Some lucky ladies lucky and they get a wonderful, understanding and loving mother-in-law. However, for many women, unfortunately, mother-in-law becomes enemy number one. She constantly puts his nose into your husband works his biting commentary on how bad you run home and interfere in the upbringing of children. The reason of "mother-in-law - daughter-in-law" are often tense, lies on the surface: two women love the same man!
Proceeding from the above it follows one, most importantly, the rule create a good relationship with your mother in law - you must give her to understand that she will not lose her son with your arrival in his life. In the end, she was his mother and will always be part of life of your husband.
Divorce is not an option, since the husband is a good and wonderful! You will have a lot to work on in order to transform the adjusted against thee woman friend. Here are a few tips for those seeking to improve relations with the mother-in-law:
- Attend to what is happening with humor! Imagine that all unpleasant skirmishes between you and the mother-in-law are part of a trivial Comedy series "Pro-life", in which you play the main role. Laugh at myself over it and over yourself!
- Mother-in-law again, without your knowledge, has made changes to the interior of your home or Pereslavl clothes your husband? Well, you're less of a hassle! Do not treat this as a attack on your territory! Just relax and get pleasure from this uninvited help!
- If the mother in law going to criticize, try to switch her attention to something pleasant. For example, get your children and ask them to read to her memorized a poem, or ask about her interests, such as gardening or knitting). Porirua it attacks a friendly smile.
- Remember that confrontation will not lead to anything good. Most likely, she will hasten to inform his son about how you hurt his mother. So act wisely! Vypleskivaya accumulated negative side: the best therapy - sports. Your patience will be soon will be rewarded.
- Spend free time together - just you and it. This can be a walk in the Park, shopping or visiting the theatre. Give her the opportunity to know you better and understand what you want to have a happy family and do not intend to separate the son from the mother. During these walks rassprashival mother-in-law about her work, Hobbies, past... Let her feel that you could be friends!
- If the mother is configured openly hostile, ask her forehead, what exactly are you not satisfied (not only call, but with a naive misunderstanding"). Explain that you love her son and wish him the very best. However, this tactic carries some risk, because, in the absence of exposure on your part and the presence of aggression-in-law, may cause you to retaliatory harassment. Try to avoid this!
- Be patient and not expect instant results. Sometimes, to win the favor of his mother, takes years. My friend Marina went at it for 20 years! Think about whether your marriage such efforts?
For many years your husband was the center of life of another woman - his mother. Possibly with the birth of their own children, you'll understand (or already knew), what drives your mother-in-law and what is the fear she feels, knowing that the life of her son in the lead roles have included another woman who has the power to keep communicating with her mother to a minimum. Don't forget also that equal chances to ruin your husband's relationship is, and the mother-in-law. You never know which side in a conflict situation will take a man, his wife or mother. Therefore, get wisdom and try to build a good relationship with your mother in law. Even if all your attempts to establish world will crash your husband will never be able to accuse you that you have not done everything possible!
She Said A.
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