency surgery, and other violations of the minimum and you can live to old age without much complaints.

All EPS are divided into two groups - "pale" and "blue".

When the so-called "pale" the heart blood from the left heart gets in the right, where the pressure (in norm) is much lower. This leads to the overflow of a small circle of blood circulation (blood vessels of the lungs), the increase of pressure in it. Another group UPU is a blue heart defects. Here, on the contrary, there is nedorobotok through the vessels of the lungs and discharge of dark venous blood into the aorta through the defects partitions.

The most common of the "pale" defects - defects of the interventricular and interatrial septa of the heart, open arterial duct. From "blue" the most frequent transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, and some others.

When the same kind of Vice forecasts can be completely different. For example, with a slight defect of the interatrial or interventricular septum, the child may not feel any discomfort throughout his life. But if the defect is significant, can always occur pneumonia, which often leads to the development of endocarditis - destruction of internal membranes of the heart. Finally, if this defect is not the only problem with the heart, it creates a threat to life.

Unfortunately, once an appointment to see a cardiologist and find out that the child has a congenital heart defect, parents rarely make the next necessary step is a visit to the surgeon. Many examples of children for several years observed in local cardiologists, at that time, as they have long and urgently needs an operation. Thus, the main conclusion, which needs to be done - if you are diagnosed with heart disease need whatever it was to get to the heart surgeon, who, after the necessary methods to make a final decision whether in this case the operation.

Is it possible to prevent?

Why babies are born with a heart defect? Today it is possible to draw some conclusions about the causes of these fetal disorders. For example, identified a definite relationship between the formation of the UPU and that the parents have a genetic abnormality.

The heart is formed in the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, so it is important at this point to eliminate the adverse factors. Definitely dangerous rubella transferred by the mother in early pregnancy, to some extent, mumps and influenza. To avoid problems it is better to treat any existing infections, but also to exclude professional "harm", such as radiation or chemical exposure. To avoid medications that can cause abnormal development, such as anticonvulsants, estrogens, lithium salts. And of course, we must remember that regular consumption of alcohol, Smoking is also a chronic intoxication. Endocrine disorders, which are often the cause of excess weight and diabetes also increase the risk of delivering a baby with a heart defect.

How timely is it diagnosed?

Among the risk factors for CHD, of course, and heredity. This means that a pregnant woman having a particular heart defect (whether operated or not), should promptly undergo ultrasonic diagnosis. Heart disease is diagnosed from 16 weeks of pregnancy, although accurate, definite answer can be obtained, starting from 18-20 weeks. At this time, any pregnant woman should undergo ultrasound.

Prenatal diagnosis is not so simple, it requires modern equipment and, most importantly, the availability of a qualified physician, analyzing data. Unfortunately, these doctors are not so many high class specialists, who can understand the most difficult cases! However, ultrasound conducted in good diagnostic center, allows you to identify up to 95% of the various forms of heart disease - including those requiring intervention in the first hours and days of a child's life. Assessment of fetal status also allows you to raise the issue of how, when and in what conditions must occur delivery. Hence, one conclusion - the woman with suspected heart disease in the fetus should be directed to the clinic with modern equipment, to confirm or refute the diagnosis and - if necessary - pregnancy, surgery and nursing a newborn.

At an older age is the most informative and easy also remains the technique of ultrasound (echocardiography) of the heart. It is effective and, if necessary, the diagnosis of valvular heart disease, due to previous child sore throat, rheumatism, influenza. Using ultrasonic waves, it is possible to "see" the internal structure of the heart, the presence of defects in the walls, change the valves, other deviations from the norm. Frankly, such a survey would need to place each child under the age of 5 years. But since it is not included in the compulsory insurance program, parents should seek funds for this expensive procedure.

More detailed diagnostics involves performing electrocardiography, which can be used to determine the increase of various departments and heart rhythm disturbances. For each heart defect characterized by specific ECG changes. Next - chest x-ray, which shows changes in the blood vessels of the lungs, heart shaped, and much more.

In more complex cases, we have to resort to other, more complex methods of examination to which it relates cretonne and crenarchaeal sensing. In the heart and great vessels enter the probe, which measures the pressure in the cavities of the heart and introduced a special radiopaque substance. At this time, the movie was made in x-rays, resulting in shows detailed internal structure of the heart and great vessels.


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