That was a good morning, you need to meet him cheerfully!
The morning hours are the most important in human biorhythms. The body woke up and started its work. So that we with pleasure greeted each new day, use the five rules that will help you get your morning cheerfulness.
1. Wake up while
This does not mean that you have to get up early, because we don't all "larks". Waking up so as not to start the day in a hurry. Often the rise for 15 minutes before can turn hectic morning, threatening stress and delays in fairly calm and relaxed.
The best way to Wake up in time to go to bed on time. Yes, it is obvious, however, many often forget such simple things.
2. Eat healthy nutritious food for Breakfast
Many people know how important it is to eat in the morning, but it's still Breakfast neglect or do not eat it. If you want to lose weight, Breakfast will help.
Even if with the weight you have everything properly, the brain needs fuel in the morning. So eat Breakfast and get the energy you need for work. A good option can be oatmeal or other cereals from whole grains, cereals, eggs.
3. Plan your day
When you come to the office (or sit down at the Desk, if you work at home), do not be tempted to read personal e-mail, log in Sots. network, etc.
Instead, spend 5 minutes on the planning day. What are the main projects you wish to proceed? This is what I should improve in the first hour of the working day. What small, but urgent task, you must do today? Group them and do them all together or spread them through Windows, formed, while you, for example, waiting for a call.
4. Do not be distracted
When you are working on a critical task, do not switch on extraneous things. Close unnecessary browser Windows, redirect calls to voice mail, etc.
When you are distracted, it takes several minutes to re-focus on the main task. Thus you lose too much time on stupid things.
5. Keep the rhythm
Productivity will involve you in a great rhythm, if you remain concentrated: more work than time to do, the more energetic you feel. You will be inspired for new achievements and execution of important work (and not a simple routine and minor Affairs).
To keep the rhythm, learn to recognize and control their impulses. Do not be distracted by Twitter, Contact, and other network - leave this at lunchtime or evening. If you notice that you lose your concentration, take a 5 minute break not at the computer, then immediately go back to business. Remember that in most cases, focus on one task more efficient multi-tasking.
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